As Synial approached the secluded tent, he sensed that his great quest was nearing its end. His months of toil were near completion and so was his quest. A quest of faith, a quest that took him to distant lands and challenged both his intellect and physical prowess.
Synial handed over the broken crown retrieved during his epic battle with the Otis Commander to the Mysterious Crafter who stood before him. Some words were said and the Crown of Sahar appeared on his person.
He felt a strange sensation as the crown sat atop his head, a fleeting moment of change passed and he felt different.
“Greetings brave warrior,” Synial recognized his Queen as soon as she appeared and fell to his knees.
Queen Nara studied the warrior, he held the courage to stand before the strongest yet the humility to fall before his Queen. He will do, she mused, he will do just fine.
“Rise Lord Synial, First of the Order and Protector of the Golden Doors.”
“My Queen?” He stammered as he slowly rose and met her glaze. “What order do you speak of?”
“The Lotus Guardians are an ancient order who give their life to the protection of the Lotus Temple and give their life they did, to a person, as Elara fell.” The Queen continued, “You see my Lord, there are those that do not hold the love for Toulan that we do and seek to destroy it.”
“I heard tales of Elara and the Lotus Temple in my youth but what threat do they hold to Toulan?”
“They are not tales my sweet child, but fragments of a history seldom told. A history of our shared origins and the role we Safians play in the protection of this realm.
Queen Nara regaled him with her account of the history of Elara and its invasion by the evil corporation. How her disciple known as DEC had helped her to escape and sealed Elara for its protection.
“But why me? Why now?” Humble in his confidence yet courageous in his character, thought Nara.
“The Lotus Temple, whilst being the spiritual home of our ancestors, also serves another purpose. Through inter-dimensional doors that draw on the power of Nawa we have imprisoned the most dangerous of creatures from Toulan. We serve as protector and enslave the evil lest they return.”
The Queen continued, “As to why now, well many moons ago I became aware that the temple had somehow been infiltrated and the imprisoned freed. This poses a great threat to our realm and I fear the attacks may one day be too much if we do not act now.”
“But my Queen, why me?” Asked Synial.
“It became clear that the Lotus Guardians were needed once more, and so we devised a scheme to find the most worthy among my subjects to lead the Great Order. You completed this quest of might, intelligence and great courage. You were also the first. There will be those that follow, of that I am sure. They will seek glory and fame but yours was a selfless act in the service of others.”
“The Great Lord Sahar was the first of the Guardians and by retrieving his crown, an enchantment of sorts has been bestowed upon you. You see only a Guardian can retrieve the key parts needed to construct the Golden Key required to enter the Golden Chambers alone. It is only you and those that follow who are worthy of deciding who can enter as a solo warrior.”
“Do you Lord Synial accept this great burden and vow to protect the Lotus Temple and clear its chambers of the enslaved and repel the invaders?”
“Yes my Queen, I am and forever will be your humble servant.”
DEC has unsealed Elara and provided access via a teleportation device located to the north of DSEC9 to allow the people of Toulan to come to the aid of the Lotus Temple. Lotus Invaders have been sighted and have found a way to infiltrate the temple. Access to Elara is only at DSEC9 through the teleportation device and not from Toulan.
- A new Mob with a new Codex entry – Lotus Invaders have been sighted on Elara
- Crafting has been enabled and Toulan Blueprints can be looted from the crafting Terminals at the outpost and the Lotus Temple
- Wahesh Hatchlings and Caboria Ancients have infested the waters
NoBion has once again collaborated with the Virtualsense Team and brought his latest atmospheric music to Elara. Thank you!
The Lotus Temple
The Lotus Temple located in the center of Elara holds imprisoned mobs from Toulan for the realm’s safety. The chambers are accessible via gates on the first floor with keys acquired by refining molten from hunting loot.

Guardian Loot
Players who have completed the DSEC Emissary mission and retrieved the Crown of Sahar have the exclusive ability to loot Golden Key Parts from the Lotus Solo Instances. These key parts are refined to create the Lotus Gold Solo Master Key which is used to enter the Lotus Gold Solo Instance.
Lotus Solo Instances (Black, Blue, Brown)
- No Chest, Loot is received as mobs are killed
- Imprisoned mob varieties of Toulan Mobs
- Guardians have the possibility to Loot Golden Key parts (see Guardian Loot)
- Black, Blue and Brown keys are created by refining molten of the appropriate color acquired in hunting loot
- Team Instances have chests to open once they are completed
- Imprisoned mob varieties of Toulan Mobs
- Red, Green, Silver keys are created by refining molten of the appropriate color acquired in hunting Loot (Green and Silver key Molten is only found in the instances
- Mirsal Tokens can be Looted in Team instances from the chests
- Both Solo and Team instances have chests to open once completed
- Lotus Gold Solo Master Key is created by refining the key parts looted by Guardians in the Solo Black, Blue and Brown Instances
- Lotus Gold Team Master Key is created by refining Golden Key Molten acquired from chests in the Lotus Team Silver Instance.
- Mirsal Tokens can be looted in Lotus Gold Instances
- Lotus Armor can be looted from the chests in Lotus Gold Instances
- Lotus Armor Plates can be looted from the chests in Lotus Gold Instances
Unlimited Lotus Armor can be looted from the Chests in the Golden Instances as rare loot.
- 3 part – 5% Increased Evade, 5% Decreased Critical Damage
- 5 part – 10% Increased Evade, 10% Decreased Critical Damage
- 7 part – 20% Increased Evade, 20% Decreased Critical Damage

Lotus Armor Plates
Unlimited Armor Plates can be looted from the chests in the Golden Instances as rare loot.

New Vehicles
Two new Nawa Vial powered vehicles have been added. Due to restrictions placed on these vehicles they can only be spawned and used on Toulan Territories (Toulan and DSEC9).
- Both powered by Nawa Vial
- Nawa Flying Carpet (L) is a one person flying vehicle that can be obtained via ‘The Magic Within the caves” Quest
- Festive Nawa Sleigh (L) is a three person flying vehicle that can be obtained by the festive quest throughout the month of December
New furniture blueprints (L) are now waiting to be discovered. There has been a particular focus on items we feel may be of interest to our dedicated Shop Owners.
New Quests
Festive Quest 2021 (Planet Toulan/DSEC-9)
Collect Christmas crackers whilst hunting non-instance mobs on VU day and during the month of December and hand them in for festive rewards. This is a 3-person vehicle.
- Stage 1 – A Turkey Mask (who doesn’t love to wear a turkey on their face)
- Stage 2 – A Festive Tree (Bring some festive cheer to your apartment)
- Stage 3 – A Festive Sleigh powered by Nawa Vial and restricted to Toulan Territories (Jingle Bells

The Magic Within the Caves (Planet Toulan/DSEC9)
Collect parts from the CUHOF instances on Toulan or the Lotus Instances on Elara and hand them in for your own flying carpet.
- Powered by Nawa Vial and restricted to Toulan territory meaning it can only be used or spawned on DSEC9 or Planet Toulan.

Where’s my Pet? (Planet Toulan)
No sooner has a lost and found department been added on Floor 6 when a frantic person has appeared having lost their pets.
- Designed to encourage players to check out the Toulan Shops and Toulan Stable.
- If Shop Owners happen to see one of these wandering pets in their shop please alert the community.
- A 10 Mirsal Token reward is offered for any player that can find all 15 pets!
Toulan Citizenship (Planet Toulan)
After constant and excessive petitioning to the Office of Her Majesty Queen Nara. It has been decided that Toulan Citizenship will be granted to those who risk their life in defense of the realm.
- Earn contribution during Toulan events by ‘participating’ in the killing of Event Mobs
- Those granted Toulan Citizenship will receive The Toulan Born Shirt and Pants and be eligible for any community benefits afforded such citizens
- Once Toulan Citizenship is awarded the avatar will be marked as Toulan born for the purpose of present and future quests (will be able to complete Toulan Born quests)
The Woodcutter’s Helper (Planet Toulan)
A new Repeatable Quest has been added to the event area that involves sweating, hunting and harvesting. Speak to NPC Khalil by the event area for more information.

QUWA Challenge (Planet Toulan)
- Khaffash, Dahhar, Sunjoq and Wahesh figurines have been added to the QUWA challenge quests.
- Return to Moftah to receive your reward if you have already completed them.
John has lost his Otis Toy!
- Hunt Otis and receive a Toy as a reward.

- New Items have been added to the Mirsal Trader
- The Items are things that may be useful to Shop Owners!

- ‘Toulan’ has been added to Global Messages
- Correct efficiency is now displayed on the Salafa laser sights
- Storage added to Event Area
- Fix spelling on Maharesh BP
- Updated CUHOF daily rewards descriptions
- Issue with Mawlood Recruit Arm Guards Female stats fixed
- Duhol Wave Spawner adjusted (lowered some maturities)
- Removed Khaffash Marauders from Volcano
- Adjusted Khaffash spawning behavior at the temple
- Updated the names of the CUHOF Gates
- Adjusted Sound on Mokhat
- After receiving feedback, the picker mission will no longer be required to loot damaged parts and can be obtained in normal loot
- ‘DSEC9’ has been added to global messages
- Fixed looting action in DEC Emissary quest (when looting two items at the same time they now both count)
- Harvesting has been added to DSEC9
The post VU 21.4 | THE HUMBLE SERVANT appeared first on Virtualsense.
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