DSEC9 | Suggestions / Feedback

Please correct the Hitbox for Lotus Robots.
You start target their head but than it switches to the lower end of the mob.
Mostly I had shot them once and ran into the field of mobs on auto tool use.
Thank You.

Gopher Bless

New Member
The DSEC bot CB 01-03 seem like they have too much regen. Compared to all other mobs in EU with 100-200 hp, these things probably have 2x more regen than the highest regen mob in that category. It doesnt feel right when a 100 hp CB bot 01 regens for 10 hp or whatever the number is. I havent tested the regen of the other CB bots but if these are for the lower tier hunters, they have too much regen.

Zarnia Foxtrot

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Volunteer Mentor
Hi. I"m not sure if this is what the Lotus Invader Bots are supposed to do but some of them, after they were killed, still had the "burn" affecting me for about 25sec. Are they supposed to do that?


Active Member
This last VU brought many mining changes to Calypso. One of which was a redistribution of materials used for enhancers (Pyrite, Fire Root Pellet, Dianthus, etc.). These now have a large concentration of availability outside of lootable pvp.

I see a DSEC Part 1 with a selection full of robots offering every sort of generic component and socket component to make enhancers, but no materials on the server to make them...

Maybe see if DSEC Part 3's server can be modified to include materials to make enhancers?

Alternatively, are you able to make a new line of Nawa-Infused / Dark Nawa enhancers that utilize toulan specific ore and enmatter?

For example:

Weapon: Reload Speed
Armor: Block Chance
Mining Finder: Chance to find rare mineral
Healing Tool: Apply a heal over time
Extractor: Create more decay to extract more minerals

Perhaps with limited blueprints given through a repeatable mission or unlimited versions given as a reward for a long grind mission reminiscent of the crossover part1?

Even if a new line of enhancers were planet-bound items they would see a massive amount of use/cycle on the planet to create them and then be used in dsec/toulan content.

Don't know if it's possible but was a thought that seemed worth posting.


Well-Known Member
Could you make the map of DSEC9 more "zoomable"... I don't know if I'm becoming old and blinder :D but it's really hard create a waypoint using the coordinates and clicking on map. I never had this problem on other maps... but maybe it's the age growning and I need glasses

Gopher Bless

New Member
Please decrease the vibrancy of color or do something to make the color in 1st section of dsec not put so much strain on the eyes. The red is too much and it hurts my brain after a while. Idk if others have the same problem, but it is annoying.

David Joker

New Member
I thought I would post a suggestion to see about getting a mining quests npc in Dsec. It is nice that we can work on our Toulan mining awards and Thana's daily while on Dsec. However flying to Toulan to update or turn in the quests is kind of a drag.


New Member
i have a complaint about dsec9 1st wave area, need to remove the rocks from the area, they dont show up til ur either right on top of them or at the right angle. cant shoot at the mobs until u get in the rocks or around them, its hard to see the shadows they may make on the ground. I got all my setting to max so i know its not my pc. i dont know if its the same in the other wave area or not.


I wondered all around the outside of MoM looking for low lvl Cultists. I could only find them mixed in with the higher levels 24+. At my level of hunting skills this makes it very difficult to finish the mission. The alternate option would be to change the progress bar away from kill count, and progress more like the codex. The higher level kills would give more progress than the low level kills.
The Hatching Tegunestene spawn seems to "run dry", once the spawn is cleared you have to wait a while for more to come back. Could either increase spawn rate, or larger spawn area. I'd say both, because when the area is flooded with people there will not be enough.
Low to middle level hunters like myself could also use level 10+ Cultist and Tegunestene spawn areas.

Thanks for listening to us and all your hard work on Toulan, Monria and DSEC-9


New Member
When you change the suit to fix the male buff ... you should make it an action buff not an item buff...many people already have item buff maxed...best simple change you can make


Littlestar b-k

Well-Known Member
VCAT Team Member
When you change the suit to fix the male buff ... you should make it an action buff not an item buff...many people already have item buff maxed...best simple change you can make

Doubt MA is going to allow that. Action buff is for pills if i'm not mistaken.
I could be wrong tho. Not a big pill user myself.
But you never know, one can only ask ;)


New Member
Hi can I suggest that there is a bigger rewards for people who have already done the waves and are coming to help those who haven't done it. I am finding it a struggle to find people to come help me do The Dark Knight Shubs wave because most people have already done it and we need alot of people and alot of DPS for this last wave.

If I am finding it a struggle now, how are others gonna do it in future with no one to come help. There should be something people can get for helping others as an encouragement to keep these waves going in future.

Wyndi Wyndi Chelien


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Hi can I suggest that there is a bigger rewards for people who have already done the waves and are coming to help those who haven't done it. I am finding it a struggle to find people to come help me do The Dark Knight Shubs wave because most people have already done it and we need alot of people and alot of DPS for this last wave.

If I am finding it a struggle now, how are others gonna do it in future with no one to come help. There should be something people can get for helping others as an encouragement to keep these waves going in future.

Wyndi Wyndi Chelien

Its worth noting you ran into a few slow days, many people where on Toulan for the monthly event, and also some of us are a bit reluctant to give it to much effort, no special loot has shown yet and thers no codex, so to be honest its not prime choice for a grind, even if the rest is bang on for me.


New Member
Its worth noting you ran into a few slow days, many people where on Toulan for the monthly event, and also some of us are a bit reluctant to give it to much effort, no special loot has shown yet and thers no codex, so to be honest its not prime choice for a grind, even if the rest is bang on for me.

I understand but I still need that final wave before I can get the Shub Spine and its very frustrating I cannot find anyone to do the wave with. I tried with a few ppl last night but we did not have high enough DPS to finish it.


New Member
my feedback is in regards to this cross over mission. Why is the drop rate of the items needed per mission this bad? I have been hunting otis bots for over 3 hours, and not a single ram/flash drive for this current mission has dropped. missions this extensive need to have kill based missions and not item based. especially when there's multiple missions we have to grind the same mob for. The way this mission is set up makes me want to hunt on other planets and spend my ped elsewhere. I understand trying to keep the armor parts and upgrade part drop rate low. But this isn't right... We shouldn't have to cycle 200k ped, just to unlock another instance that we have to grind for hours and hours, to build a key, for another instance... my buddies streamed for 5 hours today trying to get arm bands for another part of this cross over mission, and he got 6 arm bands? How do you justify this? PP's can reach out to MA to get stuff like this adjusted. Something needs to be done here.


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Thank you for posting that here for Ant to see ... he doesn't generally respond to these posts, but makes a note of them for consideration.

Tedros Daemonos

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I would be amendable to using some of my hard earned Elder Tributes, at a nominal fee of course, to reacquire a previous version of the Elder robes. Still non-tradable, but I've grown attached to the green Lector robe. Only available after receiving the final robe (I'll get there!). Not a priority, just a thought.

I am sure there will be more weapons added to Elder Tribute vendor in time (fingers crossed). When that happens, perhaps a reevaluation of the Elder Tributes cost based off of required level to use.
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