Ok ill try and contain myself here, i have such hopes and dreams, and it looks like some if not all could come to fruition, now what is this gateway ? Is it the space and time bridge, is it a way down to/in to R'lyeh, is it one of Toulans lost citys? Nahar, or even the fabled Sabad city ? will it contain the legions rumored to be hidden away for the last battle, ancient archeotech or even a magic resoir, what what what !
What will will be uncovered ? Narians, Cthulhu denizens, new monsters, undead, man im exited
Your speculating is truly on steroids Hally, LOL ... I love it, and while I can't answer to anything specific, I just wanted to make sure that something is clear so that you (or anyone else) don't go off the deep end with hopes, dreams and anticipation.
While we have a lot of plans for both DSEC9 and Toulan (we're far from done), this particular VU is primarily focused on the 3rd map section at DSEC9. This entire DSEC9 location has been a build-out from the ground up and it has taken a lot of work. We needed to get at least the foundational work done to be able to build on it, and there are variables that include complex systems.
While all 3 of our locations are connected in lore, their environments are unique unto themselves. What's important to understand I think, is that we do not have full development control on Monria, and anything that is done has to be done working with MA's team. This is why we wanted to be able to expand Monria into another dimension where we
would have full control of development and be able to continue with the Cthulhu-themed lore and environment that basically hasn't been touched for the better part of two years or longer after adding Toulan to our virtual family.
In those years, we spent a lot of time with development on Toulan because we wanted to jump-start the economy and make use of all of Toulan's resources, but also added items and missions, and we aren't done by any means. In between, we've been doing the build-out of the DSEC9 map sections, while still adding something to Toulan. This past 6 months, it's been a heavy focus on the final map section at DSEC9 because we added sections 3 and 4 into one larger map section. We've waited a very long time to be able to bring Monria and its well-entrenched Cthulhu-themed storyline to the forefront again, and we will continue to do this.
I don't want to quell your excitement, because there's plenty to be excited about with this next VU, but there's nothing Toulan-related in this final map section at DSEC9. This is a pure continuation of Monria and building on Monrian lore, which
we are very excited about. Ant is inspired by our official lore for all 3 locations, and development will continue to reflect that. We have plenty in store for Toulan too based on lore, but this is Monria's moment to once again shine, so I'm hoping the community will embrace that.
It doesn't mean that there isn't anything for Toulan, but it's only a few things and nothing of grandeur this time. Keep in mind too please that the VS Team who do the development don't do this full-time, but do their best toward providing a more engaging experience. Also, while we have new mob creations on the agenda, it just isn't this time, sorry.
Just have a bit more patience and hang in there with us because there's plenty of exciting stuff to come, you just won't get it all at once. We have done our best to implement suggestions and ideas from community members, and ask that you continue to post them because they inspire and get us excited to want to implement them ... those that fit our vision, and that we get approval for, so don't slack in that respect because we've already implemented plenty over the years.
Toulan will have more moments to shine, and elements of its own lore will show through. The official Toulan storyline book will be written, and it will be easier to follow its history, as well as its evolution.
We have a well-planned out road map.