Where and what drops the [Lotus Armor Plate]? I would like to get a full set of these if they are in-game:
I read through the post that @Littlestar b-k linked to. It sounds pretty challenging just to access the area these plates can be found. Hopefully I can figure it out.We are a couple of people trying to get there, its a bumpy road and so far quite slow, but im confident that SoonTM we will get the first plate......
Thank you. I have upgraded my laptop to the highest level. Maybe I can just start step 3.It starts with this part DSEC-9 | Beginning Mission Chain Info
Step 2 DSEC-9 | Upgrading your Laptop
Step 3 DSEC-9 / Toulan | Crossover Mission Chain Do all parts until you get the crown as the last reward.
Then you can start looting golden key parts and work towards entering the golden instance. If i understand it correctly.
It's a long road and i wish you the best of luck.
If I understand correctly, it is not possible to loot the required parts for the Gold Instance without the Silver Crown of Sahar? Is the crown tradeable, or must it be earned for each avatar that needs the components for the Gold Key?What the Silver Crown of Sahar does, is allow you as a Lotus Guardian to be able to loot the 6 key components required to create the Solo Gold Instance Key ... it's the only way to be able to run this instance. The Gold Team Instance is available to everyone.
If you have achieved the Laptop 04 upgrade, then you can go to Workstation 4 and take the crossover mission.
I think the question is.
If I buy the crown can I loot the parts.
Is it the completion of the mission that allows you to loot the parts. And the crown is a bonus for those that complete it..
Oh thats news to me, thank you for specifying thatHey Sith you just need to complete the mission, you can trade the crown after if you like it won't affect 'guardian status'.