I usually try to help but I'm not sure of something about chat. Up until recently, I have made a point to chat daily on Monria chat even if I'm not on Monria. It was pointed out by another player that people are only supposed to be chatting on the Monria chat channel if actually on Monria. After the last event, I decided to give Monria a break from my mining til the next event and spend some time on RT and finish up some of the missions I have started here. So, since I'm on RT, would I be breaking the "chat code of conduct" if chat on Monria while at another location in EU like RT where I am atm?. What is your call on this dilemma DME? I personally don't have a problem chatting in multiple channels at the same time but I didn't know how much of a rule was the rule "use Monria chat only if on Monria" goes....