Toulan Waves | General Discussion


Virtualsense Official
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I am appealing to the community to help out a bit with the Toulan wave events with regard to getting more info, such as ...
  • how many waves before boss shows up
  • a scan of mob stats, especially the wave boss
  • what are the mob levels for each wave
  • what kind of loot is dropping
  • I'm going to assume the damage types (except for the wave boss maybe) is the same as the regular mobs of their kind
The waypoint locations are already listed in each of the mob wave threads, so just add a post with any additional info that you can collect.

It would be appreciated ... thanks.

Eleni Von Estlla

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The waves are made of regular mobs, so loot tables and damage types are exactly the same, except if we still had that newly implemented marauders in Duhol wave, then that be two possible loot table/damage types crossed over.

Im not too sure how many waves, its been a long time since i done one, but something like 4 or 5.

We can gather the bosses scans on next event :)


Virtualsense Official
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Thanks, appreciate it ... so then during the beginning of the Toulan event, we'll get the scans of the wave bosses and I can add them to each of the boss wave threads ... I could actually get the scans since the mobs don't bother me and let you guys engage in battle ... then I can update the first posts in each thread.

I think we have a plan. :thumbsup

Eleni Von Estlla

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Did you manage to get the scans over the weekend? I totally forgot about that.

I thought about and will time how long the wave lasts until timeout aswell, may be usefull.

If i can get Big Hally Baba to help, i may try organise a run in each to log the maturities in each waves at some point.

Also each wave has a “spawn refresh” mid term, meaning you can get surprised and surrounded (and killed) at each half of each wave.
Not too sure if its timed or kill-counted though, will try to clarify this as well.


Virtualsense Official
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Shadow has posted updated and more comprehensive threads on each of the Toulan Mob Wave Events.

Thank you Shadow for taking the time to assemble this information for the community, it's immensely appreciated. 💜

Soloman @Black Mesa

Well-Known Member
These waves appear to still have a time limit, can anyone else confirm the duration? I did not see a timer anywhere and timed out while shooting near the center of Duhol wave 3.
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