Yog Horror Pet Stats


Active Member
...beside that... I think that (accordingly with Colonist's knowledge at '13 March 2018') shouldn't exist a taming session on a single tamable mob so long; in this cases should be allowed "Team taming", at least; so... MindArk, it's time to work a bit on that, maybe; we are Human, we aren't robots; just to remind that we have a real life, we need to sleep, we need to eat, we need pauses (tamable mobs are never safe during the whole process, and it counts a lot if the session is long, lol); these are just considerations and I would like to know what the community thinks of it, just that ; )

...just tell me if I need to post it in a separate thread, I'm a fresh new member of this forum, thx :D

Gratz to Juicy Fruit Monster ; )

I think most of us agree with this, even though it is one of the hardest mobs in game to tame...48 hours is a bit unreal. Also updated with max level to tame, I was unaware there was a sib period on the levels to tame, thanks guys for the info

Risen Ra Oh

I think most of us agree with this, even though it is one of the hardest mobs in game to tame...48 hours is a bit unreal. Also updated with max level to tame, I was unaware there was a sib period on the levels to tame, thanks guys for the info

there is a "learning period" (it is not a "sib period" also, as I know of): it means that the white line is placed on the left, instead of be centered in the middle, in the Spirit bar > it means that you must reduce more spirit to "Attempt Tame!"; the worst then is that you have more than usual "Taming Attempts Fail" also.

so, basically... it is uneco to Tame mobs who I define "Unmaxed" due you are in "Learning Period"

Source: tested a lot myself on Atroxes years ago ; )

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