Question about future mission possibilities and rewards

Superraine raine r456

Well-Known Member
Are there any plans for epic mission chains like those of other planets to obtain unlimited weapons or armor?

Would be neat to have something also that no other planet does like a 3 path epic mission chain where u can choose to go for a unlimited lvl 10 weapons or lvl 20 or lvl 30. So far all ive seen in EU has been for lvl 30 + weapons except for the xent tech prototype on cyrene. This would deffinently attract attention to the hunting side of the planet i would think.

And also if this were possible would it also be possible to get a monria only styled weapons or armor?


Official PED Donator, Friend of Lootius
Shop Owner
Excellent Ideas Super, and I believe that the development team is looking into many possibilities. Many folks have expressed a strong interest in bigger mobs, more mobs, more missions, different types of missions (the epic you mentioned for example) and other things that would closely tie into this. While we may say we want this or that, we ultimately have to sell it to MA to implement for us. Great ideas though and they will be given much consideration. Putting new critters on the moon, along with missions to go with them would be a great way to kick off their 'announcement'



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Hi Raine -- great questions, and I like the ideas. As with any type of game development, it's a process, and I think Anhithe might tell you that we're working with available systems right now to see what we can get into place without too many challenges. We definitely have a development plan, and a suggestions list from the community that we are paying attention to, but we are also prioritizing. Doesn't mean any of the things that have been suggested, or that we want ourselves for the community won't get done. That's not the case at all. It's just a matter of timing and priority.

With regard to creatures -- it would be nice to have additional creatures for sure, but we would like for them to remain unique, and not any common creatures that appear on other planets. And on that note, you've inspired me to talk with Anhithe about an idea that just popped up for me, so thanks.

On missions -- we've definitely had discussions about missions, but Anhithe can speak to that more.

I'm sure that Anhithe will be more expansive in responding to your questions, and especially since this is his AMA section, but as mentioned before, if there's anything I can add in the meantime, then I'll leave a note. Anhithe has been pretty busy today (some of that my fault :D), but he will always respond when he has the chance.

Eugenio Anhithe Wilde

Moon Manager
Staff member
Virtualsense Media Team
Are there any plans for epic mission chains like those of other planets to obtain unlimited weapons or armor?

Would be neat to have something also that no other planet does like a 3 path epic mission chain where u can choose to go for a unlimited lvl 10 weapons or lvl 20 or lvl 30. So far all ive seen in EU has been for lvl 30 + weapons except for the xent tech prototype on cyrene. This would deffinently attract attention to the hunting side of the planet i would think.

And also if this were possible would it also be possible to get a monria only styled weapons or armor?

Great ideas @Superraine raine r456 and thanks for sharing.

At the moment my approach is to try to focus on the social aspects of Monria as I think this will be key. We want events and fun activities and prizes. A lot of this we can do with just hard work and creativity and some of this will be part of the development plan. I'm working on a fixed budget for both development and marketing and trying to get the best out of it, so I'm prioritizing development that I think can make an immediate impact in this area. Although we're not going anywhere so we will definitely be building content going forward. So in short we're looking for some quick wins in the fun and social aspects and we have some ideas that we feel can slowly add breadth and depth to our game play which will be next up on our agenda....

I love the ideas though and they make a lot of sense, if you could post them in the suggestions thread so they can be tracked, I'd really appreciate it.

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