Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Banner created by ...
Anny Thundergirl, Monria Media Team
Over the last year, the aggression of the creatures on Monria have escalated, and I'm sure it's due in part to the ongoing discoveries that we have made. Discoveries that have put Monria on alert more than ever before. Cthulhu-associated entities have made their presence known, even if only briefly.
- Tru'nembra ... Cthulhu's Angel of Music (listen too long and you will go mad)
- Cthylla ... Cthulhu's Secret Daughter (uncertain what her presence means yet)
- Narissa Thompson ... DSEC Security (member of team who discovered Monria - thought to be dead)
- Yidhra DreamWitch ... an Outer God with telepathic powers (connected to Esoteric Order of Dagon)
- Decca ... original leader of the Cult of Shut'thend (was involved in the exodus of the Cultists to Monria)
- --- she finally showed up on Monria not that long ago - I'm sure she wants to lead the Cult again
- Istasha, Mistress of Darkness ... one of the Great Old Ones
- --- she has already told us that she will lead us into the darkness sometime in the future
- --- she is also connected to the Cult of the Skull ... they are always trying to create evil chaos
... mountain of madness.
We have successfully stood our ground against the assaults by the creatures of Monria. We have tried to establish a peaceful co-existence, but none are interested. Total control or nothing is their latest mantra, and according to recent intel, they are planning once again to disrupt our annual St Patrick's Day celebration.
If you are planning on celebrating this annual event with us, please come as prepared as you can, because there is no way to predict just what chaos will happen where and when. We appreciate our allies and friends who have joined forces with us and have supported our battles against evil and darkness.
It looks like we might need your help again.

ST PATRICK'S DAY EVENT GUIDELINES- meet at DSEC Forensics -- Date | Sat, Mar 16th and Sun, Mar 17th -- Time | 10:00 game time
- Monria Staff and Monria Community Assistance Team (MCAT) will be present for specific interaction
- there will be spontaneous activities and random giveaways prior to each day's events
- during the course of this 2-day event, spot prizes may be randomly given out
- there will also be random global giveaways -- always Expect the Unexpected
- wear your most Irish-related fashion
- --- that means --> green -- green & white -- green & orange -- orange & white -- green, white & orange
- --- be creative --> there will be Irish-related fashion prizes
- Twitch Streamers are encouraged to stream during the event
- --- list yourself as a Monria Twitch Streamer at the Monria forum here
- --- let us know when you will be active with your stream so that it can be shared on social media
- throughout the event --> watch the Monria chat channel for instructions and announcements
- press the ENTER key and type --> /join #monria
- right mouse click on MAIN TAB in the chat box
- click NEW TAB and name it Monria
- right mouse click on MONRIA TAB
- select #MONRIA and enjoy the company of the Monria community
(formerly known as the South and West Craters)
- from the DSEC Forensics Crater, go SE to the abandoned mine, follow the road
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [38487, 19936, 31]
- --- be mindful that there are Yogs outside the abandoned mine entrance
- --- they should be mostly off to the left unless someone aggro'd them
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Mining Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
- from the DSEC Mining Camp TP follow the road out to the abandoned mine
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [37744, 17987, 110]
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Military Camp crater ... capture the TP
- we are offering free space travel to Monria and back for this event
- if you are not a member of the Yamato guest list, please sign up here
- follow the instructions "exactly" and post your full in-game name
- also list whether you are Monrian Born, or otherwise eligible for our free travel program
- if not eligible for the free travel benefit, you will be considered a paying customer for future flights
- --- please indicate if your future status will be as a paying passenger after the event
- --- the fee will be 7 PED during our regular Friday and Sunday travel schedules
- be sure to do your 7 posts in order to see our Shoutbox at the forum
- --- this is how we communicate with our passengers if they should need to log during warp
- Dates | Friday, March 15th -- and -- Monday, March 18th
- the usual Sunday travel schedule has been moved to Monday due to event activities
- Heads Up -- USA is also in DST time as of March 10th and sets the clock 1 hr ahead
- we are temporarily adding Next Island to the end of the travel schedule for the event
- --- 19:45 game time --> 1st summons at Monria
- --- 19:55 game time --> final summons at Monria
- --- 20:00 game time --> Yamato leaves Monria for Arkadia
- --- 20:15 game time --> 1st summons at Arkadia
- --- 20:25 game time --> final summons at Arkadia
- --- 20:30 game time --> Yamato leaves Arkadia for Calypso
- --- 20:45 game time --> 1st summons at Calypso
- --- 20:55 game time --> final summons at Calypso
- --- 21:00 game time --> Yamato leaves Calypso for Rocktropia
- --- 21:15 game time --> 1st summons at Rocktropia
- --- 21:25 game time --> final summons at Rocktropia
- --- 21:30 game time --> Yamato leaves Rocktropia for Cyrene
- --- 21:45 game time --> 1st summons at Cyrene
- --- 21:55 game time --> final summons at Cyrene
- --- 22:00 game time --> Yamato leaves Cyrene for Next Island
- --- 22:15 game time --> 1st summons at Next Island
- --- 22:25 game time --> final summons at Next Island
- --- 22:30 game time --> Yamato leaves Next Island for Monria
- if you are traveling with us, please make sure that you are ready because we leave on time
- and for new players -- please make sure you have all planets and space downloaded
- the route of the schedule may be altered as determined by the travel program management
- --- that would be @Eric Shade Avenged and/or @Lamilla Lami Masterson
- post your guess in this thread of what you think the 48 hr combined globals/hofs total will be
- please be mindful of your time zone and game time so you get the guess posted on time
- you only get one guess, and it must be posted prior to the start of the event
- make sure you check all other guesses so that you don't post the same number
- edited posts will be disqualified, so think carefully before posting
- the person coming the closest to the actual total at the end of the event wins
- globals/hofs are calculated from hunting and mining
- pets and Evil Leprechaun globals/hofs will count toward total globals/hofs guess
- the 48 hr globals/hofs total will be added to this post with other results on Monday, Mar 18th
- Time Begins | Sat, Mar 16th | 00:00 game time -- Time Ends | Sun, Mar 17th | 23:59 game time
- 48 Hr Mob Spawn Increases -- all 4 mobs will have spawn increases
- Pet and Evil Leprechaun globals/hofs count
- right click on each link below for a downloadable PDF of increased spawn locations and mob info
- Increased Mob Spawn Locations
- Monria Mob Levels / HP - Wave Locations - Pets - Yogs Burrow Sweating
- Shoggoth ... Eldritch the Pestilent -- Level 6 -- Location / DSEC Forensics
- Yog ... Kyghis The Tormented -- Level 47 -- Location / DSEC Mining Camp
- Cultist ... Protector of Shut'thend -- Level 50 -- Location / DSEC Military Camp
- Shub ... Taklalb Apostle of Shadows -- Level 79 -- Location / Shub Cavern
- you do not have to register for this weekend event at Entropia Life
- --- all globals/hofs will be automatically recorded
- any globals/hofs on shared loot mobs will not count toward the competitions
- in case of a draw -- (2 or more globals/hofs with same value) -- the first recorded time will win
- as in the past, Anhithe will receive extracted data from Entropia Life to determine the winners
- prizes will be distributed by DME after winners have been determined and posted
- winners and data will be shared at the Monria forum on Monday, March 18th
- DME will be giving out random global/hof prizes throughout the weekend
- teaming is allowed but teams must have the name Monria in the team name to be eligible for prizes
- --- DO NOT use any symbols in your team name because it doesn't filter right for the spreadsheet
- --- also, please make sure that you spell Monria correctly so that it filters properly
- please register your Team Name and Team Leader in this thread
- --- any prizes won will be given to the Team Leader for distribution
- if you hire a healer and don't team, your globals/hofs will count as Solo entries
- if you team with a healer, or anyone else, your globals/hofs will count as Team entries
- see specific rules and prizes below for both Solo and Team globals/hofs
- you can only win one Highest global/hof prize across all 4 mob categories
- you can only win one First and one Last Lowest global prize across all 4 mob categories
- --- but not in the same mob category as your Highest global/hof win
- you can also win one Team prize across all 4 mob categories
- if you get the Lowest and Highest global/hof in a mob category ... you win the Highest
- if you win the Highest, you are not eligible for either the First or Last lowest global prize
- --- this means within the same mob category
- the person who wins the First lowest global can also win the Last lowest global
- --- but not within the same mob category where you won your highest global/hof
- if you get the First lowest global, you can continue hunting toward getting the Highest
- Example ... you get a 10 PED Yog global and have the first recorded time
- --- this means you win the First Lowest global prize
- --- but there's an incentive to continue hunting to see if you can get the Highest global/hof
- --- if you do, then the person who had the Lowest Yog global with the time right after yours ...
- ---------- would win the First Lowest global prize
- Anhithe will extract the data from Entropia Life after the event and determine the winners
- the results will be added to the first post in this event thread sometime on Monday, March 18th
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 300 PED
- First Single Lowest Global -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Last Single Lowest Global -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 300 PED
- First Single Lowest Global -- Yog -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Last Single Lowest Global -- Yog -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 300 PED
- First Single Lowest Global -- Cultist -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Last Single Lowest Global -- Cultist -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 300 PED
- First Single Lowest Global -- Shub -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Last Single Lowest Global -- Shub -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 300 PED
- First Team Lowest Global -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Last Team Lowest Global -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 300 PED
- First Team Lowest Global -- Yog -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Last Team Lowest Global -- Yog -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 300 PED
- First Team Lowest Global -- Cultist -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Last Team Lowest Global -- Cultist -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 300 PED
- First Team Lowest Global -- Shub -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Last Team Lowest Global -- Shub -- Prize --> 150 PED
- Highest Solo Global/HoF -- Evil Leprechaun -- 100 PED
- --- this is our non-pet, level 13 Evil Leprechaun that we bring out to play once in a while :devil
- --- the Evil Leprechaun will drop Evil Leprechaun creature capsules
- --- this creature cannot be tamed
- --- everything should now be normal on the Evil Leprechaun -- we had issues in the past
- Time Begins | Sat, Mar 16th | 00:00 game time --> Time Ends | Sun, Mar 17th | 23:59 game time
- any Ore or Enmatter will count
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Prize --> 400 PED
- Single Lowest Global/HoF -- Prize --> 300 PED
- in case of a draw (2 or more globals/hofs with same value) -- the first recorded time wins
- you cannot win both the highest and lowest prize
- heads up -- we permanently added Mining Strongboxes as "Something Out Of The Ordinary" loot
- as in the past, Anhithe will receive extracted data from Entropia Life to determine the winners
- prizes will be distributed by DME after winners have been determined and posted
- winners and data will be shared on Monday, March 18th at the Monria forum
- Time Begins | Sat, Mar 16th | 00:00 game time --> Time Ends | Sun, Mar 17th | 23:59 game time
- Single Highest Global/HoF on Maladrite wins --> L30 Finder (L), plus D-Class Amp, full TT
- Single Lowest Global/HoF on Maladrite wins --> Level 5 Amp (L), full TT
- in case of a draw -- (2 or more globals/hofs with same value) -- the first recorded time wins
- you cannot win both highest and lowest prize
- heads up -- we permanently added Mining Strongboxes as "Something Out Of The Ordinary" loot
- as in the past, Anhithe will receive extracted data from Entropia Life to determine winners
- prizes will be distributed by DME after winners have been determined and posted
- winners and data will be shared on Monday, March 18th at the Monria forum
- Note -- this is especially important because we need to keep Maladrite Stone away from the Cultists
- --- we discovered an increased production of the Maladrite Elixir -- this is not good
- --- the Cultists use it for mind control and manipulating unsuspecting victims to do their bidding
- --- we have reason to believe that the two societies from the dark side of the Moon are involved
- --------- stay alert when you are near members of Esoteric Order of Dagon and Cult of the Skull
- Time Begins | Sat, Mar 16th | 00:00 game time --> Time Ends | Sun, Mar 17th | 23:59 game time
- Single Highest Global/HoF on Zoldenite wins --> L30 Finder (L), plus D-Class Amp, full TT
- Single Lowest Global/HoF on Zoldenite wins --> Level 5 Amp (L), full TT
- in case of a draw -- (2 or more globals/hofs with same value) -- the first recorded time wins
- you cannot win both highest and lowest prize
- heads up -- we permanently added Mining Strongboxes as "Something Out Of The Ordinary" loot
- as in the past, Anhithe will receive extracted data from Entropia Life to determine the winners
- prizes will be distributed by DME after winners have been determined and posted
- winners and data will be shared on Monday, March 18th at the Monria forum
- Note -- we now have reason to believe that this is the other component that makes up Maladrite Elixir
- --- keeping as much of these mining resources out of the hands of the Cultists would be appreciated
- you can only win one apartment, so make your choice for how to do so wisely
- owning a Monria apartment comes with a free space travel benefit
- --- this pertains only to our Friday and Sunday travel schedule
- --- any other travel needs come with a fee as shown here
- let DME know when you have claimed the apartment
- ----- this is so she can get you added to our Mothership (Yamato) guest list
- ----- and add you to the Yamato Pilot's passenger list at the forum for who pays and who flies free
- ----- the Monria Directory will also be updated
- (1) -- most solo globals/hofs -- hunting
- (2) -- most solo globals/hofs -- mining
- (3) -- highest solo global/hof across mining and hunting "if" we achieve 1000 globals/hofs or more
- --- this means we have to reach 1000 globals/hofs or more at the end of the 48 hr event
- (4) -- get a solo hunting or mining global/hof with the numbers 317 in the total -- in that order
- --- 317 represents the St Patrick's Day holiday date each year -- March 17th
- Examples:
- --- 317
- --- 1317
- --- 3179
- those walking in the parade should be at DSEC Forensics at --> 12:30 game time
- Monria Manager/Owner (Anhithe) will organize the line-up for the Parade March
- let's see if we can assemble an even larger parade participation than the last 3 years
- Anhithe will lead the parade into the DSEC Forensics crater to walk a specific path
- the parade will begin at --> 13:00 <-- please be on time
- set yourself to WALK instead of run -- press your Q key to toggle walk/run
- wave as you pass DME and Anny Thundergirl because the video cameras will be rolling
- --- please do not step in front of them as it blocks the camera view -- thank you
- bring along a pet to add more festivity to the parade walk
- carry handhelds and shoot off fireworks intermittently
14:30 - 17:00 game time --- to be announced --- or not --- :devil
Do your best to assemble the most creative-looking Irish-related fashion you can and get ready to parade yourself in the DSEC Military Camp Monria Boxing Ring in an effort to win one of three PED prizes. Leave your ego outside of the ring because during the fashion viewing by the judges, those who are not in contention for winning a prize will be eliminated -- I think you know what this means. :devil
- Time | 18:30 game time -- Location | DSEC Military Camp -- Monria Boxing Ring
- go North of the TP around the rock wall, and past Wang's pet stable to the boxing ring
- register with the Event Organizer at the boxing ring prior to the event
- --- this is only for those who are participating in the SPD Fashion Contest
- be sure to register prior to the start of the event, or you won't gain access to the boxing ring
- at 18:15 game time, all participants should enter the boxing ring --- please be on time
- --- stand around the outer edge of the ring at the ropes and not in the center
- --- the Monria Team Staff will be in the center of the ring reviewing your fashion
- --- DME or Anny Thundergirl will be capturing photos and video footage
- your look has to be a complete ensemble and not just a hat if you want to win --- go all out
- be your most creative self because this parade of fashion will be published in photos and video
- as a result of the process of elimination, no armor is allowed as part of the fashion
- --- it is also a part of the event rules listed with the Event Organizer
- --- we really want you to be creative with clothing this year
- if you are not in the running for winning a prize, you will be eliminated from the ring :devil
- --- and you can't fight back
... if you do, you will be disqualified from any random prizes
- if you are eliminated, please respect the method of elimination, as well as your fellow contestants
- once eliminated, you may not re-enter the ring
- the eliminations will continue until there are 3 people standing --- they will be the winners
- once you are disqualified, don't leave the area -- you could be eligible for a random prize
- 1st Place Prize --- 400 PEDS
- 2nd Place Prize --- 300 PEDS
- 3rd Place Prize --- 200 PEDS
- prizes will be given out by DME after the winners are announced
- there will be a photo shoot of the winners directly after the competition
- Event Begins | 11:00 game time -- Event Ends | 12:00 game time
- 10 Dominax Moccasin Whips will be given out as random global prizes
- tier #'s will be recorded in a screen shot and published in the 2nd post prior to the start of event
- each item will be assigned a coordinating ticket number between 0-9
- if you win a whip as a random global prize, pick up the whip from DME
- DME will assign the coordinating ticket number from 0-9 at that time
- each person will also receive a reward of 20 PED
- you can win more than one random global/hof whip prize
- if all 10 whips have been picked up at the end of the hour-long random global prize whip giveaway
- --- we will perform a Monria Chat countdown 3, 2, 1 ...
- --- then the next Monria Global/HoF that pops up will determine the overall Whip-O-Rama winner
- --- only Monria hunting and mining globals count
- if all 10 whips have not been picked up at the end of the hour-long random global prize whip giveaway
- --- we will do the countdown after the Best in Show Pet Event
- Example -- if the Monria Global/HoF is 379 PED, the person holding ticket # 9 is the winner
- --- if the Monria Global/HoF is 54 PED, the person holding ticket # 4 is the winner
- the overall Whip-O-Rama winner will receive an additional prize of --> 100 PED
- Event Begins | 13:00 game time --> Location | DSEC Military Camp
- --- go North of the TP around the rock wall and gather at Wang's Pet Stable
- --- use the services of the Pet Stable if you are so inclined
- you can only use one pet of your choice for the contest
- when we are ready for the event, we will move over to the Monria Boxing Ring
- when your name is called, please step into the ring where you will have the stage to yourself
- the more creative you interact with your pet the better -- your fashion statement could be key too
- judging criteria --> most creative pet/owner interaction with tricks/performance/story
- the judges for this event will be the Monria Team Staff
- other participants and observers must stand outside the ring until your name is called
- 1st Place Prize --> 400 PED
- 2nd Place Prize --> 300 PED
- 3rd Place Prize --> 200 PED
- Consolation Prize --> 100 PED
- Moon Manager/Owner (Anhithe) may also give out spot prizes if something catches his fancy
18:00 - 19:59 game time --- to be announced --- or not --- :devil
- prizes for the winners of the Hunting and Mining events will be determined on Mon, Mar 18th
- Ant will extract data from Entropia Life and create a spread sheet and will be linked in the first post
- prizes will be given out after the winners have been confirmed by Anhithe
- prizes for the Hunting and Mining events will be distributed by DME at DSEC Forensics
- other event prizes will be given out at the end of each event -- specifically -->
- --- St Patrick's Day Fashion Contest - Monria's Best in Show - Whip-O-Rama
- winners for all of the St Patrick's Day events will be posted at the Monria forum on Mon, March 18th
CotS on Monria
Team Leader : Kingu
Monrian born russians
Team Leader : nutbar po3blck
Monria Community Assistance Team
Team Leader: Gredrrik Alhakekhist Malgar
Monria Bombing Squad
Team Leader : chris moneyme mo
TusaLusa Monria Party
Team Leader: Phaser Phaser Chaos
Monria got Islanders
Team Leader : David Draxar Born
TKoE Monria Madness
Team Leader: Eric Shade Avenged
Monria Forever
Team Leader: Velizari
Stockholm does Monria
Team Leader: Kitty Kitty Fire
Happy Familys on Monria
Team Leader: Bella Chia Chinka
Sith Family on Monria
Team Leader: Sith Jedi Meister
CotS & TKoE Frolick in the Monria Caves
Team Leader: Kingu
Krishna in Monria
Team Leader : Govinda Gopaala Krishna
Monria Yamata
Team Leader: Sergey Yamata Ananev
SuF on Monria
Team Leader: Killerbee Me
Monria Travellers
Team Leader : Edward MrEddie James
Everybody Monria!
Team Leader: WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Titans Inc on Monria
Team Leader: Bre Breq Bard
cB Monria
Team Leader: Jack Captain Black
Monria Gangsters
Team Leader: Alex Alexandr Sanek
Monria 696969
Team Leader: v696969v v696969v v696969v
Team Leader : ID Cristian Cristian
We salute Monria
Team Leader: Deus Skubahta Rui
cb Crimson Blades on Monria
Team Leader: Aethrytheghost Aethry ether
Titans of Space Starfleet Monria
Team Leader: John Black Knight
NBK's Monria Party
Team Leader: Patrick Pennywise Mcshakerz
Monria legends
Team Leader: erik erikthered desousa
MU Hunters Inc at Monria
Team Leader: Tim DxBlueIce Fisher
The Ministry at Monria
Team Leader: Storm Spawn Bootcamp
Tsunade on Monria
Team Leader: Maria Tsunade
Monria Event For All
Team Leader : Ned "Wolf" Stark
Monria Bunny Killing
Team Leader: John Three Sixteen