Thinking of heading to Monria


Hello guys,

I have just recently (within the last week) completed my mentorship, and I am thinking of heading to Monria to check it out and do a little crafting for the fun of it.

I plan on reading up on everything here, and hope to learn about it before I head there.

One question I did have: How is the economy? I mean, I don't expect Calypso (I've lived on Ark for 8 months or so), but is it possible to sell things in trade channel there when you loot them?

Looking forward to checking it out!



Official PED Donator, Friend of Lootius
Shop Owner
Ahrotahn the economy is a bit slower here. I buy loots when I am on the Moon from our hunters, and ores/enmats from our miners to sell in my shop here to our crafters. It looks like I just missed the ship back to Monria again so will probably be sunday when I return there to restock with stuff I get from other planets.

If you are a serious crafter, we have a daily crafting mission, there is a NPC on the second level right next to my shop, his name is Tobe, and he offers the mission. It is a short chain to complete first time around, but ends up being a craft 500 of any item really each day for 75 PEC of Engineering skill. It's really a decent reward for what it is. Mining is well, what you'd expect from inside rules, same as FOMA and hell really, not very noob friendly. Mobs we have a lower level, low mid level, mid and a higher level mob for hunting. Sweating is very good, in Cave 3 there are Yogs that have decent sweat and do little damage. Unlike the Nusils on Ark, these don't smack the crap out of you and are easily soloable w/o dying fast and have a few hundred sweat each before dry.

Good luck

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Just wanted to mention that Gatekeeper also buys loot and mining materials when he's in the game, which is usually quite a few hours a day, so I would friend list both Sluggo and Gatekeeper because Gatekeeper has a shop as well.


Just wanted to mention that Gatekeeper also buys loot and mining materials when he's in the game, which is usually quite a few hours a day, so I would friend list both Sluggo and Gatekeeper because Gatekeeper has a shop as well.
Thanks Dark Moon, really liking the community here so far. I have seen like 1 person actually killing things total since I got here, but far more post replies on the forums than anywhere else ever!

I will keep a lookout for Sluggo and Gatekeeper in game. I likely will stay here a while, it seems like a pretty cool place to be.

Also, free flights?! Shops that are actually affordable. Dreams come true! Nice work on Monria, really cool so far.


Official PED Donator, Friend of Lootius
Shop Owner
Whoops, thank you Hovno, my mistake is corrected :) PED, PEC what's the difference right? slap slap slap...
Ill be back later today to restock the shop and bring some ark stuff back to it as well.



Virtualsense Staff
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haha Sluggo I make that mistake too a sometimes when I'm shopping much to Ant dismay :eek::eek:
Like I intend to spend 20Ped but end up spending 200 lol

I hope you have a lovely time on the moon I do my best to keep the economy going :p
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