Update: 2021-04-07
Well, this has been most exasperating...
I have been diligently performing tricks 1-4, running them up and down the numerical ladder for about three days now. Always waiting until Focus was at least 98% and always feeding nutrios whenever Energy was 98% or less. FYI: Trick 5 reduces focus from 100% down to 13% ! And requires about 28-35 Nutrios to regain 99% Energy. Meanwhile, a whole 'lotta nutrios later, pet Level now = 11.55, up a full Level the last few days.
Yesterday, i even returned to Monria (always glad to be on Monria) so my 'lil yoggie could feel at home again.
I also must take a moment here to Thank Wang for running his Pet Stables like a professional. Wherever I go, if a Pet Stable is operated by Wang then I know the buffs i seek will most likely be there when I need them. Thank you Wang!
Nevertheless; progress was NON-existant until this morning. Until this morning CRITERIA on the "Show pet Status" panel was 'stuck' at 2% ! ARrrrggggghh! Now I am seeing (finally), CRITERIA = 6%. Yay, but not good enough yet! So I will try something new today while on Monria.
I quote from Wang's most excellent website,
Taming and Pets in Entropia Universe,
" In addition, certain actions are required to push the 'Unlock' bar to 100%. For 'Skill Gain -Pet and Taming', you have to make several successful taming attemps on creatures while your pet is spawned. For 'Pet Focus - Increase Generation', your pet must execute the 'Greet' trick a number of times. "
Hmmm, me wonders if spawning my 'lil yog pet while mining and EXCAVATING will help to meet the criteria for unlocking Excavator Mastery"?
Stay tuned! And as always, suggestions are appreciated.