Anyone have a tutorial or whatever on Monria mining? I sometimes drop a tt probe here and there when wandering around to see what happens, but almost every time it's nrf on Monria. There was one time I found a little smidge of Maldorite but that was it...
Does monria mining work like the mining on the asteroids for the most part, where you have to have biggest amp you can afford and have to cross your fingers, eyes, and and toes in hopes for the best and may get back some small return once a year? (i.e. is it set up like 'indoor mining' since the craters basically work like 'domes' or not?)... On Rocktropia you get something back almost every drop, but I've read somewhere that Rocktropia is harder to hit it big because it doesn't have any 'something out of the ordinary' whatever that means... is that a problem that inhibits the moon as well? Seems like there should be lots of potential 'something out of the ordinary' out there of cthulu flavor potentially?
Does monria mining work like the mining on the asteroids for the most part, where you have to have biggest amp you can afford and have to cross your fingers, eyes, and and toes in hopes for the best and may get back some small return once a year? (i.e. is it set up like 'indoor mining' since the craters basically work like 'domes' or not?)... On Rocktropia you get something back almost every drop, but I've read somewhere that Rocktropia is harder to hit it big because it doesn't have any 'something out of the ordinary' whatever that means... is that a problem that inhibits the moon as well? Seems like there should be lots of potential 'something out of the ordinary' out there of cthulu flavor potentially?