Monria | DME's 12 Hr Global Prize Giveaway | Yogs Declare War | Results


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Graphic banner created by --> Anny / Trash talk text created by --> DME
They came with confidence, and four eyes (it's 4 eyes, right?) and four eyes set to stare down their enemy while taking their best shots (swings?) at holding back the Monrian community who stood strong with their friends and allies. The battle raged on for 12 hours, and except for bio breaks and grabbing food and much needed caffeine on the fly, it was a non-stop rage against the red machine. At one point, Anhithe responded to someone asking where to go, and he said ... "out into the crater and kill anything fat and red."

Needless to say, the fat 'n' red were deflated, and left in the field smoldering in their own Yog guts (I shouldn't write when I'm sleep deprived), in disbelief that in their distorted perception of grandeur, they were never a match to really take us to task. We've grown a few over the past almost 2 years, and I would say that it's only the lag that makes things look like their dragging ... just sayin'

I already told you I shouldn't write when I'm sleep deprived. :D

Based on organizing the last two 12 hour global prize events for August and September, I decided to get more streamlined in how I did things. So ... before the event, I created myself a table of what the global prizes were going to be, including a column where I could add the prize winners. After the event, I filled in all of the added information I wrote down during the event and updated the table. I then got more efficient and saved the table as a PDF file that could be added to this results thread to save time and space.


Following is the PDF file with global prize winners, who donated items at the event, the special donated prizes, the Pumpkin creature candy kill shot winners, and the Monria apartment winner. Just as an FYI ... there is no solicitation or expectation that anyone donate prizes to our events. Those who have donated were generous in the spirit of the events, and we greatly appreciate that generosity

Right click the following link and open in a new tab:

DME's 12 Hr Global Prize Giveaway / Items List and Winners

We had a lot of players join us throughout the course of the event, and as such, we learned some things that we immediately wrote down to look into. We already knew that the level 24 Broodmother was not set up for the proper global threshold, and that is already being looked into. Unfortunately, we were unable to get it fixed prior to this event.

We also know that the lighting is borked at the Monria Hub, as well as along the wall by the TP and Wang's Pet Stable in the West Crater and we are getting that sorted as well.

I think one of the more critical things to address is our mob spawn increases. Up until now, the increased mob spawns during events worked fine, but this event was like a stress test, and you all helped us realize that more needs to be done now so that the increased spawn and re-spawn is sufficient.

Just as in the August and September 12 hr global prize giveaway event, the globals started poppin' right away, and they never really stopped. It was a challenge keeping up with them, but it was fun seeing who the prize winner was going to be after posting a link to the prize and then calling out for the next global to win.

Ant extracted all of the global/hof data from Entropia Life and compiled a spread sheet, including a far right column that lists all the players who globaled and how many globals they each got.

As a side-note ... all globals within the 12 hrs were counted, and not just globals where players won a prize, but team globals were not eligible for prizes. This event is a solo hunting event only.

Right click and open in a new tab:

Yogs Declare War / Global/HoF Results



We thank all of you who joined us on Saturday for this event, and appreciate your participation in our (now more exposed) craziness. We have an incredible community, which I think is always witnessed in the Monria chat channel, but we had so many new people experiencing Monria this time that it made it even more enjoyable. I got so much great feedback in PMs, even though I asked to not PM me during the event if at all possible because I have to truly focus and manage everything that is going on, but those kinds of PMs are heart warming, and I think tells us that we are doing something right, so thank you very much.

I am incredibly grateful that I get to do what I do in this unique virtual universe, and work with someone who has been a friend for many years, a fantastic partner in our vision for Monria, and someone I have the deepest respect and love for ... he hates when I get mushy, so I'm doing it on purpose. :p Thank you Ant for your guidance, and for your enormous support that keeps my ass (almost) out of trouble. :D

Thank you again to my Media partner in crime, Anny, who has now earned herself a new hat based on her involvement and support with these events ... Assistant Event Planner. She's a major contributor to many things Monria, not just Media-related, and you will discover that as we evolve. If she says something to you and you don't understand it, there's a good chance she's channeling Cthulhu again ... beware.



My plan is to hold one of these events in the middle of each month as long as they don't interfere with our main events that are mostly on hold right now while we complete our reconstruction. Apparently, the Yogs don't care how much they embarrass themselves, and as such, will continue to be stupid in their attempt to take us to task with their bloated egos and bellies, and come up with ridiculous reasons to start something.

They are tunnel burrowers and delve into dredging and ransacking, never scrubbing a mission, but I think the Cultists have a hand in this, which is why we should tread a bit cautiously and not be too complacent or over confident in handing the Yogs their asses now and then ... those are bloated too, just not with the right stuff.

There's definitely something going on here, and eventually, we will get to the bottom of it.

Next event of this kind will most likely be on Saturday, Nov 11th. In the meantime, I'm working on our Halloween event which will be on Saturday, October 28th.

" Expect the Unexpected "


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Virtualsense Official
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LOL ... I love it Negated ... you were a wonderful surprise that basically popped up out of nowhere. You and the Esoteric Order of Dagon are going to be an immense asset to our evolving storyline.

Thank You :aok

Zarnia Foxtrot

Well-Known Member
Volunteer Mentor
Great event with lots of constant happenings going on. :) Just wondering, being a detail person (except in With the growing number of players with each event, are the MA tech guy or gal adjusting to allow for more globals in the increased spawn PER PLAYER? I know it seems to happen with a small number of people that they only get a 2-4 globals in the 12 hours which many players can do normally with some determined effort outside of the event. I don't know how the game decides or gives out a certain amount of globals per player during an event but it would be good to be on top of the question here. If only a handful of players get alot of globals, it can actually work backwards for the growing number of ppl participating in the events down the road. I didn't see how many ppl got alot or who got only a few but mainly most ppl want to get more globals during an event than they usually do...(at least that would be my presumption anyways). I'm just asking that this detail be kept in mind for upcoming events. :)

Eugenio Anhithe Wilde

Moon Manager
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Virtualsense Media Team
Hey Princess,

Mindark have never really explained fully how all these things work and people have their own opinions based on observations. For me if there's more mobs and there's more turnover then there's more chance of extraordinary loot (higher globals etc) but there's also more competition for it. You can see this by the amount of globals we're generating as there are a lot more mobs being slaughtered. I've been trying to contribute to the globals when we're trying to beat our record and I just try to kill as many as I can for as long as I can! I get good periods and bad periods but if I'm out there long enough it usually evens out and occasionally I get some nice hits.

Heidi Stassinopolis

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Hi Princess,
I actually quit the event after about 2 1/2 hours because after killing 500 yog I had only scored 6 globals, so for me it was a bad loot run. I could see I was not going to do very well loot wse so I cut my losses.
My setup seems to generate quite good loot generally and I get more than my share of swirlies I think. However I guess it might be worth analysing the last 3 events in terms of number of swirls related to average size of loot per swirl. Maybe that could give us a useful insight into how it all works, but I doubt it as there is alway going to be an element of luck and randomness.

I'll be back for more next time. ;)
I suggest that in the next event have some rewards for a number of killed creatures/yogs. For example, for 500 creatures - 10 ped. For 1000 creatures - 20 ped. For 2000 creatures - 50 ped. Of course you do it as you want. But I noticed many people who killed yogs ONLY when DME announced that there was a reward. I think such a reward will be a good incentive for all partipians. Maybe yogs will not like my proposal but... ;)
I'm sorry for my bad English. I hope you understand.
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