Some blueprints to sell


New Member
[Welding Wire Blueprint (L)] 392 clicks
[Standard Matrix Blueprint Adjusted (L)] 68 clicks
[Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint Modified (L)]57 clics
[Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint Improved (L)] 64 clicks
[Simple II Conductors Blueprint]
[Explosive Projectiles Blueprint I]
[Basic Processor Blueprint]
[Basic Coil Blueprint]
[Metal Ruds Blueprint]
[Basic Pump Blueprint]
and more..


Official PED Donator, Friend of Lootius
Shop Owner
Drakko, sadly I have found that most of those are TT fodder. yes you can look at the caly auction and see that they are worth oh lets say 5 ped but it's the jerks trying to manip the market.

The welding wire always sells, the L prints of the aux socket sometimes those sell for those looking for a big jackpot, once in a while those prints are candy bags. The rest of the stuff falls all the time doing EP prints. I have books and books full of them that yes, I too really should heed my own advice and TT them.


Darth Revan Reborn

Active Member
I too really should heed my own advice and TT them.


LOL you an me both, I was wondering why i was over the 500 limit in storage plus the limit in the apartment...went and got a whole bunch of storage containers to bring it down. Looked at my BP tab and was like ahhhhh .... had over 100 bp's sitting in there...most were duplicates.


Official PED Donator, Friend of Lootius
Shop Owner
Darth, I find that paying the few ped to get a blueprint book works wonders. You can throw the prints into a book(s) then throw the books into a container for even more space saving. However yes, do we really need 12 copies of basic spur pegs? I was holding onto a bunch of copies thinking stuff would sell faster in my store, even the ones that so called sell for 5 ped and im selling them for a ped each. yah right :D

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