Once a year when Elara (Toulan moon) moves in front of the sun it disrupts the normal flow of Nawa. This causes a build up of Nawa at a certain point on Toulan causing a tear of some kind. (or whatever fits the lore)
You can acces this tear via the event system and puts you in an instance.
Here you have a mob with a new codex entry you can shoot just like mayhem mobs. (Or whatever fits the lore)
If Mindark is willing these could drop Mayhem tokens and Eclipse strongboxes with a Eclipse ring 2022 etc...
Or alternativly you could create your own system of rewards.
Another crazy and selfish suggestion that hopefully gets your creative juices flowing.
You can acces this tear via the event system and puts you in an instance.
Here you have a mob with a new codex entry you can shoot just like mayhem mobs. (Or whatever fits the lore)
If Mindark is willing these could drop Mayhem tokens and Eclipse strongboxes with a Eclipse ring 2022 etc...
Or alternativly you could create your own system of rewards.
Another crazy and selfish suggestion that hopefully gets your creative juices flowing.