Virtualsense Quarterly | September 2021


Virtualsense Official
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Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member


I, and the Virtualsense Media Team members for this issue (Ant, Kendra and ShadowDragonV) are pleased to present the Virtualsense Quarterly | September 2021 magazine issue with a primary focus on our first crossover mission chain between DSEC9 and Toulan.

Here is the link to access the PDF file for viewing and downloading:
  • right click on the link and open in a new tab
  • you can read the magazine in single page mode in your browser -- or
  • you can download the PDF file and open it up in Acrobat Reader
Virtualsense Quarterly | September 2021

If you download the PDF and want to view it in proper two-page view, do the following:
  • click on View
  • then click on Page Display
  • then choose Two Page View
  • make sure to check mark the following as well
  • --- Show Gaps Between Pages
  • --- Show Cover Page in Two Page View
A huge thank you to Kendra and Shadow for their contributions toward making this issue possible, and a big thank you to Heidi for once again contributing a very informative article on the Mysteries of Mining on Monria.

For this issue, as with all issues, Shadow was my constant throughout the process and in the trenches with me from beginning to end. She's learned a new software herself and now does all needed graphic transparencies, as well as any other miscellaneous things that need to be done in the say of graphics. Kendra is a VS Team member who works with development and missions and provides information and graphics I wouldn't ordinarily be able to get on time.

The September issue was delayed a week because I was sick with a cold/throat/chest thing that knocked me for a loop, but because I learned the basics of a new digital publishing software for the June magazine issue, production on this issue was easier and quicker. There is still much more for me to learn with regard to features and graphics and other elements that will help make our magazine issues more appealing, so you can look forward to the December issue being elevated a bit more.

As always, mega thanks to Ant for creating such an engaging and vibrant environment across our locations. He never ceases to amaze me with his creativity, especially his official storyline writing that now connects all 3 locations, but I can also say that about Kendra as well, because she's right in the thick of the development and missions process too. She's always ready to lend support when needed. I love this team, and I feel blessed to be a part of it, but also blessed to work with so many of our community program teams to make things happen.

Our community is nothing less than phenomenal, I love that we are so caringly connected.

Thank You 💜


  • Sep-2021-Qtrly.pdf
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Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Gratz on getting the broken Silver Crown Zero, I'm glad we re-did the photo because now we can see the Silver Crown AND the DSEC-9 Armor that you are wearing, not sure if you got the helmet yet, but it looks great. :thumbsup
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