Monria chat


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I would have to agree with Kingu on this one because the Monria chat is usually active, and our community has a lot of people who are very helpful. Some may not write in the chat channel but they watch it, and if they can help in any way then they pop in to respond. All planet chat channels are quiet at times, and the reason you see a lot of people in Rookie chat is because that is a universe-wide chat channel and people congregate there to help newbies and discuss things that involve the entire universe.

Are you Monrian Born?

Zarnia Foxtrot

Well-Known Member
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I usually try to help but I'm not sure of something about chat. Up until recently, I have made a point to chat daily on Monria chat even if I'm not on Monria. It was pointed out by another player that people are only supposed to be chatting on the Monria chat channel if actually on Monria. After the last event, I decided to give Monria a break from my mining til the next event and spend some time on RT and finish up some of the missions I have started here. So, since I'm on RT, would I be breaking the "chat code of conduct" if chat on Monria while at another location in EU like RT where I am atm?. What is your call on this dilemma DME? I personally don't have a problem chatting in multiple channels at the same time but I didn't know how much of a rule was the rule "use Monria chat only if on Monria" goes....


Virtualsense Official
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I have no idea why someone would tell you that Zarnia, because it's not true. You can chat on as many channels as you like, and you don't have to be on the planet-related location in order to do so. There's no protocol that I know of, and it actually wouldn't make sense. There are people all over the universe who talk in Monria chat all the time, and some who watch the chat and participate when they can help or want to add something to a discussion.

It's always nice to have you in the Monria chat channel if you're in the mood to chat, or want to add something. :)


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Can say for my prt i am not the most chatty one, but i allways have Monria chat open in case. and i try be kind and answer(help) even if i am at other planets.. So keep at it Zarnia and Negated.. Use the best chat possible as much as possible for the fun and good friendly peeps there vs other planets :)


Virtualsense Staff
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Maybe you got that idea of being in a location from some of the local chat areas? you know when you leave an area that Chat turns off? and you may have thought that it should be the rule for Monria?

Given the hostile nature of some regions of space I feel safe knowing Monria residents have got my back on or off the planet..... have you seen the size of some of those mobs :p
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