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Anny Thundergirl - Monria Media Team
I am incredibly concerned about the stability and well being of Monria if recent reports are true that the long searched for Grimoire has been found, and not by us. Apparently, a band of Cultists have been relentless in their excavation of the moon, and found a suspect grave whose tombstone writing may have given a clue to what was hidden within ... "here rests the return of the sleeper" ... this is not good, not good at all.
If this Grimoire, which is connected to the Necronomicon is authentic, then we have to make sure that Decca doesn't get her hands on it. The contents of the Grimoire is a road map to where the actual Necronomicon is hidden, and whose contents have the dark magic spells that could awaken Cthulhu.
The last thing we need is a Cultist ritual led by Decca with incantations that would draw Cthulhu out from his death-like sleep. She has the power, and the darkest of souls to cause such an event. This would be a holy hell unleashed on Monria the likes of which we have not encountered to date.
Decca finally revealed herself not that long ago on Monria with the primary goal of taking control again of the Cult of Shut'thend, a cult dedicated to worshiping Cthulhu for centuries. Leadership of this cult has been passed on from generation to generation within Decca's family lineage, and now, Decca wants to complete the mission that has been at the forefront for all of the cult's leaders ... awaken Cthulhu.
The exodus from Earth to Monria of the Cultists in 2346 was Decca's doing ... this was just the beginning. The Cultists have been behind every uprising on Monria at the hands of K'Tan Partathus who was leading the Cult of Shut'thend in Decca's absence, but he is now off in another dimension engaged with Pinthas to help him regain his memories and solicit his help in Decca's eventual attempt at awakening Cthulhu. However, Pinthas has regained enough of his memories to know that all of this is wrong, but he has to be cautious with how he handles everything.
The question is ... when Pinthas learns who he REALLY is, will it be enough to defeat Decca?
Date | Saturday, October 26th
Time | 00:00 -to- 23:59 Game Time
Location | Entire Moon
- you do not need to register at EntropiaLife for this event ... globals/hofs are automatically recorded
- please ask questions in Monria chat and refrain from PM'ing DME if at all possible
- be considerate of your fellow participants during the event
- --- this includes not cluttering TP areas in the craters with vehicles and/or landing on top of people
- --- when going back out into the field, please be considerate of where you land and pick up vehicles
- --- do not drag mobs to the TP area, turrets don't work during events
- random global/hof prizes will be given out during the course of the event
- winners can pick up their prizes at the DSEC Forensics TP when convenient, or at end of event
- DME will be standing near the terminals -- please allow her to initiate all trades
- make sure to have the Monria chat channel active for instructions and NEXT GLOBAL call-outs
- teams must have the name Monria in the team name to be eligible for prizes
- please register your Team Name and Team Leader in this thread
- --- any prizes won will be given to the Team Leader for distribution
- societies cannot have more than one team name with their society name in it
- if you hire a healer and don't team, your globals/hofs will count as Solo entries
- if you team with a healer, or anyone else, your globals/hofs will count as Team entries
- all of Monria is open to those who wish to participate in the mining portion of the event
- if you get a claim in an area where you are challenged to excavate it because of mobs ...
- --- ask in Monria chat to see if any of our MCAT members are available to assist
- post your guess in this thread of what you think the 24 hr combined globals/hofs total will be
- you only get one guess, and it must be posted prior to the start of the event
- make sure you check all other guesses so that you don't post the same number
- edited posts will be disqualified, so think carefully before posting
- the person coming the closest to the actual total at the end of the event wins
- globals/hofs are calculated from hunting and mining
- the 24 hr globals/hofs total will be added to this post with other results on Sunday
Actual Total Globals/HoFs = 1441
Total Globals/HoFs Guess = 1440 -- insanemadness
Date | Sat, Oct 26th -- Time Begins | 00:00 game time -- Time Ends | 23:59 game time
Location | Entire Moon -- (see specific increased mob spawn locations in the link below)
Right click on the following links and open in a new tab -- these are PDF files for downloading:
Halloween Event | Increased Mob Spawn Locations
Monria Mob Levels / HP - Wave Locations - Pets - Yogs Burrow Sweating
Also, here are links to help you navigate Monria, but also find items in shops and shopkeepers:
Right click on the links to open in a new tab.
Monria Interactive Map
Monria Shops Inventory Tool
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 300 PED -- Mariyna EVOL82 Daneva
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 300 PED -- Linus Zip Lindström
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 300 PED -- EESTI QUALITY TEXTURES
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 300 PED -- Sir Azzah Neu
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 300 PED -- Another ATH on Monria!
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 300 PED -- Titans of Space Starfleet Monria
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 300 PED -- Sith Family Shop on Monria
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 300 PED -- Monria Community Assistance Team
- Highest global/hof on any ore/enmatter -- 300 PED -- girl lena pro
- First Lowest global on any ore/enmatter -- 150 PED -- Aryanna Arja Skogh
- Last lowest global on any ore/enmatter -- 150 PED -- Aurisk Morey Kenbi
- D-Class Amp to the first Solo Hunting and/or Mining Global/HoF with the number 169
- --- the numbers have to appear in that order
- --- PEC numbers do not count
- if there is no winner, the D-Class Amp will roll over to the next event
Another will be up for grabs in the next event.
You can see all of the results in Ant's spreadsheet here where individual global/hof totals are included.
Right click and open in a new tab.
HEADS UP ... if you haven't done so already, make sure you pick up the:
- Iron Hunting Missions
- Daily Missions
- Mining Guild Representative Mining Missions
- The Order of the Elder Gods -- (Chapters/Horns mission)
- Toy Soldier -- (Monria Plushies mission)
- Solo Hunting, Team Hunting
- you can only win one Solo and one Team hunting prize
- you can also win a mining prize based on the following rules
- Mining
- if you get the highest global/hof and one of the lowest globals ... you win the highest
- if you win the highest, you are not eligible for either the first or last lowest global prizes
- the person who wins the first lowest global is not eligible to win the last lowest global
- if you get the first lowest global, you can continue mining toward getting the highest
- Example ... you get the first lowest global and have the first recorded time
- --- this means you win the first lowest global prize
- --- but there's an incentive to continue mining to see if you can get the highest global/hof
- --- if you do, then the person who had the lowest global with the time right after yours ...
- ---------- would win the first lowest global prize
- Additional Information
- you can win prizes in solo/team hunting and mining based on the above rules
- in case of a draw for any of the prizes, the first recorded time will apply
- Anhithe will extract the data from EntropiaLife after the event and determine the winners
- --- he will also create a gobal/hof data spreadsheet that will be posted with the results
- the results will be added to the first post in this event thread sometime on Sunday
We had one apartment leftover from the 4 that we were giving away at our St Patrick's Day event and said that it would be in play at our future events until it was won.
No one won the apartment during the Sep 14th event so it is still in play.
Here is how you win this apartment:
- get a solo hunting or mining global/hof with the numbers 317 in the total -- in that order
- --- 317 represents the St Patrick's Day holiday date each year -- March 17th
- Examples:
- --- 317
- --- 1317
- --- 3179
- --- numbers in the PEC portion of a global/hof will not count
- get a solo hunting or mining global/hof with the numbers 1031 in the total -- in that order
- --- 1031 represents the Halloween holiday date each year -- Oct 31st
- --- this time, the PEC portion of the global/hof WILL count
- Examples:
- --- 10.31
- --- 510.31
- --- 1031.82
Date | Sat, Oct 26th -- Time Begins | 12:00 game time -- Time Ends | 19:00 game time
Since we are no longer able to drop items, I had to change this activity from a scavenger hunt to a random global/hof prize giveaway.
- 10 Dominax Moccasin Whips will be given out as random global prizes, along with 20 PED
- these whips will be in the random global/hof prize giveaway between 12:00 - 19:00 game time
- the tier #s will be recorded in screen shots and published in the 2nd post prior to the start of the event
- each whip item will be assigned an associated ticket number between 0-9
- if you win one of the whips, be sure to write down your assigned ticket number given to you by DME
- after all whips have been given out, we will perform a Monria chat countdown -- 3, 2, 1 ...
- the next Monria hunting or mining global/hof will determine the overall Whip-O-Rama winner
- Examples
- --- if the Monria global/hof is 91 PED, the person holding Ticket # 1 is the winner
- --- if the Monria global/hof is 496 PED, the person holding Ticket # 6 is the winner
- --- it's the last number of the global/hof that counts
- the overall Whip-O-Rama winner will receive an additional prize of --- 100 PEDs
- --- you do not need to be present to claim the prize, but would be nice
0 -- slava pazi dobskiy
1 -- josef OHYZD pepanec
2 -- vitor rotiv3tuga zezere
3 -- debud po3blck avizov
4 -- Linus Zip Lindström
5 -- debud po3blck avizov
6 -- Cristian jadengxc Hernandez
7 -- Georgi Velizari Hristov
8 -- Gredrrik Alhakekhist Malgar
9 -- Georgi Velizari Hristov
See the individual Dominax Moccasin Whip info screens in 2nd post.
Overall winner from the countdown draw -- 100 PED Prize -- vitor rotiv3tuga zezere
I think most of us like to dress up for Halloween, so do your best to assemble the most creative-looking outfit you can, and get ready to parade yourself in the DSEC Military Camp boxing ring in an effort to win one of three PED prizes. Leave your ego outside the ring, because during the costume viewing by the judges, those who are not in contention for winning a prize will be eliminated -- I think you know what this means. :devil
HEADS UP ... the time for the Halloween Costume Contest has been changed due to an error in setting up the original event that I couldn't edit or delete.
The new event time is 16:00 ... choose the first event listed as --> * Halloween Costume Contest *
Here is a screen shot:

- Time | 16:00 game time -- Location | DSEC Military Camp -- Monria Boxing Ring
- at DSEC Military Camp TP, go North around the rock wall, and past the pet stable to the boxing ring
- register with the Event Organizer at the boxing ring before 16.00 game time, or Global Event option
- --- this is only for those who are participating in the Halloween Costume Contest
- be sure to register prior to the start of the event, or you won't gain access to the boxing ring
- at 16:00 game time, all participants should be in the boxing ring --- please be on time
- --- stand around the outer edge of the ring at the ropes and not in the center
- --- the Monria Management Team will be in the center of the ring reviewing your costumes
- your look has to be a complete ensemble and not just a mask --- go all out
- be your most creative self because this parade of costumes will be published in photos
- if you are not in the running for winning a prize, you will be eliminated from the ring :devil
- --- and you can't fight back
- if you are eliminated, please respect the method of elimination, as well as your fellow contestants
- once eliminated, you may not re-enter the ring
- the eliminations will continue until there are 3 people standing --- they will be the winners
- 1st Place Prize --- 300 PED -- Alaina Bonnie Knight
- 2nd Place Prize --- 200 PED -- Frederique FromParis
- 3rd Place Prize --- 100 PED each -- 3rd Place Tie -- Azra Azazel & ShadowDragonV
- prizes will be given out by DME after the winners are announced
Banner created by -- Anny Thundergirl
(formerly known as the South and West Craters)
- from the DSEC Forensics Crater, go SE to the abandoned mine, follow the road
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [38487, 19936, 31]
- --- be mindful that there are Yogs outside the abandoned mine entrance
- --- they should be mostly off to the left unless someone aggro'd them
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Mining Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
- from the DSEC Mining Camp TP follow the road out to the abandoned mine
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [37744, 17987, 110]
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Military Camp crater ... capture the TP and stay for the event
Monria Community Assistance Team
Team Leader: Gredrrik Alhakekhist Malgar
Monria K0lb&Cool_guys
Team Leader: Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters
Another ATH on monria
Team Leader : po3blck
Sith Family Shop on Monria
Team Leader: Sith Jedi Meister
Love in Monria
Team Leader : Ichigo
Monria MoonLight Shadow Guild
Team Leader: Noyce Lycan
Groovy Monria Moon
Team Leader: Lady Ladyburn Land
CotS on Monria
Team Leader: Kingu KinguXnoX Kingu
Monria Forever
Team Leader: Velizari
Monria rozikp
Team Leader: pavel rozikp rozenbaum
Monria Hunters
Team Leader : Edward MrEddie James
Monria's Jekyll and Hyde
Team Leader: Axel Stone
Titans of Space Starfleet Monria
Team Leader: John Black Knight
Monria Bombing Squad
Team Leader: chris moneyme mo
Monria team C
Team Leader: Milos Kaperko Kapralik
Spooky Spartans on Monria
Team Leader: Nigel Deatz O'Guiness
Zip on Monria!
Team Leader: Linus Zip Lindström