Eden, after your first PM to me in the game after you created your avatar (see below), you never contacted me after that, nor sold sweat to me prior to Sep 1st. Sep 2nd was the very first time that you tried to sell Avum your sweat, which was after our official sweat program was disbanded and Avum took over buying sweat from Monrian Born who were already in their 90-day window to sell sweat.
We had announced at the forum and in the game in plenty of time that our sweat buying program would end effective Sep 1st. We also encouraged new Monrian Born to sell at least 1k of sweat to me before the program ended so that they could start their 90-day period for selling sweat under the Monrian Born Program.
After Avum contacted me on Oct 1st about your sweat selling situation, I absolutely added you to the list that was given to Avum and set your 90-day sweat selling to Avum at 2 ped per 1k sweat from Aug 31 - Nov 28 so that you would get at least two thirds of your allowed period of time. Avum told me just yesterday that you weren't showing up to sell your sweat to him, so it's not that you haven't had the opportunity, you just haven't acted on it.
Avum was absolutely right not to sell to you at the 2 ped per 1k sweat because you didn't start selling sweat to me prior to Sep 1st. When this came up on Oct 1st, I had a chat with Avum in the game to get you sorted with the sweat buying. It was then that he shared his in-game chat with you on Sep 2nd.
You first made contact with me on Aug 23rd after you created your Monrian Born avatar. Following is that brief in-game PM chat:
2020-08-23 18:31:30 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] Hello
2020-08-23 18:41:01 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] hi there ... sorry, was out of screen
2020-08-23 18:42:10 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] Hey

it's fine
2020-08-23 18:43:25 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] I'm new player , and i just finished the beginner's missions following the forum guide
2020-08-23 18:43:58 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] and I'm on MNAT3
2020-08-23 18:46:37 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] MNAT3 tutorial
2020-08-23 18:52:17 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] good, those will be helpful for you
2020-08-23 18:53:41 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] Yes, I'm gonna read them all

2020-08-23 18:53:55 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] if you have questions, ask Avum too, he's very helpful with new Monrian Born
2020-08-23 18:54:15 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] but the community members in Monria chat are very helpful too
2020-08-23 18:54:46 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] Ok, Thank you
2020-08-23 18:54:46 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] [#monria] <-- right click on that link and choose "Open channel in new tab"
2020-08-23 18:55:15 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] as Community Manager, I always have a lot going on and may not get to a PM too quickly
2020-08-23 19:00:22 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] Ok understood

2020-08-23 19:01:02 [TO : Amber Eden Grace]

Here is your Sep 2nd in-game PM chat with Avum that he shared with me because he was concerned about the situation:
2020-09-02 19:18:57 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Do you want to slel more sweat ?
2020-09-02 19:19:23 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] Yes if you agree

2020-09-02 19:19:31 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] You sold 2k only didnt you ?
2020-09-02 19:19:44 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] but how how to do that, I've no idea
2020-09-02 19:19:53 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Do you have 1k sweat ?
2020-09-02 19:19:56 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] yes 2K
2020-09-02 19:20:10 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Alright let me check that you sold 2k
2020-09-02 19:20:24 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Oh you didnt even sell today
2020-09-02 19:20:32 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] its your first time selling to me
2020-09-02 19:21:05 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] yes, my first sell in the game
2020-09-02 19:21:25 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Oh you never sold before
2020-09-02 19:21:35 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Than i cant buy from you because MB sweat program stopped
2020-09-02 19:21:37 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] never,, and I don't know how to sell
2020-09-02 19:21:59 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Well i can buy under my program but its 1ped/1k instead of 2ped/1k of MB program
2020-09-02 19:22:37 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Also to sell
2020-09-02 19:22:41 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] I don't understand, you told me before 2p per 1K!
2020-09-02 19:22:52 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] I thought you were under MB program
2020-09-02 19:22:57 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Checked the list for it you werent
2020-09-02 19:23:02 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Anyway just explaining selling
2020-09-02 19:23:11 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] You put items on bottom
2020-09-02 19:23:17 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] The items i show will be listed on top
2020-09-02 19:23:19 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] I'm Monrian Born
2020-09-02 19:23:43 [TO : Amber Eden Grace]
Monrian Born Sweat Buying Program will be disbanded effective Tuesday, Sep 1st
2020-09-02 19:24:14 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] I put stuff here and you put stuff there
2020-09-02 19:24:22 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] And than we both accept and there is a 2nd confirmation accept
2020-09-02 19:24:32 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Which is like a summary of the trade
2020-09-02 19:24:42 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Than once you accept those you trade
2020-09-02 19:24:49 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] ok
2020-09-02 19:25:31 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] what 's MB program?
2020-09-02 19:25:41 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Monria Born Program
2020-09-02 19:25:50 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] yes what's it
2020-09-02 19:25:55 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] what does means
2020-09-02 19:26:26 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Currently its only free yamato warp i guess
2020-09-02 19:26:47 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] It used to have starter hunting kit, starter repair kit, sweat buying and yamato warps like in february
2020-09-02 19:26:59 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] But now atm only warps are remaining
2020-09-02 19:27:17 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] We posted at monria a few times so that MB`s would sell their 1k before Sep 1st
2020-09-02 19:27:29 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] So you need to buy sweat for 1p/k? right
2020-09-02 19:27:45 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Not need, but i can offer you that price if you want to sell
2020-09-02 19:28:10 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] what price?
2020-09-02 19:28:17 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] 1p/1k
2020-09-02 19:29:00 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] well I passed 5days sweating here, and you told me to buy my sweat per this price!
2020-09-02 19:29:14 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] this is slavery price
2020-09-02 19:29:19 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] Yes but there was a notice that things would change
2020-09-02 19:29:26 [TO : Amber Eden Grace] I am selling my own sweat from 1ped/1k as well
2020-09-02 19:29:34 [FROM: Amber Eden Grace] you make me afraid
Here is my in-game PM chat with Avum on Oct 1st regarding your sweat selling situation:
2020-10-01 17:33:48 [TO : Avum AL AL] do you know when Eden created her MB avatar?
2020-10-01 17:33:56 [FROM: Avum AL AL] I dont know for sure
2020-10-01 17:34:50 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Checked logs
2020-10-01 17:35:10 [FROM: Avum AL AL] First message of her at #monria is at 20 Aug 11:18:36 game time
2020-10-01 17:35:28 [TO : Avum AL AL] ok, I kinda figured that
2020-10-01 17:36:03 [TO : Avum AL AL] no one else has brought this up regarding being MB prior to Sep 1st and not being able to sell at 2p/1k
2020-10-01 17:36:14 [TO : Avum AL AL] and it seems she might have difficulty understanding things
2020-10-01 17:36:30 [TO : Avum AL AL] I'm going to make an executive decision and add her to your list
2020-10-01 17:36:48 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Alright

2020-10-01 17:36:55 [TO : Avum AL AL] however, I'm going to use Aug 20th as the start date under the circumstances
2020-10-01 17:36:56 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Thank you

2020-10-01 17:37:12 [TO : Avum AL AL] that still gives her plenty of time to sell sweat to you
2020-10-01 17:37:28 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Will you let her know ?
2020-10-01 17:40:09 [TO : Avum AL AL] she's not in the game, but you can let her know since you are handling the sweat buying
2020-10-01 17:40:24 [TO : Avum AL AL] you have my permission to let her know you chatted with me about this situation
2020-10-01 17:43:25 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Alright thanks

I will let her know
2020-10-01 17:43:34 [TO : Avum AL AL] yw

2020-10-01 17:45:44 [TO : Avum AL AL] go ahead and start it from today if she sells to you
2020-10-01 17:45:57 [FROM: Avum AL AL] 3 months from today ?
2020-10-01 17:46:02 [TO : Avum AL AL] but she has to be regular because there will be no alteration of time going forward
2020-10-01 17:46:18 [TO : Avum AL AL] I'll add her name to the list and when the end date is ... give me a sec
2020-10-01 17:46:26 [FROM: Avum AL AL] or you meant i can buy today and last day is still calculated using aug 20

2020-10-01 17:46:39 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Sure

2020-10-01 17:47:54 [TO : Avum AL AL] I'll use Aug 31 as the calculation date to keep everything sorted
2020-10-01 17:48:02 [TO : Avum AL AL] that's before Sep 1st
2020-10-01 17:49:00 [TO : Avum AL AL] her end date will be Nov 28th
2020-10-01 17:49:56 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Alright so 2 months

2020-10-01 17:50:23 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Thats quite a long time and should help her a ton

2020-10-01 17:50:51 [TO : Avum AL AL] the start date has to be before Sep 1st, so I used Aug 31st
2020-10-01 17:50:55 [TO : Avum AL AL] I updated the list
2020-10-01 17:52:27 [FROM: Avum AL AL] Saw it at the bottom

I used the Aug 31st date instead of Aug 20th to actually give you more time. I couldn't start your sweat selling 90-day window for selling sweat any later than that because it wouldn't have been fair to others who missed the Sep 1st date. Even with this put into place, you haven't sold any sweat at all to Avum since your PM exchange with him on Sep 2nd.
Here is the list I gave to Avum of the Monrian Born who were still in their 90-day window to sell sweat after we disbanded our official sweat buying program. After Avum contacted me on Oct 1st about your situation, I added you to the list that day.
| | |
Astori Ev1lK1ll Borders | 7/2/20 | 9/29/20 |
Bryok Sithney Bennet | 7/26/20 | 10/24/20 |
Phagar Zehelys Kira | 8/10/20 | 11/9/20 |
Kri SweatySweat Xyz | 8/11/20 | 11/10/20 |
aaminepp negga kh | 8/16/20 | 11/13/20 |
Molimo Maestro Nox | 8/19/20 | 11/16/20 |
Arthur Alpha Leonhart | 8/20/20 | 11/17/20 |
Ilkiko LittleBerry Igloi | 8/22/20 | 11/19/20 |
Serhii maestertigra Reshnetnyak | 8/23/20 | 11/20/20 |
Gladora Gladora Amenath | 8/24/20 | 11/22/20 |
Thomas MellowMarsh Davis | 8/25/20 | 11/23/20 |
Aleksandr Monrian Born | 8/26/20 | 11/24/20 |
NanosoldierNL NanosoldierNL Dutchy | 8/27/20 | 11/25/20 |
Amber Eden Grace | 8/31/20 | 11/28/20 |
Avum has an ongoing PM with me at the forum where he forwards me screenshots of every sweat buy transaction he makes because I have to do a monthly report for Ant on all Monrian Born sweat buying data. Not once since Sep 2nd have you sold sweat to Avum, even after you were informed that I authorized Avum to buy your sweat at 2 ped per 1k of sweat.
I gave you the opportunity to sell sweat to Avum, even after you didn't sell to me prior to Sep 1st. There is nothing unfair about what took place, and if anything, you did not take advantage of being offered this opportunity.
You need to take responsibility for your own "inactions" and not selling to Avum this whole time. Whether you decide to now sell sweat to Avum at the 2 ped per 1k sweat is your choice, but the window closes on Nov 28th.