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Monday Write-Up #12 - Pinthas Response

I wonder if my mind is playing tricks on me. When I look at the entrance to the mountain in the photo, I think I see a face looking back at me, almost saying, “I have been waiting for you, where have you been.” I know that at some point I will have to figure out how to enter the mountain and explore this area. It was said that the mountain environment is vast, so I'm not necessarily expecting the narrower tunnels and caves like the underground at Monria, but something more expansive and engaging. I'm ready to discover whatever paths are waiting for us to start this adventure.
I would love to find a map of the area somewhere. Perhaps there is an old parchment in the church for me to locate, but who knows. Eventually some explorer will map out what should eventually turn out to be an interior cavern system and a journey to somewhere. Maybe even to the other side of the mountain, or a dimensional portal to another area not yet discovered, or better yet rediscovered.
However, I am not banking on any of these at this point in time because I'm sure Decca wants to hold us hostage to suffer whatever evil she will throw our way. I am not sure what we will find, but navigating through the mountain to discover what awaits us will nevertheless be a test of our resolve to say the least.
If the extremist rogue scientists are still experimenting, perhaps this is where they have all come. I can only imagine what creature abominations they have attempted to create. Also, how long have they been here, and how deep is their association with Decca.
I have so many questions and can’t wait to get closer to engage them, but first we must find the way into the mountain. Is there a set protocol to gain access to the area and open the doors? I feel that the church and the Elder Gods Shrine are key. I just hope we will be prepared for what is to be unleashed. We need to not underestimate Decca and the resolve of her minions such as K’Tan. Strengthen your minds and wits for we are about to find out what ancient secrets lie within the inner sanctum.
I remember K’Tan speaking to me for just a fragment of a memory:
"As I looked into his dark soul, I was changed and transformed into this horrible creature; no longer living and never dying. I was searching for understanding within this cult and trying to find out what they were up to when I began to embrace what they were trying to accomplish. However, I was manipulated and trained to “learn about Cthulhu.”
My memory fades at this point, but I believe it has a significant meaning in the greater scheme of things, and certainly relevant to what we are about to encounter.

I wonder if my mind is playing tricks on me. When I look at the entrance to the mountain in the photo, I think I see a face looking back at me, almost saying, “I have been waiting for you, where have you been.” I know that at some point I will have to figure out how to enter the mountain and explore this area. It was said that the mountain environment is vast, so I'm not necessarily expecting the narrower tunnels and caves like the underground at Monria, but something more expansive and engaging. I'm ready to discover whatever paths are waiting for us to start this adventure.
I would love to find a map of the area somewhere. Perhaps there is an old parchment in the church for me to locate, but who knows. Eventually some explorer will map out what should eventually turn out to be an interior cavern system and a journey to somewhere. Maybe even to the other side of the mountain, or a dimensional portal to another area not yet discovered, or better yet rediscovered.
However, I am not banking on any of these at this point in time because I'm sure Decca wants to hold us hostage to suffer whatever evil she will throw our way. I am not sure what we will find, but navigating through the mountain to discover what awaits us will nevertheless be a test of our resolve to say the least.
If the extremist rogue scientists are still experimenting, perhaps this is where they have all come. I can only imagine what creature abominations they have attempted to create. Also, how long have they been here, and how deep is their association with Decca.
I have so many questions and can’t wait to get closer to engage them, but first we must find the way into the mountain. Is there a set protocol to gain access to the area and open the doors? I feel that the church and the Elder Gods Shrine are key. I just hope we will be prepared for what is to be unleashed. We need to not underestimate Decca and the resolve of her minions such as K’Tan. Strengthen your minds and wits for we are about to find out what ancient secrets lie within the inner sanctum.
I remember K’Tan speaking to me for just a fragment of a memory:
"As I looked into his dark soul, I was changed and transformed into this horrible creature; no longer living and never dying. I was searching for understanding within this cult and trying to find out what they were up to when I began to embrace what they were trying to accomplish. However, I was manipulated and trained to “learn about Cthulhu.”
My memory fades at this point, but I believe it has a significant meaning in the greater scheme of things, and certainly relevant to what we are about to encounter.