A new bunch of suggestions:
1. I would like to see a Mirath Fatal Shot UL ( or even ladder of different editions for different things) it's a nice bigger barbarellas sister for me i would like to have one in collection and for relaxing shooting of some sunjoqs

2. Well, not my own sug but peeps was talking about merch shop , also would be nice to see some open-source materials (high quality pics or some 3d models) to make own merch and sell for ped at Toulan AH
Never tried "Real world items" section there and seems not only me , would be nice to buy and sell something thematic but as a real thing.
3. Would like to see some good private LAs , may b for start just one managed by whole VSAT team. I would try some mining LAs in a Toulan-Monria-DSEC triangle with good density of Ares/Aliences as caly LAs have.
4. A tatoos! Limited, Unlimited, Cusomisable or not, Looted and Crafted, tatoo costruction machine, whatever. Would be cool if we could make tatoo dyes from mobs hides too, or apply textures on it.
5. Remove fog in CUHOF01 at first cave. My FPS are so horrible at this part of dungeon, trying to don't look at fog every time passing it.
6. I saw some nice tiny houses at different Caly LAs, would be nice to see some bungalow on the coasts of our beatiful beaches or some apts hollowed out in the rocks, like ancient desert cities was carved out in 1 big mountain, should fit our main theme well!
7. I know the thugs and haters are Rocktropian theme , so would be nice to have some cross-over mission with new hater/thug mobs type "gopnik" (same thing but in slav countries) we would like to earn some striped adidas-like clothes (or BPs) from them to make some funny hardbass swag

also hats like
Due to Rocktropia pos between Toulan and Monria we could have some story line with gopniks stolen some Nawa from our carrier ships

8. Decorative Jewerly, i would like to see necklases , earnings, hairpins, brooches, rings (w/o effects or hands required and wearable with buff rings) lots of F avatars looks very stylish and shiny, let em make it more shiny!
9. Pet wearables , Karmoosh looks very representatively in his pants

would be nice put some hat and glasses on him too

10. More glasses! Pince-nez or/and monocle, elite ones in golden/redullite/purpite frame, regular one in aqeeq/lyst frame.
11. A crayons for ingame signings and graffity 🖍
Wanna DME to sign my armor for some luck during next event