"Learning to Craft" Mission (Help needed!)


New Member
Greetings. I am very new here, so please bear with me. I searched for an answer before posting this, but was unable to find one.

I am presently trying to complete the "Learning to Craft" mission given by Faiza in Guardian Village. This quest requires me to loot 20x Tabtab Golden Tooth. Since picking up the quest, I have killed over one hundred tabtabs on and around the waypoint indicated on my map, but I've yet to loot even one single, solitary Tabtab Golden Tooth.

Am I missing something? Have I done something wrong? I have picked up a few normal tabtab teeth but they did not update the quest, so clearly they are not the ones required.

I would really like to complete this stage of the quest so that I can move on to the crafting part.

Any information or advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated!


Beladcom Official
Hi Amythae,

I'm sorry for any inconvenience in looting Tabtab Golden Tooth, as soon as you have activated the "Learning to Craft" mission, you should be able to loot it from Tabtabs.

Please try to abandon the mission, and activate it again to see if you start looting it.

In case it doesn't work, please PM me here on forum with your full avatar name to further assist you.

Thank you for your valued feedback, we'll be looking into the loot availability of "Tabtab Golden Tooth".


New Member
Thank you so much for the reply. I really appreciate it!

After much trial and error, and the death of many tabtabs, I figured out that the reason the golden teeth weren't dropping is because I was teamed with another player. As soon as it occurred to me to drop the team, I had no trouble collecting the teeth. And just to be sure, I tested it by teaming up again--no teeth.

In any case, as long as I was NOT teamed, the teeth dropped just fine and I was able to complete the mission.

Thanks again for the reply.


Major Redeye

New Member
I can't finished the mission, I gathered my golden tooths and went straight to crafting, then I went to the npc and it says to do the 5 attempts but have no more bp , I tried restarting it, I can loot the golden tooth but I don't get anymore bp to do the 5 attempts so I'm stuck.


New Member
Hi all ! Same problem - no teeth. Im not in a party or smth. Yesterday i was swant young and mature and old tabs near the point of Learning To Craft mission. I swant 200 for daily and there is no any single tooth dropped. So i start searching google etc. And <a href='http://www.entropiawiki.com/Info.aspx?chart=Material&id=2429'>here</a> i found that Tab Tooth can be dropped from PROVIDERS. Soooo i go other point. Searching for providers.))) At the point there were only 3-4 providers per 10 min not more. Also they fat and strong, i cant swant them, only kill and its not profitable to hunt them. Still no teeth from it. I killed about 20 but i cant do it more quz it cost of amo.
I start think that tab tooth is a myth or deleted rare stuff.
SO i continue googling etc. I found this forum. I found this thread.
Amythae told that he found the answer after leaving party and he talk about GOLDEN teeth that i never heard about. So i guess that golden tooth dropped from tabs any maturity when u have activated Quest Missoin. And i just have a bug. I will abandon this and try it again as Mohammed sayd and will write here. brb.
Ok, here i am. Restart quest. Still no teeth. One man here told me that teeth doesnt drop anymore. He killed about 1k tabs and didnt find any.
However, he found 1 tooth right now! He link me "Default TabTab Tooth". Is it needed for mission? wtf
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