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VCAT Team Member
It was just recently that we learned of four individuals who heroically fought against Monria's dark forces, not only individually, but as a bound team in effort and mission to protect Monria from the evil that Cthulhu unleashes upon us through his worshipers. These four individuals have been revealed as Elder Gods.
Eric "Shade" Avenged
"Oberon" Nightseer Farseeker
"Pinthas" Schmenke Dorian
Gredrrik Alhakekhist "Malgar"
They meet at the DSEC Quantum Space Institute (DQSI) located at the Monria Space Station to discuss strategy. It's a section of the space station that is extremely secure with limited access.
Here is one of the renditions of the Elder sign:

At the end of a ferocious battle, the Elder Gods walked away with the Horns of Z'agol, which is now being made available through a new mission chain called "The Order of the Elder Gods" ... these horns come with a 3% reload buff. This is part of the lost chapters mission that was originally given out by Jen at the Monria Hub. If you had already started the lost chapters mission, the new mission name will show up in your Mission Tracker. You can continue collecting the 4 chapters to complete the mission, but they are a rare drop and it will take a while to finish the mission. If you haven't taken the mission yet, you can get it from the Pinthas NPC at DSEC Forensics on the North end.
These Elder Gods appear to us in human form, but they are aliens who have fought against dark forces since the beginning of time. They are also known as Elder Things and Old Ones, and the first that visited Earth to colonize it about one billion years ago. They are known to possess extremely advanced technology, and created the Shoggoths as a slave race to build their cities both above ground and below water. There is an interesting evolution to reveal about the Elder Gods, which will unfold in future volumes of Monria's story.
In the meantime, know that they are the good guys who have fought along side us for the preservation of our existence on Monria. They have the means to keep the Deep Ones in check and would like our continued help to persevere against the dark forces that so often test our resolve.
I have just one question ... how many more Elder Gods walk among us unknown?
Date | Saturday, May 18th
Time | 12:00 -to- 23:59 Game Time
(to determine game time -- click on your System tab in the chat box and then press U)
Location | Entire Moon
- you do not need to register at EntropiaLife for this event ... globals/hofs are automatically recorded
- please ask questions in Monria chat and refrain from PM'ing DME if at all possible
- be considerate of your fellow participants during the event
- --- this includes not cluttering TP areas in the craters with vehicles and/or landing on top of people
- --- when going back out into the field, please be considerate of where you land and pick up vehicles
- random global/hof prizes will be given out periodically during the course of the event
- winners can pick up their prizes at the DSEC Forensics TP when convenient, or at end of event
- DME will be standing near the terminals -- please allow DME to initiate all trades
- make sure to have the Monria chat channel active for instructions and NEXT GLOBAL call-outs
- teams must have the name Monria in the team name to be eligible for prizes
- please register your Team Name and Team Leader in this thread
- --- any prizes won will be given to the Team Leader for distribution
- societies cannot have more than one team name with their society name in it
- if you hire a healer and don't team, your globals/hofs will count as Solo entries
- if you team with a healer, or anyone else, your globals/hofs will count as Team entries
- all of Monria is open to those who wish to participate in the mining portion of the event
- if you get a claim in an area where you are challenged to excavate it because of mobs ...
- --- ask in Monria chat to see if any of our MCAT members are available to assist
- post your guess in this thread of what you think the 12 hr combined globals/hofs total will be
- the guess is for total globals/hofs and not total ped
- please be mindful of your time zone and game time so you get the guess posted on time
- you only get one guess, and it must be posted prior to the start of the event
- make sure you check all other guesses so that you don't post the same number
- edited posts will be disqualified, so think carefully before posting
- the person coming the closest to the actual total at the end of the event wins
- globals/hofs are calculated from hunting and mining
- the 12 hr globals/hofs total will be added to this post with other results on Sunday
- please check to make sure you don't duplicate a number and get disqualified
- they are in numeric order from left to right
Guess Total Globals/HoFs (guess = 580 / actual total = 572) -- 100 PED -- Shadow ShadowDragonV Dragon
Date | Saturday, May 18th -- Time Begins | 12:00 game time -- Time Ends | 23:59 game time
Location | Entire Moon -- (see specific increased mob spawn locations in the link below)
Right click on the following links and open in a new tab -- these are PDF files for downloading:
NOTE - we added an extra increased spawn location for the mob level just below each of the bosses
- Shoggoth ... Eldritch the Pestilent -- Level 6 -- Location / DSEC Forensics
- Yog ... Kyghis The Tormented -- Level 47 -- Location / DSEC Mining Camp
- Cultist ... Protector of Shut'thend -- Level 50 -- Location / DSEC Military Camp
- Shub ... Taklalb Apostle of Shadows -- Level 79 -- Location / Shub Cavern
Monria Mob Levels / HP - Wave Locations - Pets - Yogs Burrow Sweating
IMPORTANT NOTE ... please read the rules carefully as they have changed. We removed the first and last lowest global prizes from hunting. You still have an opportunity to win 3 prizes between hunting and mining. There will still be random global giveaways but not as frequent.
If there are any questions regarding the changing of the event rules, Ant will address them.
As always, thank you very much for supporting what we do for Monria and for your event participation.
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Hellen Hellen Sergac
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Hans Andrew Smit
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Ron Ronny Kovich
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Ilya Fizik Luk
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Sleepless on Monria
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 200 PED -- ~Link 'n' Clover on Monria~
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Titans of Space Starfleet Monria
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Monria Community Assistance Team
- Highest global/hof on any ore/enmatter -- 200 PED -- debud po3blck avizov
- First Lowest global on any ore/enmatter -- 100 PED -- Club Indigo Member
- Last lowest global on any ore/enmatter -- 100 PED -- Phil Dundas Avatar
Right click and open in a new tab.
- Solo Hunting, Team Hunting
- you can only win one Solo and one Team hunting prize
- you can also win a mining prize based on the following rules
- Mining
- if you get the highest global/hof and one of the lowest globals ... you win the highest
- if you win the highest, you are not eligible for either the first or last lowest global prizes
- the person who wins the first lowest global is not eligible to win the last lowest global
- if you get the first lowest global, you can continue mining toward getting the highest
- Example ... you get the first lowest global and have the first recorded time
- --- this means you win the first lowest global prize
- --- but there's an incentive to continue mining to see if you can get the highest global/hof
- --- if you do, then the person who had the lowest global with the time right after yours ...
- ---------- would win the first lowest global prize
- Additional Information
- you can win prizes in solo/team hunting and mining based on the above rules
- in case of a draw for any of the prizes, the first recorded time will apply
- Anhithe will extract the data from EntropiaLife after the event and determine the winners
- --- he will also create a gobal/hof data spreadsheet that will be posted with the results
- the results will be added to the first post in this event thread sometime on Sunday
We had one apartment leftover from the 4 that we were giving away at our St Patrick's Day event and said that it would be in play at our future events until it was won.
NO WINNER ... the apartment will roll over and be added to June's mid-month event.
Here is how you win it:
- get a solo hunting or mining global/hof with the numbers 317 in the total -- in that order
- --- 317 represents the St Patrick's Day holiday date each year -- March 17th
- Examples:
- --- 317
- --- 1317
- --- 3179
(formerly known as the South and West Craters)
- from the DSEC Forensics Crater, go SE to the abandoned mine, follow the road
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [38487, 19936, 31]
- --- be mindful that there are Yogs outside the abandoned mine entrance
- --- they should be mostly off to the left unless someone aggro'd them
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Mining Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
- from the DSEC Mining Camp TP follow the road out to the abandoned mine
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [37744, 17987, 110]
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Military Camp crater ... capture the TP
Team Leader: DJ McFlinty
Monria Community Assistance Team
Team Leader: Gredrrik Alhakekhist Malgar
CotS on Monria
Team Leader: Kingu
Panther and Emz at Monria
Team Leader: Aurora Panther Dawn
Wish I Was Born on Monria
Team Leader: Joshua FritoBandito Lockhart
Everybody Monria!
Team Leader: WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Spartans on Monria
Team Leader: Nigel Deatz O'Guiness
Sleepless on Monria
Team Leader: Khorrah Jess Arkhav
Titans of Space Starfleet Monria
Team Leader: John Black Knight
TKoE on Monria
Team Leader: Eric Shade Avenged
VmIoCnTrOiRaY Victory in Monria
Team Leader: Queen Bee
Sith Familiy on Monria
Team Leader: Sith Meister
Monria 182 Killers
Team Leader: Sith Meister
Wisdom Sons Monria Team
Team Leader: Gran Txuri Txuri
TusaLusa Monria Party
Team Leader: Phaser Phaser Chaos
Link n Clover On Monria
Team Leader: Link