Under The Microscope

Soloman @Black Mesa

Well-Known Member
"Perceived Distribution"ThiefY-M-OP-G-D-AOA-P-SM-S-Q
Duhol Hand Band00.51%0.05%0.05%0.03%0.10%
Duhol Sack of Bones00.28%0.02%0.05%0.01%0.06%
Duhol Hide01.71%0.45%0.25%0.16%0.56%
Animal Hide03.74%2.42%9.03%2.76%13.50%
Basic Stone Extractor00.57%
Advanced Leather Extractor1.73%1.79%0.71%1.66%
Weak Cloth Extractor1.40%1.43%0.71%
Enhanced Cloth Extractor0.05%0.35%
Basic Mineral Extractor0.28%0.13%0.27%
Advanced Wood Extractor0.01%0.30%
High Speed Control Component00.03%
Surface Hardener Component0.06%
Electronic Stabilizing Component0.12%0.44%0.16%0.46%
High Definition GUI Component0.01%
Focus Lens Component0.02%
Output Amplifier Component0.34%
Socket 1 Component00.41%0.43%0.13%
Socket 2 Component0.62%0.21%
Socket 4 Component0.52%
Socket 5 Component0.69%
Tier 1 Component00.06%0.04%
Tier 2 Component0.06%
Paint Can (Yellow)00.47%
Paint Can (Purple)0.11%0.08%0.06%
Paint Can (Violet Cream)0.01%
Paint Can (Mauve)0.03%
Animal Spleen Oil0.01%
Animal Pancreas Oil4.61%
Animal Liver Oil1.29%
Animal Eye Oil24.66%2.00%
Animal Muscle Oil54.38%37.62%36.45%29.41%59.68%
Animal Oil Residue37.81%55.30%24.29%65.40%15.14%
Bedaya Armor Harness (M,L)0.01%
Jamjoom Wipeout (L)0.02%0.01%<0.01%
Ophidian Blade M2 (L)0.01%
Creature Control - Duhol Provider0.01%0.01%
Zenbaq Tincture0.01%
TWEN Token0.15%0.30%0.17%0.34%

Data for wave spawn and/or FnF has not been collected.

The following items have not been looted during these hunts.
They will be added as they appear again.
  • Fine Wool - only in the CUHOF or Card instances
  • Tier 4 Component
  • Interactive Simplifier Component
  • Surface Toughness Component
  • Paint Can (Green)
  • Paint Can (Light Green)
  • Paint Can (Navy)
  • Empty Skill Implant
  • Hilqa Knife M4 (L)
  • Shayeb S30 (L)
  • Sahra MK6 (L)
  • Haris Arm Guards (L)
  • Haris Thigh Guards (L)
  • Jadid Arm Guards (L)
  • Jadid Shin Guards (L)
  • Jadid Foot Guards (L)
Last edited:

Soloman @Black Mesa

Well-Known Member
2024 Duhol Young-Mature-Old (15:15-1616 ) Wed.
Marber Bravo Adj./Beta (62.3 eff., 33 Card-dps)
(5% Crit , 15% Reload, 15% Crit Damage)

[Animal Muscle Oil] 3424 *
[Duhol Hand Band] 5 (oy)
[Jamjoom Wipeout (L)]2 (oy) y16:04<
[Duhol Hide] 41 *
[Animal Oil Residue] 5033
[Paint Can (Purple)] 10 (o)
[Advanced Wood Extractor] 1 (o) <--Z! 15:22
[Surface Hardener Component] 6 (m)
[Electronic Stabilizing Component] 11 (o)
[Socket 1 Component] 39 *
[TWEN Token] 14
[Weak Cloth Extractor] 128 (y)
[Focus Lens Component] 2 (y)
[Animal Hide] 220 *
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 2 (o) 15:38x2
[Advanced Leather Extractor] 158 (oy)
[Bedaya Armor Harness (M,L)] 1 (m?15:48)
[Tier 1 Component] 4 (y) 16:13x4

Item Count = 9101(percentages represent frequency)
[Duhol Hand Band] 0.05%
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 0.02%
[Duhol Hide] 0.45%
[Animal Hide] 2.42%
[Advanced Leather Extractor] 1.73%
[Weak Cloth Extractor] 1.40%
[Advanced Wood Extractor] 0.01%
[Surface Hardener Component] 0.06%
[Electronic Stabilizing Component] 0.12%
[Focus Lens Component] 0.02%
[Socket 1 Component] 0.43%
[Tier 1 Component] 0.04%
[Paint Can (Purple)] 0.11%
[Animal Muscle Oil] 37.62%
[Animal Oil Residue] 55.30%
[Bedaya Armor Harness (M,L)] 0.01%
[Jamjoom Wipeout (L)] 0.02%
[TWEN Token] 0.15%

Soloman @Black Mesa

Well-Known Member
2024 Duhol Provider-Guardian-Dominant-Alpha (17:17-18:17) Wed.
Marber Bravo Adj./Beta (62.3 eff., 33 Card-dps)
(5% Crit , 15% Reload, 15% Crit Damage)

[Animal Eye Oil] 1553 *
[Duhol Hide] 16 (ad)
[Animal Hide] 569 (apd)
[Animal Oil Residue] 1530
[Creature Control Capsule - Duhol Provider] 1 (d17:20)
[Animal Muscle Oil] 2296 *
[TWEN Token] 19
[Duhol Hand Band] 3 (g17:24x3)
[Basic Mineral Extractor] 18 (a17:25x18)<----Z!
[Advanced Leather Extractor] 113 (gp)
[Socket 2 Component] 39 (ga)
[Electronic Stabilizing Component] 28 (gpd)
[Weak Cloth Extractor] 90 *
[Jamjoom Wipeout (L)] 1 (p17:34)
[Tier 2 Component] 4 (a17:36x4)
[Paint Can (Purple)] 5 (d17:41x5)<
[Socket 1 Component] 8 (p17:42x2p18:11x6)
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 3 (g17:57x3)
[Paint Can (Violet Cream)] 1 (g17:57x1)
[Ophidian Blade M2 (L)] 1 (g18:08)

Item Count = 6298 (percentages represent frequency)
[Duhol Hand Band] 0.05%
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 0.05%
[Duhol Hide] 0.25%
[Animal Hide] 9.03%
[Advanced Leather Extractor] 1.79%
[Weak Cloth Extractor] 1.43%
[Basic Mineral Extractor] 0.28%
[Electronic Stabilizing Component] 0.44%
[Socket 1 Component] 0.13%
[Socket 2 Component] 0.62%
[Tier 2 Component] 0.06%
[Paint Can (Purple)] 0.08%
[Paint Can (Violet Cream)] 0.01%
[Animal Eye Oil] 24.66%
[Animal Muscle Oil] 36.45%
[Animal Oil Residue] 24.29%
[Jamjoom Wipeout (L)] 0.01%
[Ophidian Blade M2 (L)] 0.01%
[Creature Control Capsule - Duhol Provider] 0.01%
[TWEN Token] 0.30%

Soloman @Black Mesa

Well-Known Member
2024 Duhol Old Alpha-Prowler-Stalker #3 (15:05-16:05) Fri.
Marber BGH/none (79.0% eff., 90 Card-dps)
([5+3] Crit, [15+10] Reload, [15+40] Crit Dmg.)

[Duhol Hand Band] 6 (s1515x3, s1529x3)
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 3 (p1507x3)
[Duhol Hide] 30 * (pos)
[Animal Hide] 510 * (p1512x58, s1518x63, o1545x134, s1557x136)
[Enhanced Cloth Extractor] 9 (s1511x9)
[Advanced Leather Extractor] 131 * (p1513x23, o1520x22, p1524x16, p1527x44, s1547x13, s1552x13)
[Weak Cloth Extractor] 132 (p1513x42, p1602x13, p1604x26)...
[Basic Mineral Extractor] 25 (o1537x14)<<<<Z!!
[Electronic Stabilizing Component] 29 * (pso)
[Socket 2 Component] 39 (o1546x3, o1546x8, s1603x17, o1604x11)
[High Definition GUI Component] 2 (p)
[Paint Can (Mauve)] 6 (p1535x6<Z?)
[Animal Eye Oil] 370 (o)
[Animal Muscle Oil] 5426 * (pos)
[Animal Oil Residue] 12066
[Creature Control Capsule - Duhol Provider] 2 (s1507, s1541)
[Jamjoom Wipeout (L)] 1 (s1541)
[TWEN Token] 31
[System]: You received [Animal Muscle Oil] x (1069) , (s1541)
[System]: You received [Animal Oil Residue] x (4108) , (s1541)

Item Count = 18448 (percentages represent frequency)
[Duhol Hand Band] 0.03%
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 0.01%
[Duhol Hide] 0.16%
[Animal Hide] 2.76%
[Enhanced Cloth Extractor] 0.05%
[Advanced Leather Extractor] 0.71%
[Weak Cloth Extractor] 0.71%
[Basic Mineral Extractor] 0.13%
[Electronic Stabilizing Component] 0.16%
[Socket 2 Component] 0.21%
[High Definition GUI Component] 0.01%
[Paint Can (Mauve)] 0.03%
[Animal Eye Oil] 2.00%
[Animal Muscle Oil] 29.41%
[Animal Oil Residue] 65.40%
[Creature Control Capsule - Duhol Provider] 0.01%
[Jamjoom Wipeout (L)] <0.01%
[TWEN Token] 0.17%

Soloman @Black Mesa

Well-Known Member
2024 Duhol Marauder-Slayer-Queen (02:40-03:42) Tues.
Marber BGH/Delta (78.5 eff., 90 Card-dps)
([5+3%] Crit., [15+10] Reload, [15+40] Crit Dmg.)

[Duhol Hand Band] 8
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 5
[Duhol Hide] 43
[Animal Hide] 1033
[Basic Mineral Extractor] 21 (02:52)
[Advanced Leather Extractor] 127 (02:54)
[Enhanced Cloth Extractor] 27
[Advanced Wood Extractor] 23 (03:30)
[Socket 5 Component] 53
[Socket 4 Component] 40
[Electronic Stabilizing Component] 35
[Output Amplifier Component] 26 (m)
[Animal Spleen Oil] 1 (q)
[Animal Oil Residue] 1158
[Animal Liver Oil] 99
[Animal Pancreas Oil] 353
[Animal Muscle Oil] 4565
[Zenbaq Tincture] 1
[Paint Can (Purple)] 5
[TWEN Token] 26

Item Count = 7649 (percentages represent frequency)
[Duhol Hand Band] 0.10%
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 0.06%
[Duhol Hide] 0.56%
[Animal Hide] 13.50%
[Advanced Leather Extractor] 1.66%
[Basic Mineral Extractor] 0.27%
[Enhanced Cloth Extractor] 0.35%
[Advanced Wood Extractor] 0.30%
[Output Amplifier Component] 0.34%
[Electronic Stabilizing Component] 0.46%
[Socket 5 Component] 0.69%
[Socket 4 Component] 0.52%
[Paint Can (Purple)] 0.06%
[Animal Muscle Oil] 59.68%
[Animal Liver Oil] 1.29%
[Animal Pancreas Oil] 4.61%
[Animal Spleen Oil] 0.01%
[Animal Oil Residue] 15.14%
[Zenbaq Tincture] 0.01%
[TWEN Token] 0.34%

Soloman @Black Mesa

Well-Known Member
2024 Duhol Thief (16:55-18:09 ) Wed.
Mawlood Graduate (L)/Sinkadus/P20 (80.2 eff., 11.2 Card-dps)
(8% Crit , 15% Reload, 60% Crit Damage)

[Duhol Hand Band] 16
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 9
[Duhol Hide] 54
[Animal Hide] 118
[Basic Stone Extractor] 18
[High Speed Control Component] 1
[Socket 1 Component] 13
[Tier 1 Component] 2
[Paint Can (Yellow)] 15
[Animal Muscle Oil] 1716
[Animal Oil Residue] 1193

Item Count = 3155(percentages represent frequency)

[Duhol Hand Band] 00.51%
[Duhol Sack of Bones] 00.28%
[Duhol Hide] 01.71%
[Animal Hide] 03.74%
[Basic Stone Extractor] 00.57%
[High Speed Control Component] 00.03%
[Socket 1 Component] 00.41%
[Tier 1 Component] 00.06%
[Paint Can (Yellow)] 00.47%
[Animal Muscle Oil] 54.38%
[Animal Oil Residue] 37.81%
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