My hair doesn't know how to be professional... LOL
At least I do not have such problems with mine as most of them left long ago.

Or at least, if they are misbehaving somewhere they can't be easily tracked back to me.

Others do have issues being blinded by sunlight reflecting off my dome which is part of the reason why I normally wear protective headgear.
Any chances to form MSDF (Monria Space Defence Forces)? I'm talking about 5-10 full armed quads supporting the Yamato warps.
That is not a bad idea. The squad would need experience in working as a group to avoid friendly fire etc.
Repairing faster than the attackers can inflict damage is often a cheaper strategy and it works well on slow and laggy connections like mine. The Yamato has certainly been packed to the eyeballs with repair crew the few times I've been on her.