Monria Storyline | Historical Data/Journal Entries | PDF Book


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2.R. Journal Entries - Front.jpg

This book reveals the history of the Cultists prior to their great exodus from Earth. It was a period of time when dark evil forces invaded sense and sanity, and replaced it with unfathomable horror for those who fought against, or resisted the Cultists and the Cult of Shut'thend.

There was only one goal to achieve, the awakening of their deity Cthulhu. Many thought that this event would take place at Broodham, Massachusetts but it was only the gathering place for the Priests and Cultists strong enough to participate in the awakening ritual. They didn't know they were headed elsewhere.

So where did this great exodus transport them, and what about the Cthulhu awakening?


Right click on the link below and open in a new tab to read:

Historical Data | Journal Entries ... book 2


  • Monria-HistoricalData-Journal Entries.pdf
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Virtualsense Official
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Virtualsense Media Team
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Hmmmm..well, it might be my husband's computer but the PDF's wont open to pages for anyone else having a problem opening them?

If you right click on the link and then choose "open in a new tab" it should create a new tab with the PDF book. You might need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader downloaded on your computer in order to read it properly, I'm not sure, but I have it on my computer and other devices. Maybe someone else will respond if they're having issues.

Zarnia Foxtrot

Well-Known Member
Volunteer Mentor
Just got done reading it. Very well written. And you are right DME, there are a lot of unanswered questions even with the information from the file cabinet... all 57 I will make sure to be careful in my mining when in contact with Maladrite and Zoldenite..especially if they start to ooze liquid...:p


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Just got done reading it. Very well written. And you are right DME, there are a lot of unanswered questions even with the information from the file cabinet... all 57 I will make sure to be careful in my mining when in contact with Maladrite and Zoldenite..especially if they start to ooze liquid...:p

That's awesome Zarnia ... and thank you very much for the compliment, really appreciated it. I am now working on book 3 ... Monria Discovered | The Beginning ... there are 16 chapters that Pinthas wrote and it will take me a while to get them edited and converted into PDF book format, but I might put a few chapters out there at a time and people can read it as we go. :)

I'm also going to be working on book 4 too and have 3 chapters done already. As soon as I can get them converted I'll post those so that people know where we're at after The Kipling Chronicles.

Book 4 is ... A Surprising Core/Kipling Connection ... it picks up where we left off with Core and Jennifer with surprising discoveries and some rather scary encounters. :D

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