Temple khaffash are escaping

Littlestar b-k

Well-Known Member
VCAT Team Member
I met this fellow omw to the temple today.

Edit : I arrived at the temple and only 1 khaffash is present.
Found one other khaffash trapped at the usual locations. So there are 2 at the fountain now.
It worked well for a while but it looks like they are back at it and the despawn of mobs not in the temple doesn't seem to work anymore.


  • Entropia 2023-12-17 10.53.06.jpg
    Entropia 2023-12-17 10.53.06.jpg
    130.1 KB · Views: 118
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Littlestar b-k

Well-Known Member
VCAT Team Member
Khaffash at temple are all gone again.

Edit : managed to find 5 of them and will be able to finish mission but this is getting really old.
Is there really nothing that can be done. What happened to the despawning if they are not in the area?
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Soloman @Black Mesa

Well-Known Member
Any Slug - Defender- Median Khaffash will work for the mission. I tend to go to the little island to finish it.
  • /wp [Planet Toulan, 136895, 90485, 121, Waypoint]
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Littlestar b-k

Well-Known Member
VCAT Team Member
Picking up Fragments and getting some mu from the mobs there make it to good to go for normal khaffash


Virtualsense Staff
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Hey Star We'll look into this and see if we can find out what the problem is.

Littlestar b-k

Well-Known Member
VCAT Team Member
There are currently 0 khaffash at the fountain making impossible to do the terminator mission.
I'm counting on this mission to keep m going into Cuhof .
When running around,under and over the temple you hear khaffash behind walls,under the ground etc..
There is some serious rubberbanding going on there too. Like the recurring bug in cuhof cave/citadel/nahar tower.


Virtualsense Official
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That island off the southeast coast is a great alternative until Ant can get the temple Khaffash sorted ... there are only the Khaffash mobs on that island that Soloman mentioned without obstructions.
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