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Apparently, Yidhra has taken this 'step in and take charge' role quite seriously, but I don't think Negated is going to appreciate the degree to which she has elevated her mischief-making. Yidhra telepathically sent me a message that a new evil was soon to inhabit Monria (just what we need), and would involve dark magic and witchcraft. I thought only the Cultists had the dark magic grimoire. I have been reading about this grimoire in the ancient journal discovered in the hidden compartment of the file cabinet recovered from the Mining Camp, but have yet to set my eyes upon it.
Before ending the telepathic message, Yidhra said -- Cultus autem Golgotha --- I was clueless until I figured out that the language was Latin and the words meant -- Cult of the Skull. I did a bit more research and discovered that this cult is also known as -- Chesuncook Witch Coven -- a group of antagonistic witches and warlocks who worship the Outer God Shub-Niggurath with a link to Yog-Sothoth since the two are mates.
The Cult of the Skull society has taken up residence on Monria and seemingly primed to make it even more challenging for us to control the Yogs. Leshrac, the cult's Leader, and Lady Demonia, are the cult's purveyors of darkness and magic, and adept at keeping the unwanted suspended between mystery and madness. They are a true life couple who enjoy stirring the cobwebs in the caves --- forgive my wandering mind at this point, but it makes me think of marriage and murder since they have such a desire for evil and darkness.
Who the hell knows what they have up their sleeves, but I am sure it's not going to be pretty. They seem to be a very secretive society and don't allow just any outsiders to join them. Only those who are willing to give up their freedoms and lives are considered for membership in the coven. I noticed that even though Yidhra is a witch, she is not a member of the Cult of the Skull.
If all that isn't enough, I also learned that they hold ceremonies in a subterranean cavern where they practice the cult's dark magic and praise Shub-Niggurath's name. Oh, did I forget to mention that Shub-Niggurath and Yog-Sothoth are Cthulhu's grandparents?
All of this brings back to mind once again the encrypted lettering on the back of the file cabinet recovered from the Mining Camp in January 2016 -- The Moon Shall Rise -- I think we're beginning to see more of this. My secondary thought is -- I wonder how the Esoteric Order of Dagon and the Cult of the Skull will get along. Yidhra DreamWitch seems to be in the middle of it all and perhaps the catalyst for the escalation of evil, but will these two evil factions combine efforts, or try to outdo each other?
My take on this? ... I think we're about to experience some smack talk.
Can't wait to see how this Yog battle plays out.

- if a total of 1k globals/hofs combined is achieved within the 12 hr span of the event
- the person with the most globals/hofs combined will be rewarded with a Monria apartment
- if more than one person has the same number of total globals/hofs
- the single highest global/hof will be the winner
- if there's a highest global/hof draw, then the first recorded time will apply
- if we don't achieve the 1k globals/hofs goal, this bounty will roll over to May
Aug 506
Sep 683
Oct 863
Nov 883
Dec 350 --- we were competing against Merry Mayhem
Jan --- no Yog event this month
Feb 671
Mar -- no Yog event this month due to the St Patrick's Day Event
Apr 399 -- we were competing against another major event on Calypso
- post your guess in this thread of what you think the 12 hr combined globals/hofs total will be
- you only get one guess, and it must be posted prior to the start of the event
- make sure you check all other guesses so that you don't post the same number
- check our 12 hr global/hof totals above for the previous months as a reference
- edited posts will be disqualified, so think carefully before posting
- the person coming the closest to the actual total at the end of the event wins
- the 12 hr globals/hofs total will be added to this thread sometime on Sunday
Date | Saturday, May 12th
Time | 12:00 -to- 23:59 Game Time
Location | DSEC Mining Camp
- make sure to have the Monria chat channel active for instructions and NEXT GLOBAL call-outs
- please ask questions in Monria chat and refrain from PM'ing DME if at all possible
- --- the global tracker needs to be monitored and it's easier to respond to questions in Monria chat
- be considerate of your fellow participants during the event
- --- this includes not cluttering the TP area with vehicles and/or landing on top of people
- --- when going back out into the field, please be considerate of where you land and pick up vehicles
- the 12 Hr Global Prize Giveaway events are Solo Hunting events only
- random global/hof prizes will be given out during the course of the event
- winners can pick up their prizes at the DSEC Mining Camp TP when convenient, or at end of event
- DME will be standing near the NPCs -- please allow her to initiate all trades
- single Highest Yog solo global/hof --- 250 PED --- Magnus Svarog Henriksen
- First single lowest Yog solo global of the event --- 150 PED --- Deus Skubahta Rui
- Last single lowest Yog solo global of the event --- 150 PED --- Renato Platinas Gomes
- DME's Special Global/HoF Prize --- 100 PED --- debud po3blck avizov
- --- have the first recorded time with a global/hof that has two 9s in it
- Guess Total Globals/HoFs (guess = 305 / actual total = 292) --- 100 PED --- Deus Skubahta Rui
- --- Skub's guess was the last post before the start of the event
- most Shub globals/hofs -- 250 PED --- Angel of Shadows
- if you get both the lowest and the highest global/hof ... you win the highest
- if you win the highest, you are not eligible for either the First or Last lowest global prizes
- the person who wins the First lowest global can also win the Last lowest global
- if you get the First lowest global, you can continue hunting toward getting the highest
- Example ... you get a 10 PED Yog global and have the first recorded time
- --- this means you win the First lowest global prize
- --- but there's an incentive to continue hunting to see if you can get the highest global/hof
- --- if you do, then the person who had the lowest Yog global with the time right after yours ...
- ---------- would win the First lowest global prize
- Anhithe will extract the data from EntropiaLife after the event and determine the winners
- the results will be added to the first post in this event thread sometime on Sunday
(increased spawns will be in the DSEC Mining Camp crater only, but all Yogs count for the event)
[39121, 17942, 75]
Ghirus The Elder -- Level 35 / HP 2400
Yog Broodmother -- Level 28 / HP 1900
[38499, 18904, 74]
Arbitrator The Vermin -- Level 19 / HP 1500
Vacuity of Perforation -- Level 16 / HP 1300
Persecutor of Abyss -- Level 11 / HP 1050
[38149, 17951, 70]
Yog Penetrator -- Level 6 / HP 477
Yog Ransacker -- Level 6 / HP 382
[38436, 17739, 58]
Arbitrator The Vermin -- Level 19 / HP 1500
Vacuity of Perforation -- Level 16 / HP 1300
Persecutor of Abyss -- Level 11 / HP 1050
[39040, 18908, 94]
Yog Penetrator -- Level 6 / HP 477
Yog Ransacker -- Level 6 / HP 382
[39040, 18908, 94]
Yog Penetrator -- Level 6 / HP 477
Yog Ransacker -- Level 6 / HP 382
Yog Dredger -- Level 5 / HP 305
Yog Tunneler -- Level 5 / HP 244
Yog Gougher -- Level 4 / HP 195
[38663, 18711, 33]
Yog Delver -- Level 3 / HP 156
Yog Burrower -- Level 3 / HP 125
Yog Scraper -- Level 3 / HP 100
Yog Scrub -- Level 3 / HP 80
(only the Shubs in the Mining Camp crater count)
[38058, 18110, 58]
Shub Harridan -- Level 31 / HP 1660
Shub Xanthippe -- Level 33 / HP 1840
Shub Termagant -- Level 35 / HP 1980
Shub Virago -- Level 40 / HP 2500
(formerly known as the South and West Craters)
- from the DSEC Forensics Crater, go SE to the abandoned mine, follow the road
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [38487, 19936, 31]
- --- be mindful that there are Yogs outside the abandoned mine entrance
- --- they should be mostly off to the left unless someone aggro'd them
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Mining Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
- from the DSEC Mining Camp TP follow the road out to the abandoned mine
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [37744, 17987, 110]
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Military Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
- --- you can take the DSEC Military Camp TP back to the DSEC Mining Camp TP and join the event
See you on Saturday, May 12th, and don't forget to ...
" Expect the Unexpected "
" Expect the Unexpected "