Toulan Main (Storyline) Mission Chain - (Open to all)

Eleni Von Estlla

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Toulan Historian
Hey all,

This is a guide for the storyline missions which are open to everyone.

It will start just like for Toulan Borns, but stop upon receiving Ahlan's vehicle. From there you will jump to Al-Nahar City.

The bits in between are now reserved for Toulan and Monrian Born. So if you are a returning player, and was mid-quest in this middle bit, you wont be able to continue this.

From there i suppose you will have to abandon the mission, and pick up at Al-Nahar.

Note: This mission I have done in 2015/2016, so this is built on notes and info i gathered. I couldnt get it all to the end, so if you are in the middle of doing it, please post here in the same format (coords, order, task, reward, etc etc).

Hope this helps,

So first landing on Toulan, you will of course want to run to the first TP.
But the first NPC of the mission chain, Salam, is on the other platform.

Mission 01 - Meet Salam
Look on the left, where all the arches are, and meet Salam to start the chain - /wp [Planet Toulan, 132665, 94190, 271, Waypoint]

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He will then say Good Morning, and tell you to meet Bilal.
What he wont tell you, is why his teeth look like an antique piano.

Mission 02 - Meet Bilal
Bilal is located at the main gate of the Citadel.
Toulan Born get their... amazing, beautiful, unique, pretty, gorgeous, silky Toulan Born shirt at this point. Im not jealous!
But you will have to do without it, since this guide is for tourists.

Bilal will ask you to put five TabTab and five Sunjoqs to rest.
Those can be found on the left on the main gate, by the pond.

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Once this is done, Bilal will recognize that you sure are a great hunter!
You will get the Salafa Beginner pistol, and 0.70PED ammo as a reward, and then Bilal sends you to the person guarding the other pillar of the gate : Ahlan!

Mission 03 - Ahlan's wedding ring
So... Ahlan's problem is much more complicated than the hunting task you achieved before.
Ahlan is located next to Bilal, at the Citadel, by the stairs - /wp [Planet Toulan, 132641, 94073, 280, Waypoint]

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Ahlan will tell you that she has lost her wedding ring!
She is now ready to pay anyone anything to get her ring back, so you better get at it!

You will only have to look around, but we will give you a clue: There's water at the Citadel, and water has to go somewhere.
If you look behind the Citadel's Tower, there is sewage pouring into a tiny reservoir.

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The ring has gone through there, and fell into the water -- /wp [Planet Toulan, 132645, 93996, 254, Waypoint]
There is a bubbly shining marker on the ring to make it more visible.

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You just swim to the ring as you cannot interact with it or pick it up.

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Now is time to hurry and get the ring back to Ahlan [Planet Toulan, 132641, 94073, 280, Waypoint]
She will be astonished that you managed to recover her wedding ring, and will reward you her old car: [Ahlan's Old Vehicle (L)]

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NOTE ... This mission is open to all, also part of "Ahlan's Old Vehicle" mini-chain.
For non-Toulan or Monrian Born, the mini-chain ends here upon receiving Ahlan's Old Vehicle.

This is the last mission open to everyone.
The main mission chain will pick up for everyone again with Senan, at Nahar City - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134489, 96469, 274, Waypoint]


Mission 01 - Meet Rabee
Meet Senan down the main alley from the TP of Al-Nahar City for your first mission.
Talk to Senan, the Chief Engineer in Al-Nahar City - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134489, 96469, 274, Waypoint]

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He sends you to meet Rabee at the Nawa Reactor - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134055, 96748, 323, Waypoint]

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Mission 02 - Drop the Pressure
Rabee wants you to check the pressure on the pipes around Nahar City

Pipe 01 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134239, 96266, 287, Waypoint]

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Pipe 02 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134411, 96745, 158, Waypoint]

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Pipe 03 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134280, 96232, 322, Waypoint]

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Pipe 04 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134328, 96509, 286, Waypoint]

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Pipe 05 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134481, 96358, 275, Waypoint]

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Return to Rabee and he's happy.
REWARD : Combat Reflex Skill.
He then sends you to Sarhan the Ecologist.

Mission 03 - Meet Sarhan the Ecologist
Meet Sarhan - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134385, 96376, 275, Waypoint]
Who gives you the next mission.....

Mission 04 - Cold Cuts
Sarhan conducts research on Caboria and needs some samples.
Hunt 50 Caboria
He sends you to hunt in a small spawn. /wp [Planet Toulan, 133979, 96395, 104, Waypoint]
Return to Sarhan - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134385, 96376, 274, Waypoint]
REWARD : BLP weaponry technology skill
Then Sarhan starts your next mission.

Mission 05 - Say Cheese!
Sarhan has placed observation cameras all over Toulan to watch the fauna.
You are asked to gather the films inside each of them.
They do have a waypoint on the map.

Motion sensor 01 [134795 ~ 95943]
Motion Sensor 01.png

Motion sensor 02

Motion sensor 03 ~ [136104 ~ 91918]
Motion Sensor 03.png

Motion sensor 04 ~ [134573 ~ 91207]
Motion Sensor 04.png

Motion sensor 05 ~ [131547 ~ 92743]
Motion Sensor 05.png

Motion sensor 06 ~ [131838 ~ 94745]
Motion Sensor 06.png

Motion sensor 07 ~ [134154 ~ 93795]
Motion Sensor 07.png

Motion sensor 08

Back to Sarhan /wp [Planet Toulan, 134385, 96376, 274, Waypoint]
REWARD Aim skill
Sends you to meet Senan for a serious matter.

Mission 06 - Check on Senan
Go see Senan for the next mission. /wp [Planet Toulan, 134489, 96469, 274, Waypoint]

Mission 07 - Go To Red Alert
Senan has noticed bombs planted in Al-Nahar City.
You will have to find all 5 of them.
Waypoints on the map.

The Nawa Reactor - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134058, 96763, 319, Waypoint]


The Nawa Regulator - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134287, 96258, 287, Waypoint]


The Garden Tubes - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134543, 96414, 275, Waypoint]


The Majlis - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134302, 96455, 284, Waypoint]


City Center - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134302, 96455, 284, Waypoint]


Return to Senan, and he now asks you something much more tedious.

Mission 08 - Colour Cutting

Senan now asks you to defuse the bombs.
The bomb locations are already listed above in the "Go To Red Alert" mission.
(Banner across screen shows "Defues" instead of Defuse)

Bomb 01 Nawa Reactor ~ Cut White - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134058, 96763, 319, Waypoint]
Bomb 02 Nawa Regulator ~ Cut Black - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134287, 96258, 287, Waypoint]
Bomb 03 Garden Tubes ~ Cut RED - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134543, 96414, 275, Waypoint]
Bomb 04 Majlis ~ Cut Orange - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134302, 96455, 284, Waypoint]
Bomb 05 City Center ~ Cut Black - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134432, 96412, 275, Waypoint]

All bombs defused, return to Senan. /wp [Planet Toulan, 134489, 96469, 274, Waypoint]
REWARD : Combat Reflex
Then he sends you to Captain Xaida.

Mission 09 - Talk to Captain Xaida
Meet the Captain - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134412, 96477, 273, Waypoint]

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Mission 10 - Justice on Jeef Qaher Slugs
Apparently the ones who planted the bombs, so you'll have to hunt them down.
Waypoint on map
[134009 ~ 96136]
Return to Xaida - /wp [Planet Toulan, 134412, 96477, 273, Waypoint]
REWARD : Handgun skills.
And then sends you to an isolated friend, Jabaly.

Mission 11 - Meet Jabaly 😢
Waypoint on map
/wp [Planet Toulan, 132288, 95322, 297, Waypoint]

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Mission 12 - Sunny Side Up
Jabaly the birdwatcher wants you to find the birds nests in Jelly Zone
Waypoints on map.

Birds Nest 01 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 131623, 95288, 156, Waypoint]
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Birds Nest 02 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 131562, 95289, 147, Waypoint]
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Birds Nest 03 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 131503, 95271, 153, Waypoint]
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Birds Nest 04 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 131654, 95411, 175, Waypoint]
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Birds Nest 05 - /wp [Planet Toulan, 131529, 95418, 177, Waypoint]
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Return to Jabaly - /wp [Planet Toulan, 132288, 95322, 297, Waypoint]
Reward = ???

Mission 13 - Protect the Coop

Jabaly now wants you to take care of the Qaffaz and Dahhar problem.
Hunt 8 Dahhar
Hunt 12 Qaffaz
Hunting grounds here --> /wp [Planet Toulan, 132193, 95010, 169, Waypoint]
Go back to Jabaly - /wp [Planet Toulan, 132288, 95322, 297, Waypoint]
REWARD : Powerfist skill.

Mission 14 - the 10X

Jabaly now wants animal parts.

Complete 3 out of 4 lists
5x Qaffaz Tail
5x Mokhat hands
5x Bahri Claw
5x Dahhar Skin
(Keep parts with you for trading)

Here is a link to the Toulan Mobs for locations.

Thats the end of what i could gather.
There's still a bit to go, to earn your Nahar Outfit, then gather the firestones.
Again, if you are doing it, please feel free to give any more information, as detailed as possible; a video would be best, i would gladly peel it off and transfer all the info here.

Thank you,


New Member
Hiyi 👋😁

Thanx Eleni for a great tutorial .. i will now add my contribution and follow on from where you left off :)
(apologies if some screenshots are a bit low quality cos i pulled them from video i did for notes lol)

Mission 15 - Three of Four
Once you have completed 3 of the four lists return to Jabaly - [132287 ~ 95321]
Note: you cant use items you already have, or have traded via player or auction you must loot them yourself


In my case i chose Dahhar skin, Qaffaz Tail and Mokhat Hand


Mission 16 - Letter Of Ithbat



Mission 17 - Kahar Outfit Stage 1

Mission 18 - Kahar Outfit Stage 2

For this next part you can simply trade or buy the required textures if you wish

Mission 19 - Kahar Outfit Stage 3


Once inside the cave you will find 3 Duhol Crates once collected they respawn as you kill the mobs inside the cave

Note: even if you have plenty of Nawa Drops already Uthman will not allow you to trade them to him until you have collected them from the Duhol Crates in the cave

Grats .. you now have the outfit 😁
[Nahar Outfit Shoes (F)], [Nahar Outfit Pants (F)], [Nahar Outfit Shirt (F)]


If you only wanted the outfit then thats it .. however were still not done yet .. there is still more to do

Mission 20 - Meet Sahira

Mission 21 - Fire Stones

Once at the fire pits you will see a small fire stone next to them
Reward - Shortblades skill

/wp [Planet Toulan, 136798, 91790, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136813, 91872, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136904, 91809, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136809, 91728, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136736, 91798, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136779, 91808, 141, FireStone]

A little tip to not die... I used a Lancer that doesn't need a big space to land. Find a stone location, land on right side, jump out
(you always jump out to the left vehicle side), pick a stone and back to the Lancer.



Mission 22 - Sahira Charm
Reward - Rifle skill


now if you have already done these dailies before then perhaps like me it will allow you to continue the dialouge

Mission 23 - Find Cuhof Cave


And thats it well done 😁


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Here is the info with photos for the "Go To Red Alert" mission ...

The Nawa Reactor
[Planet Toulan, 134058, 96763, 319, Waypoint]


The Nawa Regulator
[Planet Toulan, 134287, 96258, 287, Waypoint]


The Garden Tubes
[Planet Toulan, 134543, 96414, 275, Waypoint]


[Planet Toulan, 134302, 96455, 284, Waypoint]


City Center
[Planet Toulan, 134433, 96404, 275, Waypoint]



Virtualsense Official
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The first post has been updated with some waypoints and photos but there are still a few more to go up to the point where Eleni ended, and the continuing missions that JJ did still need to be added as well.


Virtualsense Official
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Mission 12 - Sunny Side Up given by Jabaly to find the 5 Birds Nests has now been updated in the first post with waypoints and photos.


Virtualsense Official
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Mission 02 - Drop the Pressure has been updated with waypoints and photos.


Virtualsense Official
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The photos for the Motion Sensor locations have been added to the first post ... the only ones missing are 02 and 08 ... working on it.


Virtualsense Official
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@JJ ... how many Nawa Drops do you get from each of the boxes ... do you just kill the Duhol at each box to loot it and then done, or is this a more lengthier mission?


New Member
@DME sorry for the delay i cant remember how many nawa drops u get from each of the boxes and they seem to be on a respawn timer from when u picked . the mobs also just keep spawning as u kill them . when i was almost done i ran out of ammo and had to go get some more and when i got back the mobs were gone but crates still spawned so i guess the mobs must have got stuck when they followed me out .. so i just stayed put and kept picking till the mission was complete ,, and on my way out since i went all that way for ammo i slaughtered all the mobs lol


New Member
I finished all this chain missions and would like ask admin update some records.
Mission 8 - Colour Cutting (the same waypoints)
Bomb 04 Majlis ~ Cut Orange - [Planet Toulan, 134302, 96455, 284, Waypoint]
Bomb 05 City Center ~ Cut Black - [Planet Toulan, 134302, 96455, 284, Waypoint]
Must be >> Bomb 05 City Center ~ Cut Black - [Planet Toulan, 134432, 96412, 275, Waypoint]

Mission 21 - Fire Stones (missing reward)
Reward - Shortblades skill
Also there is waypoints that would be easier collect them as here is a mobs.

/wp [Planet Toulan, 136798, 91790, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136813, 91872, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136904, 91809, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136809, 91728, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136736, 91798, 141, FireStone]
/wp [Planet Toulan, 136779, 91808, 141, FireStone]
A little tip that not die... I used a Lancer which no need a big space to land. Find a stone location, land on right side, jump out
(you always jumping out to the left vehicle side), pick a stone and back to the plane.

Mission 22 - Sahira Charm (missing reward)
Reward - Rifle skill

Mission 22 - Find Cuhof Cave
(I suppose there should be number 23 by sequence isn't ? :)


Virtualsense Official
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Thank you Lape, I will be updating this as quickly as I can, appreciate the effort. :thumbsup


Virtualsense Official
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Edits have been made to the first and second post based on LapeSnape's contribution above ... thank you very much. :)


New Member
tips (or bug) for Mission 19 - Kahar Outfit Stage 3
u dont have to go out of the cave,just back off a bit and wait the box will respawn
and also u can spam F on a single box to get multiple drop per box and get it done faster but dont spam on the last few drop(pick one by one after getting to around 37/40) to avoid the quest bugged saying u collected 40 drop but u only have 38 or 39 in inventory
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