Leprechaun buff unlock bug


New Member
My Leprechaun has reached level 11 and in spite of taming a few bunnies on Calypso, the criteria remains at 0.0%. When I put the required number of essence in carried inventory, it changes from red.

I've unlocked both buffs on a Sapphire Devil, so it isn't my first time, not that it's anything special either.

Anyone else?


Virtualsense Official
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I know that Rosa has gotten her Leprechaun to level 11, but not sure she tried to unlock any buffs. I think maybe Ant might need to address this because I'm not sure about unlocking the buffs with our pet.


New Member
I started a thread on PCF about the Pet Focus - Decrease Regeneration passive buff and based on the replies, no one has any idea how to get the criteria moving from 0.0%. So I filed a support case as well.... it take a few months to get an answer based recent response times though.
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