Is it intendet that now, when you refine hides, there are used 4 hides to get 1 leather?
If yes, you would be the only planet that acts this way.. all others uses 3 hides for 1 leather.
Especialy as the mobs drop only 1, if at all, it is realy hard to loot enough to craft something.
I'am not happy with this.
Please go at least back to 3 hides for 1 leather, so at least this is the same in whole universe.
I varies from creature to creature how many hides you need to get one leather, and from resource to resource how many stones to make an ingot, etc. This is too widespread on Toulan not be intentional, as the resulting TT values are correct when you refine. If you need only 3 Carboria hides to make one leather, vs 4 as it is now, the recipes that use the mats will have to adjusted too, but it will all be the same in the end - (or the the TT value of the raw materials will have to change).
I think part of the logic of Toulan is that crafting requires more resources than skills, and resource gathering requires activity - which new players can provide, not skills - which need to be 'stolen' from other planets' players, if you are a new planet.
The drop rate of hides is balancing issue, regardless of the TT value of hides needed to craft with. Believe me, I have been struggling mightily with a couple of resources myself. I take that to be part of the challenge.
I would like to have it confirmed that this is intentional - part of how Toulan is - or if they plan to standardize. I was critical of the refined and unrefined materials need for BP's - and I'm glad they changed that. This I am less concerned with, because it does really effect anything else. I can easily chalk it up to 'character' and be happy with that.