Monria | Monria Discovered / The Beginning | PDF Book


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Monria is on her second colony with a community that is progressively growing. However, discoveries have given us plausible consideration with regard to why the first colony didn't fair so well. The Kipling Chronicles revealed a parchment with a Rudyard Kipling poem inscribed on it, along with a recovered ancient 4-drawer file cabinet from the West Crater that the Cultists were protecting, and we soon learned why. It produced a hidden compartment with a journal rich with information. It gives an accounting of the dark history of the Cultists prior to their grand exodus from Earth and inspired book two of Monria's storyline, Historical Data | Journal Entries.

We are now at the point where we learn when Monria was discovered by the Deep Space Extraction Corporation (DSEC). It's the beginning of the first colony who eventually learned that they were not alone. They were uncertain of what they had uncovered through their drilling and extraction efforts, and soon were faced with challenges unlike any they had ever encountered before.

Right click on the link below and open in a new tab to read:

Monria Discovered | The Beginning ... book 3



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Virtualsense Official
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I wanted to take a moment to thank Pinthas for this body of work that reveals the discovery and beginning of Monria. It historically gives us a picture of what the first colony struggled with, but it also sets into motion the evil that rises from the dark side of the Moon. We learn who our NPCs are in this storyline, and what their roles were in the advancement of Monria and its resources, but also how they worked together as a team against their adversaries.

We were fortunate to be able to bring Pinthas into the Media Team to be able to honor this effort in helping to bridge the gap between the discovery and beginning of Monria and current day encounters. It gives a blended meaning to why we have the challenges we do, but also gives us inspired critical thinking about how we might deal with the challenges.

This book ends in a cliff hangar, and it will be interesting to see where we take book # 6, which will be the continuing story.

Thank you Pinthas, I really enjoyed the unfolding of this storyline, because it gave me inspiration of what to include in the current book 4 I'm working on with the Kipling/Core connection. I have several chapters done already, and I'm anxious to get this one out there too.

And of course ... thank you to Anny for the awesome book covers. You have a knack for picking up the theme of each book and creating a well-fitting book cover. I wonder if anyone discovered the subtle intrusion of a certain someone. :D
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