Kamoosh outside GV issues


Well-Known Member
Shop Owner
VCAT Team Member
We have an issue....

Kamoosh is fun, its good store content but thers a few issues with the current setup

Thers more then one kamoosh spawning close to eachother, fairly often they end up at the same spot, this makes them unkillable for anyone but the very best of players.
The kamoosh are unlike their cousins in the tabtab wave not shared mobs so teams are needed if we join forces.
The kamoosh insta spawns once killed, sometimes creating a unsafe work invoroment.
The threat range is so high that its sometimes charging players inside the quaffaz wave.
They pester new players who are doing juveniles just outside GV, and we cant always help them out.
Thers new player mission spots in or near the areas where they spawn.
On Toulan you dont farm kamoosh, they farm you....

Please have a look at the dynamics, if not allready planned.

Chukano Wrench Crowbar

Well-Known Member
Ah yes, this would be great, I got Kharnooshed while innocently mining on the border of the Qaffaz wave spawn.

Another time one came into the wave spawn and we shot it getting no loot at all cause it was not shared.

Thanks for bringing this up Hally!

Kind regards,

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