To DeepSpace:
I do my very best to be in the game at least twice if not more times a day, and I am in the game at times for hours. Since the day you received your Monrian Born starter kit, you have not missed a day selling sweat to me except between June 17th and June 21st. I was in the game those days because others sold their sweat to me.
Below is an accounting of our PM interactions beginning with the day you received your Monrian Born starter kit, and every day that you sold your sweat to me. The dates and times are highlighted.
I included all of the PM chat logs because it represents what I have said to you, since what you quoted in your post is not an accurate representation, as I did not say this to you --> “I don’t know while I’m in the game and how long I’ll not tell you, do you want to turn in the sweat now, and if not, then completely on your own fear and risk. " <-- which you also said you considered to be offensive and asked if our Monrian Born Program is for "helping newbies or for bullying other people." <-- now
that I take offense to, but I will consider that English is not your native language and there could have been something lost in translation.
The following speaks for itself:
PM Chat the day you received your Monrian Born starter kit:
2019-06-16 16:27:15 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hi there ... come see me at DSEC Forensics
2019-06-16 16:27:49 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] i just wanted to find you))
2019-06-16 16:27:51 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hi
2019-06-16 16:28:12 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] okay i must go there
2019-06-16 16:30:55 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-16 16:31:01 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] how are things going?
2019-06-16 16:31:08 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] bad)
2019-06-16 16:31:20 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] i need 3k sweat
2019-06-16 16:31:32 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] but i have only 700)
2019-06-16 16:31:46 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] it will take a while to get that, but it goes faster in a sweat circle
2019-06-16 16:31:56 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] doesn't look like there's one going on right now
2019-06-16 16:34:10 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] if you have any questions, continue to ask them in Monria chat
2019-06-16 16:34:16 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] this community is very helpful
2019-06-16 16:34:55 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] fixing device and wire i can get at Yamato?
2019-06-16 16:35:29 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] when you board the Yamato for the first time you will get your free repair kit
2019-06-16 16:35:48 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] are you going to leave Monria already?
2019-06-16 16:35:55 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] and last question)
2019-06-16 16:36:00 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok
2019-06-16 16:36:02 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] if i can)
2019-06-16 16:36:22 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] Are you buy this`s 3k sweat?
2019-06-16 16:36:46 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'm the one who buys the sweat from Monrian Borns only during their first 3 months
2019-06-16 16:37:09 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] according to the guidelines posted in the Monrian Born Program thread at the forum
2019-06-16 16:37:32 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I can only buy in increments of 1.0k even
2019-06-16 16:39:22 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] okay i understand you)
2019-06-16 16:39:24 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-16 16:39:33 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-06-16 16:46:15 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] you asked or i was about to fly away, if this`s important for you,then no, ihaven`t gathered yet)
2019-06-16 16:48:09 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] you just joined Monria, so I would finish the beginner missions first
2019-06-16 16:48:31 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] and work on your Shoggoth missions a little before leaving for another planet
2019-06-16 16:48:35 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] but it's your choice
2019-06-16 16:49:19 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] How do you know about my plans?)
2019-06-16 16:53:48 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I don't know your plans, I'm just asking questions right now
2019-06-16 16:54:07 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I want to make sure that you have the information and experience on Monria before you leave

2019-06-16 16:58:36 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I have to think about what and how many quests I will be doing at the moment
2019-06-16 16:59:14 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok, have fun and ask questions in Monria Chat if you need help

2019-06-16 16:59:47 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I need to take into account what costs will go to Hunter`s quests and whether they are profitable for me at the moment)
2019-06-16 17:00:25 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] do whatever you need to do for your game play
Following are the dates and times I bought 3k sweat from you, except on June 16th (the day you got your Monrian Born starter kit) when it was only 1k. Yesterday, July 9th was the first day you missed me online because you were on Rocktropia. When I log in, one of the first things I do is check my contact list to see where the MBs are who usually sell their sweat to me. I always ask in Monria chat if any MBs need me when I log in, as well as right before logging out. Even though some of the times you sold your sweat to me is later in the day, it's because you were not in the game or were on another planet before getting back to Monria.
The last 4 days I have been suffering with deep muscle pain in my right shoulder blade, and I made that announcement in Monria chat each day when I logged in so that everyone knew that I wouldn't be able to stay in the game long because I couldn't spend a lot of time at my computer. I knew you were on Rocktropia, but even when I asked if there were any other MBs who needed me before logging out again, you never said in Monria chat or in a PM to me that you were traveling to Monria. I could not log in again later in the day yesterday because my shoulder was too painful.
2019-06-16 23:03:01 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] Can you buy 1k sweat?
2019-06-16 23:03:29 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] sure
2019-06-16 23:03:58 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty)
2019-06-16 23:04:03 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
You did not sell sweat to me between June 17th and June 21st.
2019-06-22 18:13:47 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hi
2019-06-22 18:14:04 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] can i sell you 3k sweat?
2019-06-22 18:17:37 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok
2019-06-22 18:20:58 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-22 18:21:04 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
On Jun 23rd, you tried to sell your sweat to the Monria Fleet Manager when my ship duties started.
2019-06-23 19:39:36 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] Hello can i sell you sweat?
2019-06-23 19:41:33 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] no, you can only sell to my DME avatar
2019-06-23 19:41:49 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'll bring her back into the game after our travel schedule
2019-06-23 19:42:10 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] i wait her all day(((
2019-06-23 19:42:53 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] DME was in the game earlier ... I can't be in the game all day
2019-06-23 19:43:09 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I have other responsibilities and RL as well
22:06:08 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] want to sell 3k sweat
2019-06-23 22:06:23 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok, one sec
2019-06-24 21:07:04 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello, will you be in the game before 23:00?
2019-06-24 21:13:18 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'm in the game now, but don't know how long I will be here
2019-06-24 21:13:30 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'm working on a project
2019-06-24 21:13:35 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] did you have sweat to sell
2019-06-24 21:13:40 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yes
2019-06-24 21:13:52 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] are you at DSEC Forensics?
2019-06-24 21:13:59 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] but i `m on Calypso
21:14:43 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] you have to be on Monria to sell sweat, and I can't guarantee that I'll be in the game when you're back here
21:55:41 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I`m here DSEC Forensics
2019-06-24 21:55:47 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] can you buy?
2019-06-24 21:56:18 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] can you come to the TKoE shop at the Monria Hub please
2019-06-24 21:56:28 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] 3rd floor by the stairs
2019-06-24 21:57:25 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] Can you buy 3k sweat for tomorrow?
2019-06-24 21:57:32 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] no I can't
2019-06-24 21:57:37 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] the rules are clear
2019-06-24 22:02:09 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] i`m here
2019-06-24 22:03:18 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-24 22:03:22 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-06-25 19:00:26 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello? can i sell sweat?
2019-06-25 19:00:51 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'll head to Forensics, meet me there please
2019-06-25 19:02:03 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-25 19:02:12 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-06-26 22:05:23 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello? i want sell sweat)
2019-06-26 22:05:51 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] can i?
2019-06-26 22:05:55 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok, I'll head to Forensics
2019-06-26 22:08:05 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-26 22:08:13 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-06-27 16:35:04 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-06-27 16:36:03 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'm in work mode working on the shop inventory tool, but you can come to the Monria Hub
2019-06-27 16:36:18 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'm on the 3rd floor in Shop 4 by the televator
2019-06-27 16:36:21 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok
2019-06-27 16:39:10 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] sorry one sec
2019-06-27 16:40:38 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-27 16:40:41 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-06-28 13:40:31 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello can i sell sweat?
2019-06-28 13:41:08 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yes
2019-06-28 13:41:21 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] where are you today?)
2019-06-28 13:41:27 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] shop or dsec?
2019-06-28 13:41:45 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'm at Forensics
2019-06-28 13:43:08 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-28 13:43:14 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-06-29 19:56:58 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] Hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-06-29 19:57:10 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yes
2019-06-29 19:58:12 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-29 19:58:16 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-06-30 16:32:07 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] Hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-06-30 16:32:32 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] give me a few, I'm in conference with the boss
2019-06-30 16:43:13 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok
2019-06-30 16:49:27 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] can you come back to Forensics please
2019-06-30 16:50:42 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] i`m here
2019-06-30 16:53:42 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-06-30 16:53:49 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-07-01 18:15:52 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-07-01 18:23:53 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok, I'm at Cave 2 TP
2019-07-01 18:24:18 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] i have only cave 1
2019-07-01 18:24:36 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] tp
2019-07-01 18:24:45 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok
2019-07-01 18:25:06 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] go to TP 1 then please
2019-07-01 18:25:19 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok i`m there
2019-07-02 23:46:19 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-07-02 23:47:52 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] tyvm) that you come)
23:48:05 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
00:00:11 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] If tomorrow has come, can I sell the next batch of sweat?
2019-07-03 00:00:25 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] no
2019-07-03 00:00:36 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] why?
2019-07-03 00:00:52 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] it's midnight in the game now but it's unfair to sell sweat like that so close to midnight and expect to do it again
2019-07-03 00:01:27 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] it's also in the sweat buying program rules
2019-07-03 00:02:00 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] but I can sell every day?
2019-07-03 00:02:13 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] you've been selling every day
2019-07-03 00:02:30 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I've been buying your sweat every day
2019-07-03 00:06:47 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] The rules have this item. But only there is no specification after how much I can sell again?
2019-07-03 00:07:06 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] what do you mean
2019-07-03 00:07:22 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] you can only sell up to 3k per day
2019-07-03 00:07:28 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yep
2019-07-03 00:08:47 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I am -4 game time, and that makes it 8:08pm my time right now
2019-07-03 00:09:14 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I have to work the program according to my schedule and the one buying the sweat
2019-07-03 00:09:48 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] if I were to buy sweat from someone a few minutes before midnight game time, and then turn around and buy it again a few minutes later ...
2019-07-03 00:10:11 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] it would disrupt our Monrian Born accounting and how we manage the budget
2019-07-03 00:11:00 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] We all live in different countries and each has different time zones, but we play in a game that has one time for all.
2019-07-03 00:11:48 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] Should I push off from the time of the country in which you live or how? Not from playing time?
2019-07-03 00:12:49 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'm usually in the game anywhere from 14:00 on because I am 4 hrs behind game time
2019-07-03 00:13:34 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I do my best to meet up with MBs selling sweat to me and you have not missed a day
2019-07-03 00:16:15 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I have a budget to work with and I keep the budget accounting a certain way to be fair to all who sell to me
2019-07-03 00:18:17 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I understood, I should not make a start from playing time, but I should make a start from time, the country in which you live)
2019-07-03 00:19:19 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] you enter in game at 14:00 game time?
2019-07-03 00:19:33 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] all you have to do is keep in mind that I'm in the game starting at around 14:00 game time, and sometimes before
2019-07-03 00:19:53 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] but I'm also (sometimes) in the game in the evening (my evening)
2019-07-03 00:20:12 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I can't pinpoint an exact time
2019-07-03 00:20:38 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] it depends on projects and deadlines
2019-07-03 00:21:05 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I have done well being in the game every day, and at least twice or more a day to catch MBs
2019-07-03 00:22:41 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] Ok, now I understand how to act
2019-07-03 00:23:29 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok, thank you
2019-07-03 15:34:36 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-07-03 15:35:51 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yes
2019-07-03 15:37:21 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-07-03 15:37:24 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-07-04 22:11:13 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-07-04 22:11:39 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] give me a couple of mins to get back to Forensics
2019-07-04 22:19:29 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] where are you? maybe i go to you?
2019-07-04 22:20:22 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] I'm turning in my dailys and heading to Forensics, one min please
2019-07-05 15:45:32 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello can i sell sweat?
2019-07-05 15:45:45 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok
2019-07-05 15:46:33 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-07-05 15:46:37 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-07-06 20:19:09 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-07-06 20:19:38 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ok
2019-07-06 20:20:03 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-07-06 20:20:10 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-07-07 16:10:33 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hello, can i sell sweat?
2019-07-07 16:10:53 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yes
2019-07-07 16:13:37 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-07-07 16:13:46 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw
2019-07-08 17:23:40 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] hi, can i sell sweat?
2019-07-08 17:24:17 [FROM: Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] ty
2019-07-08 17:24:22 [TO : Kilian DeepSpace Knifer] yw