Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
banner created by ShadowDragonV
The annual Monria St Patrick's Day Event is our biggest event of the year with higher PED prizes and items for both hunting and mining. We let the Evil Leprechauns come out to play, and add other surprise elements to the activities. However, despite the fun factor, there is always an abundance of chaos.
Suffice it to say, it presents yet another opportunity for Decca to assemble her Cultists and other creatures to make another attempt at defeating our existence. I'm not sure what it will take for Decca to finally realize that her pursuit to regain control of Monria, as well as expand her efforts across DSEC9 and Toulan is futile. We have built a cohesive, strong and dedicated warrior force to continue to take Decca to task and come out victorious ... she's just not getting it.
However, this isn't to dismiss the darkness that we've had to face, nor the delusional attempts by Decca to recruit community members to her Cult of Shut'thend by offering rewards for entering the churches at both DSEC9 and Toulan to worship the Elder Gods. I say delusional because Decca thinks by her own dark intervention those who enter the churches are becoming her followers, which is a false belief. Will we lose a few along the way, it's possible, but unlikely.
Decca knows how closely tied Monria, DSEC9 and Toulan are, so she's still trying to get her hands on the Book of Laws because she wants the clues on how to free the 3 Dark Mages locked in their towers on Toulan. If these 3 Dark Mages were ever released from their imprisonment, it would be a dark day for all of us. We already have a great challenge because Decca and Yog-Sothoth possess the Necronomicon and continue to try to crack the code that will foster the awakening of Cthulhu. With the ongoing darkness that we face, I can't tell you how important it is to become more of a stronghold to keep the evil at bay.
It is time once again to defend our existence and go into battle against the rising dark forces of evil on Monria. Persevering in the face of challenges is what we're good at, and we continue to increase our numbers and grow stronger, so let's show Decca that her attempts to defeat us are more manure than maneuvers.
Question is ... are we able to hold off the darkness indefinitely, or will we one day have to face a more devastating evil?
- meet at DSEC Forensics -- Date | Sat, Mar 16th and Sun, Mar 17th -- Time | 10:00 game time
- Virtualsense Staff and Virtualsense Community Assistance Team (VCAT) will be present to assist with any help needed
- wear your most Irish-related fashion
- --- that means --> green -- green & white -- green & orange -- green, white & orange
- --- be creative --> there will be Irish-related fashion prizes
- Twitch Streamers are encouraged to stream during the event
- --- list yourself as a Virtualsense Twitch Streamer at the Virtualsense forum here
- --- let us know when you will be active with your stream so that it can be shared on social media
- throughout the event --> watch the Monria chat channel for instructions and announcements
- press the ENTER key and type --> /join #monria
- right mouse click on MAIN TAB in the chat box
- click NEW TAB and name it Monria
- right mouse click on MONRIA TAB
- select #MONRIA and enjoy the company of the Monria community
(formerly known as the South and West Craters)
- from the DSEC Forensics Crater, go SE to the abandoned mine, follow the road
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- /wp [Monria, 38488, 19935, 26, Entrance to Mining Camp]
- --- be mindful that there are low level Yogs outside the abandoned mine entrance
- --- they should be mostly off to the left unless someone aggro'd them
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Mining Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
- from the DSEC Mining Camp TP follow the road out to the abandoned mine
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- /wp [Monria, 37738, 17985, 106, Entrance to Military Camp]
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Military Camp crater ... capture the TP
- Time Begins | Sat, Mar 16th | 00:00 game time -- Time Ends | Sun, Mar 17th | 23:59 game time
- 48 Hr Mob Spawn Increases -- all 4 mobs will have spawn increases - only mobs on Monria count toward prizes
- right click on each link below for a downloadable PDF of increased spawn locations and mob info
- Monria Increased Mob Spawn Locations
- Monria Mob Levels / HP - Wave Locations - Pets - Yogs Burrow Sweating
- Shoggoth ... Eldritch the Pestilent -- Level 6 -- Location / DSEC Forensics
- Yog ... Kyghis The Tormented -- Level 47 -- Location / DSEC Mining Camp
- Cultist ... Protector of Shut'thend -- Level 50 -- Location / DSEC Military Camp
- Shub ... Taklalb Apostle of Shadows -- Level 79 -- Location / Shub Cavern
Right click on the links to open in a new tab.
Monria Guide to Everything
Monria Interactive Map
Monria Shops Inventory Tool
Monria Directory
Monria Mining | Ore & Enmatter Distribution
HEADS UP ... if you haven't done so already, make sure you pick up the:
- Daily Missions
- Mining Missions
- The Order of the Elder Gods -- (Chapters/Horns mission)
- Toy Soldier -- (Monria Plushies mission)
- Monria Codex Rank Rewards
- Winamp, iTunes -- https://philae.shoutca.st:2199/tunein/vspaddy24.pls
- Windows Media Player -- https://philae.shoutca.st:2199/tunein/vspaddy24.asx
- Real Player -- https://philae.shoutca.st:2199/tunein/vspaddy24.ram
- QuickTime -- https://philae.shoutca.st:2199/tunein/vspaddy24.qtl
- you do not have to register for this weekend event at Entropia Life
- --- all globals/hofs will be automatically recorded
- any globals/hofs on shared loot mobs will not count toward prizes
- in case of a draw -- (2 or more globals/hofs with same value) -- the first recorded time will win
- as in the past, Anhithe will receive extracted data from Entropia Life to determine the winners
- prizes will be distributed by DME after winners have been determined and posted
- winners and data will be shared at the Virtualsense forum on Tuesday, March 19th, and prizes given out
- --- this is due to our warp schedule being on Monday instead of Sunday because of the event
- teaming is allowed but teams must have the name Monria in the team name to be eligible for prizes
- --- DO NOT use any symbols in your team name because it doesn't filter right for the spreadsheet
- --- you cannot have more than one team with the soc name in it unless the team name is totally different
- --- also, please make sure that you spell Monria correctly so that it filters properly
- please register your Team Name and Team Leader in this thread
- --- you can register a team any time during the event, but ...
- --- make sure it's before you actually start hunting as a team
- --- any prizes won will be given to the Team Leader for distribution, unless the Team Leader authorizes otherwise
- if you hire a healer and don't team, your globals/hofs will count as Solo entries
- if you team with a healer, or anyone else, your globals/hofs will count as Team entries
- see specific rules and prizes below for both Solo/Team Hunting and Mining globals/hofs
- you can only win one Highest Solo Hunting global/hof prize across all 4 mob categories
- you can only win one Highest Team Hunting global/hof prize across all 4 mob categories
- you can also win one prize across all 3 mining categories
- --- your highest mining global/hof will determine if you win one of the 3 mining categories
Keep in mind that because this event is weekend-long, the Yamato warp schedule will be Friday, Mar 15th & Monday, Mar 18th.
(anyone eligible for the free space travel benefit will still fly free)
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> Malgar (UL) Shoggoth Helmet
- --- Winner --- Doc Orbitorb Gamer
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> Oberon (UL) Yog Helmet
- --- Winner --- Lenny Dove Dragon
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> Pinthas (UL) Cultist Helmet
- --- Winner --- A-Burn Burn Pyromaniac
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> Shade (UL) Shub Helmet
- --- Winner --- EnTaro Adun Artanis
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 300 PED
- --- Winner --- LCA Shoggy Stomp on Monria
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 300 PED
- --- Winner --- Love Craft Academy Monria Fever
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 300 PED
- --- Winner --- Love Craft Academy on Monria
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 300 PED
- --- Winner --- Monria Gimme Chapter Four
- Highest Solo Global/HoF -- Evil Leprechaun -- Prize --> Gold Leprechaun Pet
- --- Winner --- Shadow ShadowDragonV Dragon
- --- this is our non-pet, level 13 Evil Leprechaun that we bring out to play once in a while
- --- the Evil Leprechaun will drop Evil Leprechaun creature capsules
- --- this creature cannot be tamed
- the Evil Leprechauns will appear during the total chaos that takes place at the end of the parade as usual on Saturday
- then the Evil Leprechauns will first appear as random spawns across Monria on Saturday beginning at 16:00 game time
- --- this will continue throughout the rest of the event
- then there is a special one hour spawn of them on Sunday at 14:00
- --- the spawn will happen between Wang's Pet Stable and the Monria Boxing Ring
- these are not shared loot mobs, so please be considerate of other players in the area as well
- Time Begins | Sat, Mar 16th | 00:00 game time --> Time Ends | Sun, Mar 17th | 23:59 game time
- any Ore or Enmatter will count
- in case of a draw (2 or more globals/hofs with same value) -- the first recorded time wins
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Prize --> Yog Horror Pet
- --- Winner --- Ricardo Rick Sanchez
- Time Begins | Sat, Mar 16th | 00:00 game time --> Time Ends | Sun, Mar 17th | 23:59 game time
- in case of a draw -- (2 or more globals/hofs with same value) -- the first recorded time wins
- Single Highest Global/HoF on Maladrite -- Prize --> DSEC Seeker L30 Finder (L), plus Level 5 Finder Amplifier (L)
- --- Winner --- Marek ma111rek Sta
- Time Begins | Sat, Mar 16th | 00:00 game time --> Time Ends | Sun, Mar 17th | 23:59 game time
- in case of a draw -- (2 or more globals/hofs with same value) -- the first recorded time wins
- Single Highest Global/HoF on Zoldenite -- Prize --> DSEC Seeker L30 Finder (L), plus Level 5 Finder Amplifier (L)
- --- Winner --- John Howard Michaels
There was a total of 1632 globals/hofs during the 48 hr event time.
You can see all of the results in Ant's spreadsheet here where individual global/hof totals are included.
Right click and open in a new tab.
- those walking in the parade should be at DSEC Forensics at --> 12:30 game time
- Monria Owner/Moon Manager (Anhithe) will organize the line-up for the Parade March
- let's see if we can assemble an even larger parade participation than the last 8 years
- Ant will lead the parade into the DSEC Forensics crater to walk a specific path
- the parade will begin at --> 13:00 game time <-- please be on time
- set yourself to WALK instead of run -- press your Q key to toggle walk/run
- wave as you pass DME because photos will be taken
- --- please do not step in front of DME as it blocks the camera view -- thank you
- bring along a pet to add more festivity to the parade walk -- a Green Leprechaun would be nice
- --- the Green Leprechaun is easy enough to tame -- they can be found in the DSEC Military Camp
- carry handhelds and shoot off fireworks intermittently
14:30 - 17:00 game time --- watch Monria chat for the announcement ---
Do your best to assemble the most creative-looking Irish-related fashion you can and get ready to parade yourself in the DSEC Military Camp Monria Boxing Ring in an effort to win one of three PED prizes. Leave your ego outside of the ring, because during the fashion viewing by the judges, those who are not in contention for winning a prize will be eliminated --
I think you know what this means.

ALERT ... During the process of creating the Irish Fashion Competition event in the Event Organizer at the Monria Boxing Ring, I was reducing the Minimum Reputation Requirement based on previous feedback and set it to 0, but got an error message that creating the event "cannot be executed" ... so I set it to 10 and it worked.
However, when ShadowDragonV registered for the Irish Fashion Competition I got a message that 10 ped was deposited to my PED card. We NEVER charged a fee for any of our events, so this was an error on my side. I rechecked the Event Organizer and sure enough, it showed a 10 ped fee to enter the event (it caused me to curse in Monria chat, LOL).
So ... anyone registering for the event will be reimbursed the 10 peds, and I apologize. I will meet up with registrants at their locations when it's convenient for them and reimburse the 10 peds. I will keep track via screenshot of all trades and keep a written list.
Once again, my apologies ... I blame Decca !!!

- Time | 18:00 game time -- Location | DSEC Military Camp -- Monria Boxing Ring
- go North of the TP around the rock wall, and past Wang's Pet Stable to the boxing ring
- register with the Event Organizer at the boxing ring prior to the event
- --- you can also register through the Global Event System
- --- this is only for those who are participating in the SPD Fashion Contest
- be sure to register prior to 18:00 game time or you won't gain access to the boxing ring
- at 17:45 game time (or before), all participants should enter the boxing ring --- please be on time
- --- stand around the outer edge of the ring at the ropes and not in the center
- --- the Virtualsense Team Staff will be in the center of the ring reviewing your fashion
- --- DME will be capturing photos
- your look has to be a complete ensemble and not just a hat if you want to win --- go all out
- be your most creative self because this parade of fashion will be published in photos
- armor is allowed as part of your fashion statement but ...
- --- as a result of the process of elimination, know that your armor will take on decay
- if you are not in the running for winning a prize, you will be eliminated from the ring
- --- and you can't fight back
... if you do, you will be disqualified from any random prizes
- if you are eliminated, please respect the method of elimination, as well as your fellow contestants
- once eliminated, you may not re-enter the ring
- the eliminations will continue until there are 4 people standing --- they will be the winners
- once you are disqualified, don't leave the area -- you could be eligible for a random prize
- 1st Place Prize --- 400 PED
- --- Winner --- Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
- 2nd Place Prize --- 300 PED
- --- Winner --- Renwalda Renwalda Thorvald
- 3rd Place Prize --- 200 PED
- --- Winner --- Alya Alya Drarh
- Honorable Mention -- 100 PED
- --- Winner --- Dea Kali Devi
- prizes will be given out by DME after the winners are announced
- there will be a photo shoot of the winners directly after the competition
- all participants should vote for their favorite fashion of those who are participating
- --- there is a 1st, 2nd and 3rd PED prize for the most votes
The Virtualsense Team needs to show their love now and then.
Here is the graphic created by ShadowDragonV of the Irish Fashion Contest winners ...
18:00 - 19:59 game time --- watch Monria chat for the announcement ---
- prizes for the winners of the Hunting and Mining events will be determined on Tues, Mar 19th
- Ant will extract data from Entropia Life and create a spread sheet that will be linked in the first post
- prizes will be given out after the winners have been confirmed by Ant
- prizes for the Hunting and Mining events will be distributed by DME
- the St Patrick's Day Fashion Competition prizes will be given out right after the winners have been chosen by DME
- winners for all of the St Patrick's Day prizes will be posted in the event thread at the Monria forum on Tues, March 19th
Draniie Friends Monria
Team Leader: Angela Draniie Cloud
Deus Vult On Monria
Team Leader: Dea Kali Devi
Love Craft Academy on Monria
Team Leader: Chris MadJack Andrews
Monria MoonLight Shadow Guild
Team Leader: Noyce theNoiseMarine Lycan
Sith Family on Monria
Team Leader: Sith Meister
Grim Reapers on Monria
Team Leader: Boxer Hally Vortex
Killers from Monria
Team Leader: misha buldog nosorog
Monria Community Assistance Team
Team Leader: Shadow ShadowDragonV Dragon
Monria Gimme Chapter Four
Team Leader: Ghenno Content Creator
Monria Orla Sinead
Team Leader: Kyle Stillakilla EU
LCA Shoggy Stomp on Monria
Team Leader: Aya Onee Kyitsan
Love Craft Academy Monria Fever
Lovecraft Cult Crushers of Monria
Team Leader : Dextresis Dextresis Dejavu
Monria K0lb&Cool_guys
Team Leader: Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters