Posting your guesses, predictions and wishes is another way for us to learn what you would like to see in development ... I think most is reasonable, but my fear is that you will get overly excited about your "wishes" and then expectations will be too high and want delivery sooner than could possibly be done. Also, everything won't be doable, so please keep this in mind.
The development cycle is a very involved undertaking, especially when you are developing for two locations. With the VS Team, a lot of thought is put into what will work best, and how we can give everything a purpose. Ant will not deliver something without purpose, nor anything that won't advance or elevate your experiences. You would think that quarterly VUs would be enough time to put something grand together, and for the most part, I think our team has done well in the timeframe available, but then there are a lot of variables that come into play that could throw a monkey wrench into the mix, like the delay on the Monria expansion.
Since last Aug 19th when we took over managing the development and community operations for Toulan, we gave a refined focus on boosting the economy, along with other special things, and Monria hasn't had a VU since we introduced Dunwich in March of 2020. We've been working on the Monria expansion for quite some time now, and had to delay it because of a technical challenge that had to be worked out between VS and MA. That was achieved, and now we are ready to release the expansion with the June 1st VU.
Development is a very intricate thing, not only because of the variables involved, but also the time factor, the cost factor, and of course it has to go through a balancing review by MA, which is absolutely understandable, and not a bad thing. You rarely see Ant or Kendra in the game because they are really focused on not only development for both locations, but also addressing fixes, adjustments and other things that make everything work better. I think they've done well with this too.
So, continue to post your guesses, predictions and wishes, because we
are paying attention, but be reasonable with your expectations so that you don't end up in a funk when something doesn't go as you expected it to go and it turns into a whine ... I've seen it happen.
We want to give you as much as is possible, but we ask for your patience
and understanding that it can't all happen at once.
Thank You