If Entropialife is right, the first armor piece has been looted

I cant get in game right now, anyone willing to post a screen of it ?

(go to auction >orders>available)
Malgar Armor = Shoggoth Armor
When FritoBandito discovered the Malgar Arm Guards, everyone thought they were UL because of how the title was written, without the (L) symbol. Everyone was freaking out and getting hyper excited, and that's when I spilled the beans on a secret that there was an additional set of UL armor for each of the 4 mobs as well as the (L), but rare.
The excitement continued until it was discovered that the information description on the first screen of the info box indicated that the armor was actually (L) ... so I jumped the gun too quickly because I'm sure that it was meant to be discovered, just like I thought it had been last night ... so my bad Ant.
Oh, Malgar got to it before I did, awesome, and both screens are there.