Monria's Valentine's Day Event | Win Apartments


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Was a fun event, looking for similar events in the future, I liked the mining mixed with hunting myself :D

Gratz to the winners.

Hello KMax --> prepare yourself for an unusual St Patrick's Day Event <-- especially since the Moon company is located in Irleland --> you know that we have to have something big on tap for that event. :D

I love the creative brilliance that is Anhithe, because he gives me SO much to work with, and inspires my own creativity, so there's much to look forward to in the future.

I'm like a kid on Christmas morning every day. :clap


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Congrats to All the winners I had a RL Party for a bunch of 12 year olds so I missed nearly all the event! :confused:
But I did get a couple of globals on those shubs OMG they were huge I could have used @Eleni Von Estlla nursing skills a few times. but I got quite a bit of exercise running back form the TP :)

DM once again you proved your worth to Monria :clap

:cheer YOU ARE AWESOME:cheer

Brilliant story, organisation, wow factors, pressies, fun elements, and alll round DMyness


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My apologies that the Valentine's after-event story isn't posted yet. I had 227 photos to sort through, and want to make sure that I get the best ones because there are a few that I'm going to use for a forum contest. :D

I've also asked Shade to do something for me. If all goes well, then I should have the story posted sometime on Thursday (18th).

Going forward, I can see that I'm going to have to be better prepared and organized so I'm ready to rock 'n' roll with the after-event stories in order to get them done faster. The Cultist and Valentine's event have taught me some things. :thumbsup

I know what we have planned for the St Patrick's Day Event, and if it all happens, OMG, that's going to be my biggest event challenge yet, and the after-event story is going to be stratospheric.

I think Anhithe is testing my event planning skills, and he's upping the Ant'e' each time. Bring it. :laugh


Well-Known Member
DM, you're doing a fine job. :thumbsup Sometimes a 48 hour day just isn't enough. I'm super impressed with the things that you have done in just 2 months. Don't try to do too much yourself. All I've heard is what a GREAT job you're doing and I agree whole heartedly !! :happy If you ever need anything please just ask...any in this community will be glad to help I am sure !! :cool: We all love your enthusiasum. :peace You are the BEST!! :havingamoment


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Thanks Izzy, I really appreciate that a lot. I can tell that the community is enjoying the craziness, and it's only going to get better, but that's because Anhithe likes to see exactly what I'm made of. :laugh

I have no issue with that though, because it also allows me to go beyond limited thinking. After experiencing the universe for a bit now, my brain is exploding with possibilities, so it's definitely all good. I just want to do it all at once.

48 hours is too short for my days! :D

Sometimes I think the Cthulhu effect has gotten hold of me :loco <-- that, or I've been in crater dust too long. :p

Superraine raine r456

Well-Known Member
So does this mean theres gonna be little killer leprechauns running around yelling gimmi ur lucky charms on st p's day. Cause if so ill need to double up on my monrian AA meetings for the Lunarcy thats bout to happen :countingto3


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So does this mean theres gonna be little killer leprechauns running around yelling gimmi ur lucky charms on st p's day. Cause if so ill need to double up on my monrian AA meetings for the Lunarcy thats bout to happen :countingto3

Ohhhh, I wish we could get lucky charms in the game for our St Paddy's Day event, that would be cool, but we still have plenty on tap for sure, and preparations have been in progress for a while now. I'm getting more excited about it.

We're gonna dress YOU up as a leprechaun Raine, and parade you around as our poster Lunartic. :p

Oh wait, we'll have to think of something else, because I think Sluggo holds first position as our Lunartic poster child, but don't let him know that, because the minute he's aware, strange things will begin to happen again. :rolleyes:


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Getting there !!!

I unexpectedly got hijacked yesterday for a mission and it set me back a day on the Valentine's story again, BUT --> I have taken all of the photos and put them in a video collage set to music, which will bake it easier to look at them. I got the couple of banners done that I needed, and finishing the story part is next.

My goal is to have it all finished and published tonight, providing I don't get hijacked again. :D
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