Monrian Born Cyrene Field Trip | Weekend of April 10th


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This will be our fourth Monrian Born field trip to Cyrene, but definitely not our last. When we set out to create our Monrian Born Program, we wanted to make sure that we gave our Monrian Born an opportunity to explore other locations and to complete the beginner missions, along with collect TPs for future exploration.

Members of our Monria Community Assistance Team (MCAT) will join us to help guide our MBs through beginner missions, along with providing support for other activities.

However, this does not mean that others can't join us on our field trips if they are interested. These field trips are fun, and with us, you just never know how it will all unfold beyond sticking to our primary goals. We also invite the Cyrene locals to join us as well if they would like.

Cyrene Developer Kris will host a special 2 hour event on Saturday, Apr 11th from 14:00 - 16:00 game time and spawns a pretty steady lot of shared big mobs, including the infamous Clyfford (Level 602). :p

Entropia 2018-01-13 10-03-38-94.png

See everyone on Cyrene ... we are totally looking forward to this again. :p


  • depart Monria on Friday, Apr 10th during our regular travel schedule
  • if you are not on Monria, you can join us on our way to Cyrene
  • --- but we will continue to Next Island and Toulan to pick up anyone who wants to join
  • --- and after return to Monria at the end of our warp schedule, we will pick up stragglers at Monria
  • --- we will then leave Monria and head back to Cyrene and park the Yamato there for the weekend
  • we will return to Monria on Sunday, Apr 12th during our regular travel schedule
  • --- however, check schedule below for an earlier trip back to Monria from Cyrene
  • --- this will be before we start our regular travel schedule
  • the travel schedule for both days begins at 20:00 game time from Monria
  • if you are not eligible for the free travel benefit, the fee is 6 peds
  • we have an in-game field trip chat channel that you will be sent an invite to
  • it is a private channel, but myself and a couple of others will be able to add you
  • all communication should take place in the field trip channel unless otherwise directed
  • our primary focus will be at the Atlas Hunting Grounds and the Rookie Training Area
  • we will also explore the A.R.C Immigration - Tanhok location and the Tempo Trial Missions
  • we will definitely be doing TP runs because there is one location we all need to be at on Saturday
  • --- the special Saturday activity will take place between 14:00 - 16:00 game time
  • there will be team hunts on lower level mobs
  • there will also be a team hunt on a higher level mob to give the Monrian Born the experience
  • --- several of us usually provide healing services to keep our MBs alive and active


  • Friday, Apr 10th
  • --- 20:00 game time -- we leave Monria and each location on time
  • --------- summons at Monria is at 19:45 and 19:55
  • --------- summons at Arkadia is at 20:15 and 20:25
  • --------- summons at Calypso is at 20:45 and 20:55
  • --------- summons at Rocktropia is at 21:15 and 21:25
  • --------- we arrive at Cyrene at 21:30, so anyone joining us on the field trip should depart there
  • --------- summons at Cyrene is at 21:45 and 21:55 for those continuing on the travel route
  • --------- summons at Next Island is at 22:15 and 22:25
  • --------- summons at Toulan is at 22:45 and 22:55
  • --------- the travel schedule ends at Monria at 23:00 ... however
  • --------- for those picked up at Next Island and Toulan who want to join the field trip
  • ------------- you should travel to Monria with us because the Yamato will return to Cyrene
  • ------------- and will be parked there for the weekend
  • --- 23:30 game time -- meet at the Rookie Training Area TP
  • --------- anyone who has not been added to the Monria Field Trip chat channel will be added then
  • --------- field trip communication will take place in this channel so everyone knows what we're doing
  • --------- given the time at this point (23:30 game time), we will do what we can and continue on Sat
  • --------- we will collect the quests at the Rookie Training Area and get the free items
  • --------- refer to the Cyrene Comprehensive Data Spreadsheet for quests/mobs/locations/rewards
  • --------- in the essence of time, we will continue to collect quests at the Atlas Hunting Grounds
  • --------- the one thing we need to do is make sure that everyone has the Ice Plateau Outskirts TP
  • --------- after we get that accomplished, we can go back to collecting and doing quests
  • --------- let's see if we can get everyone the Maze Hammer who doesn't have it
  • --------- it costs 5 ped worth of shrapnel (50k) and this item is something you can get every 24 hrs
  • ------------- you might want to start saving for this before the field trip weekend
  • Saturday, Apr 11th
  • --- 10:00 - 13:30 game time
  • --------- continue questing and get as many missions completed as possible
  • --------- make sure that everyone has the Ice Plateau Outskirts TP
  • --------- be at the Ice Plateau at 13:30 game time to get ready for our special event
  • --- 14:00 - 16:00 game time
  • --------- everyone should be at the Ice Plateau Outskirts TP for a special event
  • --------- Cyrene Developer Kris is hosting a 2 hr event spawning shared, big mobs
  • --------- the Cyrene community is also welcome to join us as in the past
  • --------- I can tell you for our Monrian Born, and perhaps for others, this will be a unique experience
  • --------- let it not be said that we don't provide exciting game play for our Monrian Borns
  • --------- even though the mobs are much higher level, they can do this by keeping a distance
  • --------- after the event, we continue with missions, TP runs and/or enjoy some team hunting
  • Sunday, Apr 12th
  • --- 10:00 - 18:00 game time
  • --------- continue questing and get as many missions completed as possible
  • --------- continue helping everyone get as many TPs as possible for future exploration
  • --------- continue having fun with team hunts
  • --- 18:00 game time
  • --------- some of us need to prepare for the Sunday travel schedule
  • --------- Monrian Borns and others can come back to Monria with us, or stay until the following Friday
  • --- 19:30 game time
  • --------- we will be leaving Cyrene for Monria to begin our normal travel schedule
  • --------- anyone wishing to travel with us at this time is welcome to do so
  • --------- first Cyrene summons at this time will be 19:15 game time
  • --------- final Cyrene summons at this time will be at 19:25 game time
  • --------- we leave for Monria at 19:30 game time
  • --- 20:00 game time
  • --------- Monria travel schedule begins at 20:00, and concludes at Monria at 23:00 game time
  • --------- first summons at Monria 19:45 game time
  • --------- final summons at Monria 19:55 game time

Any activities with the Monria community members is fun and crazy because we are a spontaneous and random lot where anything is possible, and ... it's always good to "Expect the Unexpected." :wink

Join us for an opportunity to explore another part of the universe.


Virtualsense Official
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VCAT Team Member
New Monrian here! This seems exciting! How does one sign up?

Go to the following link and sign up for your free space travel benefit first ... follow all of the instructions in the first post ... then be available at the proper time to travel with us on Friday when we leave on our warp schedule ... all of the details for the field trip are in the first post.

I'll catch up with you sometime on Wednesday to give you your free Monrian Born starter kit.

Monria Space Travel Program / Sign-up List


Virtualsense Official
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Not sure how this happened, but it looks like Rafael lost his left arm somehow while sweating Paneleons. :eek:

Entropia 2020-04-11 09-37-33-29.png


Well-Known Member
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Here is some screenshots that I took during the event:

Entropia 2020-04-11 16.22.27.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 16.58.07.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 17.22.18.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 17.23.20.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 17.37.28.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 17.41.52.jpg
Entropia 2020-04-11 17.42.02.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 17.42.45.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 17.47.49.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 17.47.55.jpgEntropia 2020-04-11 17.48.56.jpg Entropia 2020-04-11 17.53.38.jpg

Then it wouldn't be a field trip without me going on a weird adventure... hover board... more like submarine-board

Entropia 2020-04-11 21.39.58.jpg

and I look like I got eaten alive:

Entropia 2020-04-11 22.25.33.jpg


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Awesome photos Shadow ... and I love the one with Malgar sprawled out on the ice. :p

Then of course, all the dead people. :laughing2

And you're right, what would a field trip be without your adventures. :D
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