Okay, since you guys worked so hard on this, ill spend a few minutes to feed the first thoughts on todays VU.
Overall amazing!
Logged in, tryied to refine yog/shub hides, no luck

Then headed to DSEC9, hopped all over the place with TP chip, and died everywhere i landed.
Naughty naughty these are!
Then i thought i'd start from the start, by the missions.
Those DSEC guys are from another world, litterally, real creeps!
Following the mission that was good fun, i personally got stuck, but everywhere i went, i kept thinking of this tiny Baraka armor awaiting on Toulan, calling my name.
So i think i used that stuck up mission as an excuse to fly home and get to work.
I didnt get the sound until i relog, but i heard some of the musics, and they are amazing!
I promise ill listen to them all when i come back! Really loved it!
From what i can see, theres finally an upgrade mission, thats pretty amazing!
I personally am not too keen on the design, but dont quote me, i dont like any armor in EU....
The damage are pretty cool, i was after an armor with Elec/Acid for Wahesh, and that would be nice!
I heard the upgrade is a playtime of 2 hours daily. Amazing! A chance for everyone, and build up the MU on parts. Smart!!! Love it!
Toulan ores on indoor mining, oh my... YES!
For lazy miners like me, this is amazing.
I hate mining, but i need the HPs, and getting big stacks of rocks per drop is amazing!
Ive had 3x IX ample on arrival, im delighted. You guy will get me a reason to mine!
And since i dont sell, ill be able to manage to get decent stacks to make my Toulan gear!
Really happy with that!
Robots, well, i didnt want robot on Toulan, but i know tons of people wanted.
You guys got them next door, and preserved Toulan, im over the Moon! (If i may)
Though this is pretty amazing! High level Toulan creatures! YES!
This annoying Caboria can now be hunted on land : YES!
Low HP and LV Dahhar now is much more bulky : YES!
Love it!
Storyline, wow...
I loomed it all in my head, but i didnt see that one coming!
BUT! As i said before the release, Ill keep an eye on that Nara, i have a bad feeling about her!
And i didnt want a chip in my head! Meh!
And if you think i didnt notice the firecamp at the first TP, where they like drinking their vodka, your wrong!
Im expecting to have a go next time i come!
Now back on Toulan, hunting for that Baraka.
Wondering if stats are similar to L of course.
But, Miles would agree, we always sworn to work hard when ULs would hit Toulan, and hope it would be a matter of hard work to loot them. Again, not disappointed, and is all in par with what we ever wanted.
So ill put the work into this, and that be my best side of the VU, so small it may look.
This is a rupture with a 6 years of silence and frustration, blooming again into all we ever hoped for.
So that Baraka, released in 2016, only looted under VS three months ago, now UL, is pretty super sentimental.
I hope its not as hard as Monria armors to loot, but ill definitely put a solid work into trying.
And this only rises hopes for the upcoming Toulan VUs.
Now Cuhof offers a UL chance, Misrals, which ill collect in hopes items lands into the broker; else ill be missing out on MU, thats my decision; added to Codex and dailies.
Cells and sweat should boost quite a bit from these aswell.
Very happy with all this, even if i snooped away to go home pretty early, but im very attached to my home
Ill finish on one of the rare picture i took. They are definitly not behaving like any fellow human..