The event was SO much fun, lots of things going on at once. I don't think I'll ever forget standing in the Shub Cavern 2 minutes before the event started and seeing people standing around by the usual area where Shubs spawn, but then --> when the clock struck 17:00, OMG --> I couldn't believe the instant massive spawn. It freaked me OUT.
I tried to get a photo of it, but it wasn't 2 seconds and I was a goner.
I did get lots of photos though, and some video footage at the Valentine's Fashion Contest when I handed out yellow and red heart-shaped fireworks for some to shoot off, so we'll see how that works out.
I'm going to try to get the event after-story done on Sunday. It will have all the details, especially the most important detail of all -->
@Angel Of Shadows was spared becoming a Shub-Niggurath sacrifice to Cthulhu thanks to everyone's efforts. (hers included). I
did manage to get a close-up of a Level 50 Shub-Niggurath Boss that we asked to have spawn too.