Im a new player who started on Toulan from zero to now, six and half months later. Most of this time i spent on Toulan, less on Caly and Ark. Wanted to give my experience after that time, good and, as i see it, not so good. Based on experience on 3 planets from new player perspective.
First of, Toulan has very good skill missions. Compared to other two planets by far. Daily missions concentrated and extra missions with nicely placed NPCs at tp locations. Easy to understand for a new player. And you can just basically go non-stop forever running them because of hourlies. Big kudos. Even the luck of big mission chains with big rewards is not and issue because as a new player i still have a quite a bit to go to run them on other planets.
Mining, i guees, is basically same on every PP planet. Usual stuff, some local stuff that sells, some local stuff that does not sell. If there is a difference between Toulan and Ark mining, well, im too new then to notice all the nuances. So, good.
Crafting,well, don`t even know to put it. Toulan crafting has different edges compared to Caly and Ark. And it`s a good thing. Crafting can work and does work, just not all of it. As to give opinion about crafting as a whole needs a really long testing and crafting career, im not doing it.
Then, last, comes hunting. For a new, starting player, because of very good skill missions, hunting on Toulan is perfect. So, if it`s so perfect, why did i make this entry? Well, as i look back now and as i see it now, i should of stopped hunting after 4 months. Fror 2 reasons,item loot curve and item loot composition.
As i got my first global from sunjogs i take them as an example. I hunted them a lot when i was done with demolishing a juvenile army of Dahhar and Mokhat. When killing youngs to olds i was rewarded with quite a few guns. Not very high efficiency, exept Graduate, but still nice to use here and there. And, already there, the item loot curve starts lagging a bit. Graduate being the exeption. You get guns like Shayeb S19 that are not adequate to kill same mobs. 1.5-3.0 damage, if you even somehow do manage to boost it, it`s still not there.
As i progressed to Sunjog stalker level, well, you get the same Graduate which at that point is already moved from good usable item to good sellable item because you get them so many. As for damage stats, item curve already falls way behind. Still at the level of killing youngs to olds at best.Shayeb S20 max 6 damage and S30 max 9 damage. Few blades i got were basically tt blade with a different name. It does not seem the case on Caly and Ark. I got guns and chips way above my level at some cases. In most cases close to mob level i was killing. Even if it doesnt sell, i can still use it close to my current level, if i want to, and progress.
A fellow chat meber said that at some point, after progressing as a player, i will need to get my own gear. Yes, true words. But am i there after 6 months to buy BC25-30 equivalent UL gun for 10K? And if i level up, next one after that? If i`d be rich, then no doubt. I`m not. And there may be a moment when new players do not have much ped to spend and at the same time have inventory full of looted guns way below level. Same time i can go quite a while with chips and guns i looted on Caly and Ark. Room for thought.
New player item loot composition on Toulan. Not much to talk about. Because variety is basically guns. And armor. That also falls fast behind, same as guns. Only Toulan looted item i still use time to time at the level i am is Graduate, Only one. Kinda grim. Item variety is so tiny. And i even dont have any wish to talk again about cuhof loot experience. I`ll just bury it
That`s why i should have stopped hunting after 4 months. Not because there`s no mobs to hunt but because item loot curve falls so much behind so fast. Yes, Hally can come, kill some wahesh and loot a Nushka with nice tt. Im not there yet, im still a noob player.
Well, that`s my noob experience. Some very good,some not so good

If someone reads some suggestions between the lines then thank you, my "masterpiece" had some meaning then