Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
NPC -- Tobie
Location -- Monria Hub -- 2nd Floor -- opposite end of Trade Center on the left
Coordinates -- 38150, 22090, 212
Cool Down Time -- about 22 hrs from the time you turn in the mission
Reward -- 0.75 Engineering Skills
You have to do the initial steps of this mission before it becomes the Crafting Daily.
I believe with all of these steps you can use an EP 1 blueprint and Nanocubes.
NOTE ... you need to do the manual craft and not the automatic craft ... automatic craft doesn't count towards the mission
Step 1 -- Discover a Monria Blueprint
Step 2 -- Become a Local Crafter -- Craft a Monria Item
Step 3 -- Find Your Niche in the Market -- Successfully craft Monria items 100 times.
Step 4 -- Still Waiting on Supplies -- Successfully craft Monria items 500 times.
At this point, the mission becomes the Monria Crafting Daily.