Chukano Wrench Crowbar
Well-Known Member
Hi All,
After getting agreement and permission from Cerealkiller (thank you
and the success of the SAGE IX on Next Island and our First MINISAGE I on Toulan, and the earlier Monria Edition, the Crowbar Crew are returning to organize the Third MINI SAGE Event! This event will be held on Saturday the 23rd of October on Monria!
Back ground story: 'The Continued Battle for Monria'
'The epic Swunt and consequent battle was an immense victory for the Crew and Bonnie's Uber Army'
(Highlight of the battle)
However, the ancient evil on Monria's Moon can never be vanquished completely.... Whilst the Crew and Bonnie's army visited other places in the Entropia Universe where their assistance was needed, the Ancient evil started rebuilding its powerbase... Monria will have to be cleansed periodically so that we never face the same threat again on the scale we have encountered in the past. This means that a return to Monria is required so that our colonists can live in the relative peace and beauty the Moon offers.
The Crowbar Crew are ready to return to the dreaded Monria Moon. We call upon Settlers and Colonists from all planets to join us in this event and ensure our efforts to Colonize Monria are not in vain! Whilst keeping the first waves of evil creatures at bay we will require multiple Swunt teams to gather Sweat and Hunt creatures.
Expect massive Sweat Buys, crazy giveaways,
We will have multiple Swunt teams on Monria to assist us and where our Team captains give out weapons + 3 ped ammo and buy up to 3 k Sweat per team member for 2.5 ped 1k.
The whole event will be live-streamed first by with giveaways and special prizes.
A couple of differences:
This Mini Sage III will be held on the Monria Moon!
Due to my non-profit stream we are paying this Community Event ourselves with the help of many sponsors thus this MINISAGE event will be, as ever, limited to 100 Players from a cost-control perspective. More people can only be added when I secured enough funding to add more teams
(I/E. the last event was 100 people but ended with 110 people due to increased funding) Players will need to sign up on this Forum post and will be added to teams.
Administrator for this event will be Crew member: Arkadian
Keep checking this Post Periodically to ensure you do not miss any updates!
I am currently in the proces of arranging Warps from Calypso and Toulan (and if we find some lovely warpers maybe more places)
Plz be 30 mins earlier each warp to get into teams and be summoned up!
Feel free to use the Crowbar crew discord for further assistance during the event: Join the Wrench_Crowbar Discord Server!
MA Times:
17.00 Live stream starts!
17.30 CORRECTION: Camp Icarus Friday the 22nd of October (as per mail instructions) Additional warp is being arranged for Saturday the 23rd cause of My mistake (apologies all!)
18:00 Stream Starts!
18:30 AUTHORIZED team leaders will distribute 3 ped of ammo and a free herman ark-0 at our Swunt location (TBD keep an eye on this forum for more info)
19.00 Swunt start! FREE Healing will be provided by AUTHORIZED team leaders and everybody swunts.
21:00 AUTHORIZED team leaders will then gather up to 3k of sweat from each player at a rate of 2.5/k
21.00 Special Boss waves with co-Host BONNIE starting on Monria and hitting a Hussskkkkk on Caly?!?
I will use Cereals rules in addition to my own for a succesful event:
Words of Wisdom:
1. Please do not just show up and make a team, we will not give u anything.
2. Be careful on Warps! Log out or be ready to repair dont afk there is always a risk so please pay attention also on the Free Warp back on Sunday the 24th of October (time to be advised but early afternoon) to Calypso & Toulan. You can, of course, make your own way back to Caly or other planets after the event.
3. There will be Assistance in getting down to the planet but if at all possible please arrange for this on your own or take people with you if you can.
4. We know some people will exploit this event just to get free gear and/or free warps then not participate and yes this is disappointing and not what we are trying to achieve but as Cereal advised: Just because some people are different does not mean we shouldn't be who we are and pay for a massive Community Event/ super fun party.
5. If you have been identified as exploiting a previous event or are on my personal ignore list or banned from previous events you are not welcome at (Mini) SAGE events (This includes both Cereals list and my own!).
End notes:
This is our fourth time organizing an event of this magnitude and as always we ask you to please be patient if something goes wrong
Keep an Eye on this thread as there might be updates or important information added at a later stage!
Be aware that lag can be an issue, Do not let it spoil the fun though
Also I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Sponsors so far for MINI SAGE III:
MSB Community (Not from Entropia but still sponsoring), Rachel MsPuddins, THE Larry, My awesome Crew who are always supporting me with all crazy things we do
The EPIC Devs from VS who created the atmosphere for our stories and their support and many more to be still added!
P.S. Co-Host Bonnie, The Virtualsense team and Mindark are organizing a boss wave event starting on Monria from 21:00 MA time
After getting agreement and permission from Cerealkiller (thank you
Back ground story: 'The Continued Battle for Monria'
'The epic Swunt and consequent battle was an immense victory for the Crew and Bonnie's Uber Army'
(Highlight of the battle)
However, the ancient evil on Monria's Moon can never be vanquished completely.... Whilst the Crew and Bonnie's army visited other places in the Entropia Universe where their assistance was needed, the Ancient evil started rebuilding its powerbase... Monria will have to be cleansed periodically so that we never face the same threat again on the scale we have encountered in the past. This means that a return to Monria is required so that our colonists can live in the relative peace and beauty the Moon offers.
The Crowbar Crew are ready to return to the dreaded Monria Moon. We call upon Settlers and Colonists from all planets to join us in this event and ensure our efforts to Colonize Monria are not in vain! Whilst keeping the first waves of evil creatures at bay we will require multiple Swunt teams to gather Sweat and Hunt creatures.
Expect massive Sweat Buys, crazy giveaways,
We will have multiple Swunt teams on Monria to assist us and where our Team captains give out weapons + 3 ped ammo and buy up to 3 k Sweat per team member for 2.5 ped 1k.
The whole event will be live-streamed first by with giveaways and special prizes.
A couple of differences:
This Mini Sage III will be held on the Monria Moon!
Due to my non-profit stream we are paying this Community Event ourselves with the help of many sponsors thus this MINISAGE event will be, as ever, limited to 100 Players from a cost-control perspective. More people can only be added when I secured enough funding to add more teams
Administrator for this event will be Crew member: Arkadian
Keep checking this Post Periodically to ensure you do not miss any updates!
I am currently in the proces of arranging Warps from Calypso and Toulan (and if we find some lovely warpers maybe more places)
Plz be 30 mins earlier each warp to get into teams and be summoned up!
Feel free to use the Crowbar crew discord for further assistance during the event: Join the Wrench_Crowbar Discord Server!
MA Times:
17.00 Live stream starts!
17.30 CORRECTION: Camp Icarus Friday the 22nd of October (as per mail instructions) Additional warp is being arranged for Saturday the 23rd cause of My mistake (apologies all!)
18:00 Stream Starts!
18:30 AUTHORIZED team leaders will distribute 3 ped of ammo and a free herman ark-0 at our Swunt location (TBD keep an eye on this forum for more info)
19.00 Swunt start! FREE Healing will be provided by AUTHORIZED team leaders and everybody swunts.
21:00 AUTHORIZED team leaders will then gather up to 3k of sweat from each player at a rate of 2.5/k
21.00 Special Boss waves with co-Host BONNIE starting on Monria and hitting a Hussskkkkk on Caly?!?
I will use Cereals rules in addition to my own for a succesful event:
Words of Wisdom:
1. Please do not just show up and make a team, we will not give u anything.
2. Be careful on Warps! Log out or be ready to repair dont afk there is always a risk so please pay attention also on the Free Warp back on Sunday the 24th of October (time to be advised but early afternoon) to Calypso & Toulan. You can, of course, make your own way back to Caly or other planets after the event.
3. There will be Assistance in getting down to the planet but if at all possible please arrange for this on your own or take people with you if you can.
4. We know some people will exploit this event just to get free gear and/or free warps then not participate and yes this is disappointing and not what we are trying to achieve but as Cereal advised: Just because some people are different does not mean we shouldn't be who we are and pay for a massive Community Event/ super fun party.
5. If you have been identified as exploiting a previous event or are on my personal ignore list or banned from previous events you are not welcome at (Mini) SAGE events (This includes both Cereals list and my own!).
End notes:
This is our fourth time organizing an event of this magnitude and as always we ask you to please be patient if something goes wrong
Keep an Eye on this thread as there might be updates or important information added at a later stage!
Be aware that lag can be an issue, Do not let it spoil the fun though
Also I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Sponsors so far for MINI SAGE III:
MSB Community (Not from Entropia but still sponsoring), Rachel MsPuddins, THE Larry, My awesome Crew who are always supporting me with all crazy things we do
P.S. Co-Host Bonnie, The Virtualsense team and Mindark are organizing a boss wave event starting on Monria from 21:00 MA time
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