The event results have been posted, just scroll down a bit to where it says EVENT RESULTS. Not to offer this as an excuse, but once again, we were competing with the first "official" Cyrene event that was occurring the whole weekend, as well as increased spawns on LAs on Calypso that MindArk put into play. I'm sure Negated won't use this because it won't be in his favor to pound his chest in reverberation of yet another victory because we didn't reach our 1k bounty goal.
Let's see what the new Cult of the Skull has to say after that loss, and they even worked their dark magic to add yet another element to our efforts by conjuring up a non-stop batch of mid-level Shubs in the Mining Camp.
I don't know what to say about this one, other than ... let the smack talking begin.
Congratulations to the winners ... I will now log into the game to catch as many as I can to give them their prizes.