Maybe its time to find that angel, Elenor
Oh, the Angel was found long ago, and actually has been walking right next to you pretty much everyday for a while now.
But that old little write-up in frenglish wasn't really related to Toulan, though i must admit, you seem to be my biggest fan, so thank you for this!
Im not too sure how you came up with Decca willing to swarm the galaxy with walking bacons, but let me please try and enlighten you.
Here is what we know:
To plant the décor:
DSEC9 has been discovered through an inter-dimensional gate.
Not inter-planetary, not inter-galactic, but inter-dimensional. Vocabulary is very important

By definition this means parallel worlds, hence a parallel Elara.
The protagonists:
The three teams at play today are DSEC, Decca and Nara ; respectively leading DSEC9, Monria and Toulan.
-DSEC having miserably failed already, defeated by the angry computer : DEC, were about to mine and industrialize this pseudo-Elara to extract much abundant resources : Nawa.
In the year 2875 in the third month, they discovered the ability for multidimensional travel. This alone would make DSEC the most powerful company in the universe. Once they identified a suitable destination to apply the principles of their research, the team set off on their expedition.
DEC deactivated the interdimensional teleporter and liberated the enslaved but not before Nara fled vowing to one day return to her homeland and avenge the death of her kin.
The abandonned mine VU notes
So DEC has the ability to open and close the inter-dimensional gates.
-Nara, the last of the Safian, as for her role to keep the balance of Nawa, not only within Toulan, but most recently also within her home, and also birthplace of any Insian : Elara.
This is self explicit, and no real need to explain why she is now trying to protect her home, Toulan, the Insians (us), and prevent for the Book of Life to be recovered by the wrong individuals, like Decca.
-We know that Decca has infiltrated DEC's den, so she is up to something within DSEC9 as well.
She is in possession of the Book of Death indeed : isn't that a great contrast with Toulan?
We also know that the naughty Yog-ghurt is the guardian ; lets have a very very quick look in the Necronomicon story, without writing another novel :
The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, they walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen. Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again.
Another inter-dimensional gate/time story, isn't it great?
The Current events:
Then there is one last tiny wee detail.
View attachment 11514
Narians : Cosmic creatures with the capability of travelling between dimensions
Bab al-Thalam: “The Door of Darkness”, which keeps the Narians out of Toulan an in another dimension.
So, now that a way to travel between dimensions has been discovered by the already annihilated DSEC Team, and that we know DEC can control, that may explain why Decca has moved forward.
There is a link within dimensions between Monria, Elara and Toulan, as well as the so easily forgotten Narians.
Let alone that the Book of Law being gone, as well as most of the Safians gone, that leaves no real mean to keep either the Mages (imprisoned within the Towers of Toulan) nor the Narians (should they be freed again) at bay.
No need to say that they all must be pretty upset since a tiny few centuries.
There has been two wars on Toulan already, both caused for control and balance of Nawa.
The recent events and moves from DSEC was maybe unknowingly, but certainly for the control over Nawa.
The most recent footages of the last part of DSEC9 looks very much like the desolated and haunted lands around our Toulan's Narian Temple. Yes,
Narian Temple, the little hut with "only" an Astrolabe within its walls.
We also have discovered what seems to be a fully functional Astrolabe on DSEC9, device that has been fought for centuries on Toulan, to make sure that the Narians would never be back.
In itself, it is all about cycles and disparities.
Day wouldn't exist without the Night.
Light simply wouldnt exist without the Dark.
The end has happened two times before, Nawa has been disturbed, fought for and unbalanced two time before.
Now now, What were all those meetings with DEC and oracles about?
What does Decca really want?
What will be the next move for DEC?
And what does that means for Nara, and Toulan?
Since you have already worked for Rais, and his most profitable enterprise, which let's for the least say, would not step in DSEC9 again ; have you done it for Greed? Or for Fame? For Power perhaps?
And you Hally, tell me, what do you really want?