Looking for Gremlin armor pieces(M)

Woulfear Runt

Active Member
This is a shout out to all Monria shop owners and sellers of stuff out of your apartments. I have reached a point where I am looking to upgrade my great adj. Pixie armor. Am slowly collecting pieces of Gremlin armor and am wandering if any of you lovely folks have any to sell. Would rather spend my ped on the moon then Caly AH. Also is anyone selling laser rifles and longblades for a lowbie with a skill level 11 in lasers, and 16 in swords?? Thank you for your responses and I will check out your shops, shopkeepers. : )


Maximus Cashicus

Well-Known Member
Hey Woulf, I have a decent selection of laser rifles in Cthulhu shop 6, in swords I think I've only a falcata in my shopkeeper. As for gremlin, I'm not sure if I have any left, armor is upstairs in the shop. Good luck on getting what you need :)



Virtualsense Official
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Woulf, you're just a super sweetheart, and we love having you in our community when you have the time. It's great when people support our Shop Owners and those who sell out of their apartments with Shopkeepers. Right before a big event, I'm always cruising the shops to see what goodies I can grab ... Kendra and I both like shopping on Monria. :D


Virtualsense Official
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It's your lucky day Woulfy ... I have the Face Mask, leave me a note here to let me know when you're about. :)

Woulfear Runt

Active Member
It's your lucky day Woulfy ... I have the Face Mask, leave me a note here to let me know when you're about. :)
Oh sweeet :), DME you are the Chief Fun Officer(CFO)...thank you very much..should be flying to Monria tonight and hanging around through the weekend. Again ty so very much. You all are the cat's meow. :ecstatic

Woulfear Runt

Active Member
Hey DME, its Saturday. I should be in game about 9am (PST), or 12noon(EST), and I think its carry the 1 and divide by 2 for GMT(4pm GMT). Whew to much math.. Hope to see you in game.


Virtualsense Official
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I'll look for you around noon my time then Woulf. :)


Virtualsense Staff
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Official Moon Shopper
Virtualsense Media Team
are you in game now?
I can log in and give you the thigh guards


Virtualsense Staff
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Official Moon Shopper
Virtualsense Media Team
ah sorry I was away all day and I can't log in just now
I'll catch you tomorrow :)
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