Hi, tried to connect to Yamato channel, but the system writes access is denied. I was accidentally teleported by NPC from Monria to Calypso, now I can not go back. How to use Monria Space Travel Program to return back? I have unfinished Monria quests. Sorry for newbie question.
Unfortunately, there is a bug with people losing chat channels. I have to keep sending invites to some to get back into the Yamato chat channel. I can send you another invite but not until a little later, it's 3am here and I'm on my way back to bed. I generally check for forum span when I wake up, and I noticed your post.
We only fly our schedules on Fridays and Sundays, so hopefully you can wait until Friday. Unfortunately, there's a Monrian Born quest that transports you to Calypso, but eventually we will be removing it. It was in place when we took over the Moon. It's not a simple process because it affects other quests.
In the meantime, see if you can complete a couple of quests at Camp Icarus, and specifically the Bukins Spare Rifle quest, and the first level of the Gauntlet mission to get your Vivo S10 heal kit.
We'll pick you up on Friday, and I will contact you in the game on Thursday sometime to get you back into the Yamato chat channel.
Sorry for the inconvenience.