Monria Buying Schedule | Service No Longer Available

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Hello Monrians,

How's everyone doing? :)

Starting this week, I will be flying to Monria to buy stuff @ DSEC Forensics TP. If you see me on Monria and have some stuff to sell, please do not hesitate to message me and inquire of my rates. :)

I am buying Ores and Enmatters and some Hunting Loot. Please check the link for more info:

As of November 12 2020
Sophia Schedule : Every Monday- Wednesday - Friday 21:00-23:00
Avum Al Al - will be helping me buy stuff also when hes available just pm him.

Monthly Events will always be there to support and buy.

Please check full list of items we buy before trading. LINK HERE: ANGEL'S TRADING

See you in game. Have fun and Best of luck in your adventures!


Sophia Angel Heart
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For those who can't get to Sophia's link, I added photos to her post as a visual for now. I have also used the full length URL in her post to see if that helps as well. Maybe something different needs to be done for all to access. I'll get with Sophia on Thursday and see what we can do. :)


Virtualsense Official
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Sophia has been away for a few days, but will be back on Monria beginning Monday. She is also sorting out what times she will be available because of her time zone. :)


Virtualsense Official
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Thanks for the heads up Sophia, be safe while traveling and we'll see you when you get back. :)
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