Orange paint can


Hello there everyone currently as fresh player im collecting these paint drops since these juicy mu but now getting closer to 1000 of these im wondering what i should do with em .should i trow em on auction at caly going to continue hoarding these untill my mentorship period is over .perhaps any of you more expienced players have ideas.


Well-Known Member
depends whether you want the Viceroy armour or not. If you do save them as you will need 3000 cans for one of the hand ins.
If you are not really interested in Viceroy then sell them on auction. The MU is indeed very nice :)


The sound of newer fancy armor does sound interresting.never did i think bout that option.i was more interrested in the high mu and potential profits to spend on a hunting party with mentor as thank you gift lol.or spend it on buying deeds. Thanks for the info ill have some time thinking about it .
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