GV needs some architecture upgrade, more new people coming, and sometimes it looking like a delegation of the lords visited a junkyard at the nowhere (people still thinking Toulan haven't stuff to do!)
1. Anyone saw the fortress walls from which is impossible to shoot? walls.jpg
And the wooden walls aint looks like good defence against 200 lvl Thawrs invading us every month

There is a cool examples of arabian ancient style architecture like
this, we could make it all of Aqeeq

2. Why Hakim.jpg lives on the top of the city on a big massive fundament but in tiny hut? It's a perfect place for round arabian styled hookah-bar! GTranslate tells me hookah in arabi is - الشيشة / alshiysha
3. So, the Nadira, the teacher of the crafters, who probably able to do marvelous decorative things , which is have very high value in a deep cold space lives in tiny كوخ kukh ? As Stanislavskiy told "I DONT BELIEVE!" (in context of actors role playing)
Yes, if you google "ancient arabian houses" you'll see something quite similar.
But if we switch house to "palace" in request we'll see marvelous things like
and also designer should keep in mind - most of buildings on photo could be decorated and painted as ancient greek statues was, when they was new. So i think Nadira and her neighbors also deserve some small-sized palaces decorated with Nadiras masterpiece she modestly hang at her kukh entrance
4. This barn.jpg could be also restyled in stone and have some useful space in it, like may b for beauty saloon .
5. And the mall.jpg! We should have marvelous arabian style mall instead of this 3 old buildings
Afaik trading is kinda sport for eastern people and i even knew some of them RL and learned a lot.
So we could have there one big wide palace , may b even few floors, may b even with some tiny booths with a few-pads space for skilled players who have shops on another planets, and would like to bring some their exotic planetary goods for us , also if this spaces could be took in rent for some misral/month - would be also nice, we have apprentice crafters here who could unite in socs and teams for supplying big crafters in wholesale amounts via just 1-2 shoopkeepers .
6. And now some non-architecture thing , probably Troll Ganja Plant as decorative came from rocktropia or smth like this.
6.1 Their textures are soo cringy, the plants looks weak, like when under heavy lack of light , and their leafs look unnormal and mutilated by mutations .
6.2 No any ingame use for em , but it's ancient plant always was fully recycled by every civilization was on our Earth planet.
Every vascular life form is a giant network of connected biofactories which recycling efi is kinda perfected grade ones
And this is a traveling one, and this plant able to travel so far accross the Earth because thier biofactories are producing a widest range of defensife secondary metabolites allows pollen to fly a thousands of kilometers and keeping seeds alive for decades.
So i invented a proper version of this plant to such planet of culture as Toulan:
Meet the CanNaw'is / القنب / alqunb
Designers can proceed playing with names of medical plant and Nawa
The plant coold look like normal healthy medical plant.jpg adapted to hot dry dusty climate by developing massive leaves to eat that sun and make sphere of comfy humidity same time. Afaik it comes from Afghani landrace, but they're very very ancient, and was also discovered in Asia.
The symbyosis of massive traveling plant and unlimited energy potential of Nawa could provide us cool ingame stuff to play with:
1) Nawa Affected Plant - by symbiosis with nawa energy it could provide any desirable microclimate for itself and roots able to detonate tiny nawa veins in Nahar Rocks to reach the water heat and oxygen through em .
Leafs color depends in which climate part of toulan plant was respawned but always covered with nawa veins, streaks, or pigments like when it have chlorosis , but with nawa color.
1.1 So how it should be respawned?
Well it will be a bit complicated but fun and enough emm... biomimicrical?.
By Nawa Affected Seeds - to keep the seeds falling from Nahar Rocks down on icy coasts seeds causing tiny nawa detonation when applying some kinetic energy on it, so it digs in depths to the ground and grow's the Root Core
Nawa Affected Seed is basicaly ammo, primal seed could be traded in Nahar Labs for misral or something like this.
1.2 Another plants parts
1.2.1 A stem - could be ladder like with wood . Thin/Average/Huge or something like this. Crafting material like wood stuff.
1.2.2. Nawa Affected Leafs Pile - crafted/refined with another stuff to make medical ointments and gels of external application , could be as consumable for buffs as detil for crafting specific FAPs or plates.
1.2.3 Root Core - mine location where you chopped plant (like tree, just with axe) - and try to earn root core - could be used to make furniture, like corners in wicker furniture or even, with a proper angle - a whole throne made of roots.
1.2.4 Nawa Affected Flower - could be also in some rarity ladder and used in top-end recipes very rare ones to provide autoloot buff pills w/o Paramedic requirements. So skilled players could help new players with depo to save their time for some good MU. Was funny when i had the ped but still was in need to run for loot like a month before i leveled paramedic enough! 10ped for 10hours 45m? Okay i would pay!
And rarest flowers could be used even in combat pills recipes , we have some ancient avatars with a mad skills in chopping trees, they could have some fun with it.
1.2.5 Nawa Affected Threads - could be different colors and with or without some nawa streaks on it , for tailoring and decorative patterns in texture recipes.
1.3 So still, how it's respawn?!
Meet the TabTube! A crafted gun like snowball one with tiny dmg but a high range like 80-100m , literally a blowpipe made of:
Average Stem
TabTab Tooth/Cavity
I it possible to have music mechanics - it could have holes like musical tube and coverage for em to switch to tagger mod as attachment made of TabTab Hide and Nawa Affected Threads
So when tiny player need an eco tagger he buying it and using Nawa Affected Seeds as ammo in it.
Then Nawa Affected Plants randomly respawns near the places, where mobs was tagged like this.
Any numbers could be balanced in any way, VS or MA teams see it.
I just wanna correct representation of some nature here and some nice stylish things to invest
There is a Gardener prolly so we could have new arabian styled BPs of Pots, Tents, Indoor Growing Lights, Bonsai tools ( and mechanics would be nice also!) , and many other cool stuff people will invest !
I haven't seen any good deco plant in any apts fits good to all these marvelous carpets and furni we make from all these new textures, this part of game looks kinda forbidden.
And when arabian combat people meets the magic plant we also hearing this names!
Assassin / Hashashin , according to legends it's ancient arabian mercenaries leaded by dude who used entheogen properties of hash and tells their expirience was a trip to heaven because he is prophet or smth like that, so they was additionaly motivated and was very powerfull combat unit this way.
We could use it and implement Nawa Shins
Some Orden with NPC who unlocks both Cannawis chopping dailies, and knifefighters dailies , also would be nice to have some knives redesign to more arabic style too and with some Nawa glow ofc (may b by making Hilqa UL (C) with Affected Plant Texture on it idk)
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